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| {{{field | description | input type=textarea | rows=7 |default= <nowiki>{{etg-source|TG}}</nowiki>.}}}
| {{{field | description | input type=textarea | rows=7 |default= <nowiki>{{etg-source|TG}}</nowiki>.}}}
<div style="font-size: 90%; color: grey;">Use '''<nowiki>[[</nowiki>'''term'''<nowiki>]]</nowiki>''' for links  to other terms. '''{{c|Terms from TG}}''' holds terms from ''Theosophical Glossary''. </div>
<div style="font-size: 90%; color: grey;">Use '''<nowiki>[[</nowiki>'''term'''<nowiki>]]</nowiki>''' for links  to other terms. Category '''{{c|Terms from TG}}''' consist of terms from ''Theosophical Glossary''. </div>

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! colspan=2 | <center>Period of existence (lifetime)</center>
! colspan=2 | <center>Period of existence (lifetime)</center>
| Start - end dates {{#info: Birth and death dates for persons.}}  
| width=150px |Start - end dates {{#info: For persons they are birth and death dates. Format: '''YYYY-MM-DD''' (Year-Month-Day).}}  
| {{{field|start|input type=datepicker|size=12}}} - {{{field|end|input type=datepicker|size=12}}}
| {{{field|start|input type=text|size=12|placeholder=YYYY-MM-DD}}} - {{{field|end|input type=text|size=12|placeholder=YYYY-MM-DD}}}
| Approximate {{#info: Use only if exact dates are not known}}  
| Approximate {{#info: Use only if exact dates are not known}}  
| {{{field|approximate duration|input type=text|size=30}}}
| {{{field|approximate duration|input type=text|size=30}}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Resources
|- vlign=top
{| align=left
| colspan=2 | '''Teopedia''' (;) {{#info: list of Teopedia pages separated by ";"}}
| H.P.Blavatsky
| {{{field | quotes hpb | input type=text | size=17 |placeholder=list separated by ";" }}}
| [[:t-ru-lib:Категория:Статьи БТС|Articles in Russian]]
| {{{field | etg rus | input type=text | size=17 |placeholder=list separated by ";"}}}
{| align=right
| colspan=2 | '''Internet''' (;) {{#info: list of external Internet resources separated by ";"}}
| [[tsw-en:|Theosophy.wiki]]
| {{{field | tsw en | input type=text | size=17 |placeholder=list separated by ";"}}}
| [[wp:|Wikipedia]]
| {{{field | wikipedia | input type=text | size=17 |placeholder=list separated by ";"}}}
| Other  {{#info: [URL1 text1]; [URL2 text2]}} {{{field | other resources | input type=text | size=70 |placeholder=list separated by ";"}}}
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