Linga Purâna
A scripture of the Saivas or worshippers of Siva. Therein Maheswara, “the great Lord”, concealed in the Agni Linga explains the ethics of life—duty, virtue, self‐sacrifice and finally liberation by and through ascetic life at the end of the Agni Kalpa (the Seventh Round). As Professor Wilson justly observed “the Spirit of the worship (phallic) is as little influenced by the character of the type as can well be imagined. There is nothing like the phallic orgies of antiquity; it is all mystical and spiritual.” (TG).
To show: Linga Purâna; sortable: Linga Purana
Shortly: A scripture of the Saivas or worshippers of Siva. Therein Maheswara, “the great Lord”, concealed...