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Abbott, 168.
Abd, and Azi, 76.
Abhijna, mystery of, 254. Absolute: 175; cannot think, 354.
Acla (Atlan), 221.
Adam, and Eve, 201, 219.
Adept(s): and attraction and repulsion, 152-53; and centrifugal theory, 153-54; and constitution of sun, 155-63; and density of planets, 153-54; and moon, 171; and Nebular Theory, 150-55; and social corruption, 291; and stellar matter, 14950; and The Theosophist, 133; cannot be judged, 339; cannot violate nature’s laws, 339; check each other’s observations, 51; content to remain silent, 226; explored invisible universe, 50-51; fled India, 100; gave enough for first trial, 146; handicapped in proving their knowledge, 191; in New York, etc., 289-91; intercourse between, 81 fn.; knowledge of, based on records, 203; learn state of Devachanee through their triad, 75; limited to solar system, 149; power in nature, 339; reject gravity, 152; relation with, by inner self, 291; “sons of God”, 221; unconcerned by issues, 226. See Master.
Adhikamasas [Adhikamasas], intercalated months, 262.
A dhikaranaratnamala [Adhikara- naratnamala], of Vidyaranya, 191, 362.
Adhipatis, and Mathams, 179.
Adhyayas [Adhiayas], missing, 289.
Adi Brahmo Samaj [Adi Brahmo Samaj], 100.
Adisur [Adisur], kings of, 309.
Adrishta, and Nyaya, 61.
Advent, on Col. Riv., see Cox.
Aegean Sea, 218.
Aeneas, 214, 215.
Aeolians: 215; Atlanteans, 217; language of Atlantean, 219; magical feats of, 218.
Aeolus, 215.
Agassiz, L. J. R., Principles of Zoology, 175, 267, 369.
Ahancara [Ahamkara], 80 fn.
Ahura-Mazda, 100.
Airyana-Vaejo, 200 fn.
Aitareya Aranyaka [Aitareyaran- yaka], 297 fn., 362.
Ajatasatru [Ajatasatru] : 246 fn., 248; dynasty of, 258; kings of Kasis and Magadha, 256.
Aji Dahaka, 223.
Akasa [Akasa]: corrupt, deadly, 291; record in, and fourth state of Dhyana, 93.
Akkadian, tribes, 217.
Aksha-pada. See Gautama.
Alba Longa, foundation of, 214.
Aleutian Islands, 222.
Alexander the Great [356-323 B.C.], invasion of India by, 195, 233, 242, 243.
Alienist and Neurologist, 101-02.
Allophylians, 217.
Almora Swami, 124.
Amarakosha [Amarakosa], of Amarasinha, 220, 362.
Amarapura, sect, 346.
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Amarasinha [Amarasinha], 186, 369.
America: once connected with Asia, 222; first map of, 221.
Ammianus Marcellinus, on Brahmans, 222.
Anabasis. See Arrianus.
Analogy, and research, 148.
Analysis, spectrum, 146.
Anandagiri [Anandagiri], Sankara Vijay a, unreliable, 191-92.
Anandatirtha [Anandatirtha], 183.
Ancients, connected events with celestial bodies, 199 fn.
Angel, guardian, 106.
Angiras, revelation of, 62.
Anhika, first, of Mahabhashya, 196.
Animals, bodies of lower, and man’s atoms, 114.
Annihilation: contradicted, 54; Damodar on, 54 fn.; not taught by occultists, 5; of human spirit, and French T. S., 126; of material soul and personal ego, 43; total, of personality, rare, 44.
Antah-karana [Antah-karana], 80 and fn.
Antigonus [I Monophtalmos, 382301 B.C., King of Asia Minor], 242.
Antiochus [I Soter, King of Syria, 280-261 B.C.], 242.
Antiq. of Orissa. See Mitra.
Ants, do not see red, 87.
Anudruta Magadha, written characters, 246 fn.
Anusasana-parvan, 307-08, and fn.
Aparoksha, realization, 337.
Apostles, existence of, unproved, 252; succession of, 252.
Apparitions, at moment of death, 283-84, 312.
Aranyakas [Aranyakas], 208.
Arbhu, and Orpheus, 304.
Arc, ascendic and descendic, 340. Arch. Surv. of India. See Beglar and Cunningham.
Archaeology: and age of Tyrus and Mycenae, 164; and numismatics, 227; subservient to Judaism, 165; uncertainties of Indian, 228.
Arhats: Buddhist, 51; representatives of esotericism, 39; transmit information psychically, 250.
Ariana, land of Aryas, 220.
Aristobulus, lost work of, 243.
Arjuna: same as Indra, 305; goes to Bengal, 309.
Arne Saknussemm, 313-14.
Aroma, of rose can be recalled, 82. Arrianus, Flavius, Anabasis of Alexander, unreliable, 243-44 ; 370.
Arundale, Miss Francesca: letter from, 332 fn.; Olcott’s letter to, 137.
Aruni [Aruni—renowned Brâhmana teacher of Uddâlaka], 256.
