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* The Knout. As Wielded by the Great Russian Theosophist. Mr. Coleman's
* The Knout. As Wielded by the Great Russian Theosophist. Mr. Coleman's
* First Appearance
* First Appearance
* Indian Metaphysics
* "H.M." and the Todas
* The Todas
* The Ahkoond of Swat. The Founder of Many Mystical Societies
* The Arya Samaj
* Parting Words
* "Not a Christian"!
* The Retort Courteous
* "Scrutator Again "
* Magic
* A Republican Citizen
* The Theosophists and their Opponents
* Echoes from India. What is Hindu Spiritualism?
* Missionaries Militant
* The History of a "Book"
* A Wrench View of Women's Rights
* Occult Phenomena
* Hindu Widow-Marriage
* "Oppressed Widowhood" in America
* "Esoteric Buddhism" and its Critic
* Mr.A. Lillie's Delusions
* What is Theosophy?
* What are the Theosophists?
* Antiquity of the Vedas
* Persian Zoroastrianism and Russian Vandalism
* Cross and Fire
* War in Olympus
* A Land of Mystery
* Which First-the Egg or the Bird?
* The Pralaya of Modern Science
* The Yoga Philosophy
* A Year of Theosophy
* "A Word whith Our Friends"
* Questions Answered about Yoga Vidya
* The Missing Link
* Hypnotism
* The Leaven of Theosophy
* Count St. Germain
* Lamas and Druses
* A Reply to Our Critics. Our Final Answer to Several Objections
* "The Claims of Occultism"
* A Note on Eliphas Levi
* The Six-Pointed and Five-Pointed Stars
* The Grand Inquisitor
* The Bright Spot of Light
* "Is it Idle to Argue Further?"
* Fragments of Occult Truth
* Notes on some Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets
* The Thoughts of the Dead
* Dreamland and Somnambulism
* Are Dreams but Idle Visions?
* Spiritualism and Occult Truth
* Reincarnation in Tibet

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