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'''Aglio, Agostino'''. Italian painter, draughtsman, engraver and lithographer, b. at Cremona, 1777; died in London, 1857. Travelled, 1797, through Greece and Egypt with the architect W. Wilkins. Established himself in England, 1803. Collaborated with Wilkins on the Antiquities of Magna Grecia (London, 1807), and with Lord {{Page aside|522}}Kingsborough (q.v.) on the Antiquities oj Mexico (London, 183148). Produced also A Collection of Capitals and Friezes drawn from the Antique (London, 1820-30).
'''Aglio, Agostino'''. Italian painter, draughtsman, engraver and lithographer, b. at Cremona, 1777; died in London, 1857. Travelled, 1797, through Greece and Egypt with the architect W. Wilkins. Established himself in England, 1803. Collaborated with Wilkins on the Antiquities of Magna Grecia (London, 1807), and with Lord {{Page aside|522}}Kingsborough (q.v.) on the Antiquities oj Mexico (London, 183148). Produced also A Collection of Capitals and Friezes drawn from the Antique (London, 1820-30).
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'''Aksakov, Alexander Nikolayevich (1832-1903)'''. *Article in La Revue Magnétique, February, 1879. Fide for biogr. sketch Vol. 1, pp. 444-46, of the present Series.
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'''Allbutt, H. A'''. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Society. ‘Lecture delivered at Manchester, June 1880.
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Arnold, Sir Edwin (1832-1904). *The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation (Mahâbhinishkramana). Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism (As Told in Verse by an Indian Buddhist). London: Trübner & Co., 1879.— *The Indian Song of Songs. From the Sanskrit of the Gita Govinda of Jayadeva, 1875.
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'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>Atharva-Feda'''. The Sanhitâ ed. by R. Roth and W. D. Whitney, Berlin, 1855-56.—With the Comm, of Sâyanâchârya. Ed. by Shankar Pândurang Pandit, Bombay, 1895-98, 4 vols.— Transi, into Engl, verse by Ralph T. H. Griffith, Benares, 1895-96, 2 vols.; also by Whitney and C. R. Lanman, Cambridge, Mass., 1905.—Tr. into Engl, prose by M. Bloomfield, Oxford, 1897, in SBE, Vol. XLII.
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'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>Avesta'''. Consult The Zend-Avesta. Transl. by James Darmesteter. Parts I, II & III (the latter tr. by L. H. Mills). Oxford: Clarendon Press, SBE, IV, XXIII, XXXI.
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'''Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)'''. *Neiv Atlantis, 1659.
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'''Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, Jules (1805-95)'''. *Le Bouddha et sa religion, Paris, 1860.
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'''Bastian, Adolf'''. German ethnologist and discoverer, b. at Bremen, June 26, 1826; d. at Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.L, Feb. 2, 1905. Went in 1851 to Australia as ship’s-doctor, and continued from there as discoverer to Peru, Mexico, California, China, East-India, Syria, Palestine and Egypt, returning home in 1859. Travelled again, 1861-65, through India, Japan, China, crossing the Gobi. In South America, 1875-76. Further extensive journeys throughout the world most of his life, collecting rich scientific material. Together with Rudolf Virchow, founded, 1869, the Berlin Anthropological Society, and is considered the founder of modern ethnography. Chief Works: Der Mensch in der Geschichte (1860).—Der Menschheits-gedanke durch Raum und Zeil (2 vols., 1901).—Die Volker des {{Page aside|523}}Ostl. Asien (6 vols., 1866-71).—*Zur Mythologie und Psychologic der Nigritier in Guinea, etc., Berlin, 1894.
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'''Blochvitz, Dr'''. *Art. in Die Gegenwart on “The Significance of the Number Seven.”
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'''Boldetti, Marco Antonio'''. Italian antiquary, b. at Rome, Nov. 19, 1663; d. Dec. 4, 1749. Was Vatican-scribe for Hebrew language. Clement XI appointed him Inspector of Rome Catacombs. Chief Work: ‘Osservazioni sopra i cimiterj de’ Santi Martiri, ed antichi Crisliani di Roma, etc. Rome, 1720 fol.
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'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>Book of the Dead, The'''. Passages quoted have been checked by the English translation of the Theban Recension by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge; 2nd rev. and enl. ed., London, Kegan Paul; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1928. 3 vols. in one.
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'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>Brihadarariyakopanishad'''. Trans, with Comm, of Madhavacharya (and text of Upanishad by Sris Chandra Vasu. Allahabad: Panini’s Off., 1916. SBH XIV.; ed. and transl. by Bohtlingk, Leipzig, 1889.
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'''Broca, Pierre-Paul'''. Famous French surgeon and anthropologist, b. at Sainte-Foy-la Grande (Gironde), June 28, 1824; d. at Paris, July 9, 1880. Studied mathematics first, then medicine, becoming an M.D., 1849. Taught surgery and was appointed, 1853, Surgeon of the Hospitals. Elected Fellow of Academy of Medicine, 1867. Made famous studies on the “localisations” in the brain, identifying center of speech; contributed vastly to science of anthropology and engaged in helpful humanitarian work in his profession during the Franco-German war. Was the founder of the Institut Anthropoligique, 1878, overcoming clerical opposition. Issued Revue anthropologique from 1872 on. Wrote extensively on medical and anthropological subjects.
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'''Browning, Robert, (1812-89)'''. *Pheidippides.
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'''Buchanan, Joseph Rodes (1814-99)'''. *Manual of Psychometry: the Dawn of a New Civilization. Published by the Author, Boston, 1885. Fide for biogr. sketch Vol. VI. pp. 429-30, of the present Series.
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'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>Buddhism and Christianity Face to Face'''. Pamphlet edition of the Report of one of the great debates between High Priest Mohottiwatte of Ceylon and the Missionaries. London and Boston, 1877.— The Catalog of the British Museum, however, lists under Capper (John) a pamphlet entitled A Full Account of the Buddhist Controversy held at Pantura, in August, 1873 (between Gunananda {{Page aside|524}}Mohottiwatte and two Ministers of the Protestant religion, the Rev. D. de Silva and the Rev. F. S. Sirimanne), Colombo, 1873, pp. 73. 8vo.
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