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Letter proving how much the Baron left us.
Letter proving how much the Baron left us.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 54, there is pasted a cutting from the Banner of Light, dated by H.P.B. herself as of March, 1887. It bears the title: “Art Magic—Explanation Desired!” The writer. William Emmette Coleman, of Leavenworth, Kansas, asks for an explanation concerning the difference between the original price of Mrs. Emma Hardinge-Britten’s Art Magic for subscribers ($5.00), and the price advertised then ($3.00) for sale to the general public.
H.P.B. wrote in blue pencil at the left side of the cutting:]}}
Actually Emma H. Britten surreptitiously published 1,500 copies (through Wheat & Comette, N.Y.).
{{HPB-CW-comment|[and at the right side of the cutting:]}}
I was an original subscriber for two copies.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[Also published in the New York Sun, under the title “Various Slanders Refuted,” as appears from H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 61.—Compiler.]}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 61, H.P.B. marked in red pencil most of this paragraph and also added the words:
What I am
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, pp. 67-68 (old numbering Vol. II, pp. 49-50) may be found a cutting from The Illustrated Weekly, Saturday, June 2, 1877, an American journal published in New York in 1875-77. The cutting contains a rather celebrated poem of Ivan Sergueyevich Turguenyev entitled “Croquet at Windsor,” translated by H.P.B. into English, at the special request of her aunt, Nadyezhda A. de Fadeyev, as appears from one of her letters to H.P.B. now in the Adyar Archives. This poem, in its original Russian, acquired a wide notoriety during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78.]}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 79, there is a cutting from the Banner of Light of September 8, 1877. It is a very appreciative review by Dr. G. Bloede of some advance sheets of Isis Unveiled. H.P.B. wrote at the bottom of the first column:]}}
This is the same Dr. Bloede who a year before abused us & Theosophy & then made my acquaintance, begged my pardon &—joined us, and ever remained a friend.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 83, there is a cutting concerning Dr. J. M. Peeble’s travels in India and Africa. He looks upon Buddhists as being Spiritualists, and suggests that millions of Spiritualistic tracts be distributed among them to enlighten them on the subject of “angel ministry.”}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|To this H.P.B. added the following remarks in pen and ink:]}}
Heaven save the mark! It is not enough for the poor Hindus to be pestered with Christian missionaries, but they must have the affliction of being bombarded with tracts and lectures of modern Spiritualism. Of Spiritualism of which they and their forefathers were just masters and professors for the last several millenniums.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 95, there is a cutting from the Religio-Philosophical Journal with an article by E. Gerry Brown on Elementaries and Elementals. It is Brown’s reaction to H.P.B.’s own article entitled “Elementaries” in the same Journal, and he is defending the Spiritualistic viewpoint. H.P.B. wrote the following remarks in pen and ink :]}}
Bravo Gerry Brown! Good and noble from a friend who not long ago called us his benefactors!! E. G. Brown a medium, a sensitive, c’est tout dire.
{{HPB-CW-SB-reference|1:271|1:70, 7-46}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. I, p. 70, H.P.B. pasted the last portion of an article by Emily Kislingbury entitled “Spiritualism in America,” published in The Spiritualist of London, December 14, 1877. Above the cutting, H.P.B. wrote in ink:]}}
Address delivered by our friend and Brahmabodhini—Emily Kislingbury before the B. N. Asson of Spiritualists in London December 1877.
Complimentary bits from it—to poor H.P.B. (poor Violet!)
{{HPB-CW-comment|[The last parenthetical remark is in blue pencil and might have been added by Col. Olcott.]}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. VII, p. 46, H.P.B. pasted another article by the same writer and wrote the following remarks on a small card decorated with coloured flowers:]}}
Emily Kislingbury, one of the few redeeming features of Humanity.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[Sometime in December, 1877, W. J. Colville, a trance medium, was giving trance-addresses in London. A cutting pasted in H. P. B’s Scrapbook. Vol. IV, p. 108, tells that his guides lectured the Sunday before against the views of the Theosophists, as laid down by Col. Olcott. Under this statement, H.P.B. wrote in pencil:]}}
Oh poor miserable Moloney! We must be disreputable and wrong in our views indeed to have thus lecturing against the latter the sweet denizens of the Sugary Spheeeres!!!. . .
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 125, H.P.B. pasted a cutting from the New York World of April 4, 1874, entitled “Incremation.” It is most likely that the following remarks written by her in red pencil (much faded) were made at a later period, probably about the end of 1877:]}}
A PAGE FAR BACK—H. S. Olcott’s idea on “Cremation” so far back as 1874; which proves that the cremation of the Baron was not due to theosophical ideas alone.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In the same Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 140, H.P.B. pasted a cutting concerning the exposure of the medium James M. Choate whose alleged phenomenal flowers were hidden in his handkerchief. It appears that the medium, “without making any explanation,” departed “by the back entrance.” H.P.B. added the following suggestion in pen and ink:]}}
Insist upon thoroughly searching every “Medium,” and thus two-thirds of them will do likewise—and disappear through the back door . . .
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In connection with an article by George Corbyn entitled “Rosicrucianism” and published in the Spiritual Scientist, criticising the article by “Hiraf” as well as H.P.B.’s reply thereto, H.P.B. wrote in her Scrapbook, Vol. III, p. 256, as follows:]}}
I am sorry Mr. Corbyn is so ignorant of Masonry. Since his was written I have received from the Sovereign Grand Master General of the A. and P. Rite of England and Wales a diploma of 32nd Degree.
{{Style P-Signature|H.P.B.
N. Y. Jan.

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