HPB-SD(ed.1) v.2 p.1 st.7 sl.25

From Teopedia
The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Verbatim first edition
volume 2 Anthropogenesis, part 1 Anthropogenesis, stanza 7 From the Semi-Divine Down to the First Human Races, sloka 25 They will not incarnate in the early “Egg-born”
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a suggestive explanation.

25. How did the Manasa, the Sons of Wisdom act ? They rejected the Self-born, ( the boneless ). They are not ready. They spurned the ( First ) Sweat-Born. * They are not quite ready. They would not enter the (First) egg-born. †

To a Theist or a Christian this verse would suggest a rather theological idea : that of the Fall of the Angels through Pride. In the Secret Doctrine, however, the reasons for the refusal to incarnate in half-ready physical bodies seem to be more connected with physiological than metaphysical reasons. Not all the organisms were sufficiently ready. The incarnating powers chose the ripest fruits and spurned the rest. ‡

By a curious coincidence, when selecting a familiar name for the continent on which the first androgynes, the Third Root-Race, separated, the writer chose, on geographical considerations, that of “ Lemuria,” invented by Mr. P. L. Sclater. It is only later, that reading Hæckel’s “ Pedigree of Man,” it was found that the German “ Animalist ” had chosen the name for his late continent. He traces, properly enough, the centre of human evolution to “ Lemuria,” but with a slight scientific variation. Speaking of it as that “ cradle of mankind,” he pictures the gradual transformation of the anthropoid mammal into the primeval savage ! ! Vogt, again, holds that in America Man sprang from a branch of the platyrrhine apes, independently of the origination of the African and Asian root-stocks from the old world catarrhinians. Anthropologists are, as usual, at loggerheads on this question, as on many others. We shall examine this claim in the light of esoteric philosophy in Stanza VIII. Meanwhile, let us give a few moments of attention to the various consecutive modes of procreation according to the laws of Evolution.

Let us begin by the mode of reproduction of the later sub-races of the Third human race, by those who found themselves endowed with the sacred fire from the spark of higher and then independent Beings, who were the psychic and spiritual parents of Man, as the lower Pitar Devata (the Pitris) were the progenitors of his physical body. That Third and holy Race consisted of men who, at their zenith, were described

* This is explained in the section which follows this series of Stanzas in the allegory from the Purânas concerning Kandu, the holy sage, and Pramlochâ, the nymph alleged to have hypnotised him, (Vide §§ II., Commentary after St. I.), a suggestive allegory, scientifically, as the drops of perspiration, which she exuded, are the symbols of the spores of science (Vide infra).

† This will be explained as we proceed. This unwillingness to fashion men, or create, is symbolized in the Purânas by Daksha having to deal with his opponent Narada, the “ strife-making ascetic.”

Vide Verse 24.

the secret doctrine.

as, “ towering giants of godly strength and beauty, and the depositories of all the mysteries of Heaven and Earth.” Have they likewise fallen, if, then, incarnation was the Fall ?

Of this presently. The only thing now to be noted of these is, that the chief gods and heroes of the Fourth and Fifth Races, as of later antiquity, are the deified images of these men of the Third. The days of their physiological purity, and those of their so-called Fall, have equally survived in the hearts and memories of their descendants. Hence, the dual nature shown in those gods, both virtue and sin being exalted to their highest degree, in the biographies composed by posterity. They were the pre-Adamite and the divine Races, with which even theology, in whose sight they are all “ the accursed Cainite Races,” now begins to busy itself.

But the action of “ spiritual progenitors ” of that Race has first to be disposed of. A very difficult and abstruse point has to be explained with regard to Stanzas 26 and 27. These say : —