A school of philosophy; one of the six in India. There are two Mîmânsâ the older and the younger. The first, the “Pârva‐Mîmânsâ”, was founded by Jamini, and the later or “Uttara Mîmânsâ”, by a Vyasa—and is now called the Vedânta school. Sankarâchârya was the most prominent apostle of the latter. The Vedânta school is the oldest of all the six Darshana (lit., “demonstrations”), but even to the Pûrva‐Mîmânsâ no higher antiquity is allowed than 500 B.C. Orientalists in favour of the absurd idea that all these schools are “due to Greek influence”, in order to have them fit their theory would make them of still later date. The Shad‐darshana (or Six Demonstrations) have all a starting point in common, and maintain that ex nihilo nihil fit (TG).
To show: Mîmânsâ; sortable: Mimansa
Shortly: A school of philosophy; one of the six in India. There are two Mîmânsâ the older and the younger. Th...