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  | source title = Spiritualist, The
  | source title = London Spiritualist
  | source details = Jan. 11, 1878
  | source details = No. 281, January 11, 1878, p. 15
  | publication date = 1878-01-11
  | publication date = 1878-01-11
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{{Style S-Small capitals|The}} following is a letter from the spirit “Lillie” (who manifests''''' '''''through Miss K. Cook’s mediumship), and which was addressed, a few days ago, to Mr. Charles Blackburn, of Parkfield, Didsbury, near Manchester:—
To my friend, Mr. Blackburn,
So many questions have been asked lately about the drapery worn by materialised spirits, and so many doubts raised as to its spiritual manufacture, that I think it but right that I, as a spirit, should try and give you what information I am able on the subject. I fear, however, I can give you but few new ideas; I can only state my experiences. I know that it is possible for spirits to materialise drapery, but, as a rule with most mediums, it is only done on rare occasions. It is impossible to form such material unless corresponding material is worn or possessed by the medium or sitters, for everything in the material world has its corresponding quality in the spirit world. White is usually chosen by spirits, but if dyes of a vegetable nature were placed in the ''seance ''room, almost any spirit could change their white drapery to the colour of the dyes so placed; this experiment, with a little development, could be done before the sitters’ eyes, with either drapery materialised by spirits, or material made in your world.
The materialisation of drapery is by no means so common as when materialisation of spirit forms were first developed. Spirits have so much to do to form themselves, that the drapery becomes a secondary consideration; it is easier to take from and restore to different places sufficient white material to clothe themselves, and I cannot think it dishonest to do so, providing the spirit so clothed plainly tells you that the dress is of your own world’s manufacture. I, myself, have spirits under my control able to fetch me the clothing required; it is dematerialised in the place it is brought from, and conveyed in that state to the ''seance ''room, or near the medium. By the help of a power drawn from the medium, I am enabled to again render it material; so, in one sense, all spirit clothing is of spiritual manufacture. I may here say that it is not absolutely necessary for the medium through whom the materialisation takes place to be present, or near, while the materialisation of the drapery is performed. Many people have noticed that when a spirit first issues from the cabinet its clothing appears phosphorescent, and they take that as a proof that the dress is not of their world; but this is no proof; the dress is merely covered with a substance taken from the medium, and which disappears after the spirit has been in the room some time, and so keeps away from the medium.
If I have not made those things clear to you, or you would wish to ask questions, write either to me or to Katie, and I will do my best to explain myself on this matter or any other. I should have written this before, but I have been trying many new things lately, and have succeeded well in my experiments. Do not, however, have Katie to see you just yet. I wish her to be rather more developed. Give my kindest love to your daughter, and believe me always to be your true and faithful friend,
{{Style P-Signature in capitals|Lillie}}

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  | author = Carter Blake,C.
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  | source title = Spiritualist,The
  | source title = London Spiritualist
  | source details = Jan. 11, 1878
  | source details = No. 281, January 11, 1878, p. 15
  | publication date = 1878-01-11
  | publication date = 1878-01-11
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<center>SEANCES FOR INQUIRERS.</center>
{{Style S-Small capitals|In}} Wednesday, the 2nd inst., one of the above ''seances, ''with Mr, Eglintbn as medium, took place at 38, Great Russell-street, London, under the direction of the ''Seance Committee ''of the National Association of Spiritualists, the circle consisting of nine persons. Mr. Eglinton’s sleeves were sewn together, and affixed to the back of the coat; such tests being accepted as “almost absolutely conclusive” by some experienced Spiritualists, as proving that any hand shown at a distance from the medium could not be his own hand. The coat was further sewn together at the breast, and the curtains pinned together in front of the medium’s face. Light being lowered, the usual phenomena of lifting the book-cover, motion of the “fairy bells,” agitation of small objects in front of the medium, were shown as on previous occasions. A sound was then heard, which some present considered to bear a resemblance to that which would have been produced if the strings of the fairy bells had been thrummed. Several ladies and gentlemen put their hands into the cabinet, and stated that they were grasped by a hand at a distance from the medium. At this time, under the directions of the voice familiarly called “Joey,” the arms of the medium had been tied around the upper part of the biceps, with tape on the right hand side, and with thread on the left hand side, the ends of the respective tape and thread being held by the sitters outside the cabinet. The object of this ‘‘test,’’ as directed by “Joey,” was not apparent to me. “Joey’’ then called for a piece of paper, and a pencil. I produced from my own pocket a sheet of paper, and filled a pen with ink. This was held before the front of the cabinet by a visitor, who stated that it was taken from him, and the following words written:—“What constitutes truth?” “The present manifestation.” “Joey is a spirit,” and a fourth message, which is so scrawled and written over the others that I can scarcely read it, though oihers read it, “I am not the medium’s spirit,” which it may very well be. I then took the paper, and, putting the clean side upmost, filled a pen with ink, which was taken from me by a white object, having resemblance to a hand, and showing separate movement in what would be called (on the hypothesis that it was an “astral” hand) fingers. When taking the pen from me, this “hand” was decidedly warm to the touch. At this time the spot where the curtains were pinned together by me (a second time) was about three or four inches higher than Mr. Eglinton’s head. I saw at a distance of about six inches between my eye and the “astral” hand, the pen moved on the paper slowly, and the words written, “I am not the medium’s ''(sic) ''s,” the writing failing because there was no more ink in the pen. I beg to present this piece of paper to the Association, without comparison of the handwriting with that of Mr. Eglinton, but noting the fact that the tapes and sewing were found to be intact at the end of the ''seance, ''and that several times immediately after a manifestation, visitors entered the cabinet and satisfied themselves of the feet that Mr. Eglinton’s hands were in the position in which they had been placed in the earlier part of the evening.— {{Style S-Small capitals|C. Carter Blake}}, ''Member of the Seance Committee, in charge.''

<gallery widths=300px heights=300px>
london_spiritualist_n.281_1878-01-11.pdf|page=5|London Spiritualist, No. 281, January 11, 1878, p. 15