Arupa [Arûpa] : —Iokas of the highest Devachan, 91; mystery enacted in, -Iokas, 90 ; Spiritual Soul and, condition, 82.
Arupawâchara [Arûpâvachara] ,91.
Arya BhâshyafÂrya Bhâshya],208.
Aryan(s) [Aryan]: achievements of, 307 ; antiquity of, language, 202, 206 ; archaic, 206, 208, 216, 217; Brahman, and sacerdotal language, 297; color of, and Dasyus, 219; pictography absent among, 307.
Aryavarta [Âryâvarta], cradle of civilization, 66.
Asaucha, asuchi, necromancy and Sâma-Veda, 63.
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Asia: central, cradle of 5th race, 217, 224; once connected with America, 222.
Asiatic, mental tendencies, 75.
Asiatic Researches, 57, 370.
Asklepiads, oath of, 241.
Asoka [Asoka, 272-232 B.C., King of Magadha], his date, 257.
Asrama, sacred place, 62.
Assier, A. d’, Essai sur I’Huma- nite Posthume, 284 and fn., 292 fn., 370.
Asterisms, of alleged Greek origin, 234-35.
Astral: differentiation, 214; personal, man of idiot, 46.
Astronomy: 145; erroneous ideas about Indian, 234-35; esoteric, and distance of stars, 149.
Asura, 313.
Asuramaya, astronomer of Atlantis, 236 and fn.
Aswina [Asvini], moon of, 262.
Atharvan, revelation of, 62.
Atlantean: ancestors of Greeks and Romans, 198, 211, 216; generic name, 198.
Atlantis: and geological groups, 219; as continent, 221; comprised many nations, etc., 216; islands perished 11,000 years ago, 223; language of, and RedIndian and Chinese dialects, 216.
Atlas: 162; and Prometheus, 220. Atma-bodha (Samkaracharya), 74, 363.
Atman: and the One Life, 172; pure Spirit, 54.
Atmosphere: and dense matter, 152; of sun and earth, 158-59.
Atom(s): eternal, and Nyaya, 61; ethereal, in consciousness of Monad, 78; every, permeated with life, 288; giant, of infinitude
above, 152; grossest, belong to objectively conditioned, 111; life awakened in inorganic, 112; manifestation of Universal Energy, 172; relation to monad, 171; sleeping, 113; vehicle of intelligence, 173
Attavadic [Attavadic], chain of causes, 78.
Attic, 302.
Attock, and Taxila, 242.
Aura: and Peter of Alcantara, 103; emitted by humans, 102; ethnic varieties of nerve-, 213; light of, does not burn, 103.
Australia, etc. See Neff. Australioids, 213 fn., 217.
Autochtones: 302; and folklore, 218; and Hellenes, 201; profane meaning of, 219.
Avalokiteswara [Avalokitesvara] : 346; silent voice, 247 fn.; Vach, 100.
Avidya [Avidya], 79.
Avitchi [Avichi]: and Devachan, 90; monad in Devachan can affect man in, 84; state and not locality, 84 fn.; states of, 82.
Ayodhya [Ayodhya]: 236; expedition of Menander against, 194; in Harivamsa, 194, 308.
Ayun, and Bengal kings, 309.
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Badarayana [Badarayana]; 60, 170.
Baibhar [or Baibhara; Pali: Ve- bhara], mount, 246 fn.
Bala Sastri, Sanskritist, 41. Banga (Bengal), 309.
Bardesanes [Bardaisan, 154-222 A.D.], 211 fn.
Barhaspatyamanam [Barhaspatya- mana], measure of year, 261.
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Barlaam, etc. See St. John.
Barth, Auguste: on Patanjali’s date, 193; 370.
–, The Religions of India: 141; on Sankara’s date and Buddhism, 179-84.
Basilides [2nd c. A.D.], 211 fn.
Basques, were Aryans, 217.
Beal, S., The Romantic Legend of Sdkya Muni, 238 fn., 370.
Begging, prohibited in T.S., 282.
Beglar, J. D., and Cheta Cave, 247 fn.
–, Report, etc., on date of Buddha Gaya, 228; 371.
Bennett, books of, 119.
Berzelius, Baron Jons Jacob [1779-1848], mental state of dying, 92.
Bhadrasena, or Bindusara, 256, 257.
Bhagavad-Gita: 363; esoteric meaning and Tibetan doctrine, 68.
Bhagawan [or Bhagavat], as God, 99.
Bhattapada [Bhattapada], See Ku-marila.
Bhishma parvan, 245 fn., 363.
Bhoja Prabandha (Ballala): and Sankara, 184; and Sankara Kavi 186-87.
Bhoots [Bhutas], and pindams at Gya, 311-13.
Bhupal, Kings of, 309.
Bhutalipi [Bhutalipi], and Hindu writing, 306.
Bigandet, Bishop: 342; The Life or Legend of Gaudama, etc.: on Buddha’s last years, 249 fn.; on Buddhist eras, 254-55; 371.
Biogenesis, law of, 112.
Biogr. Sketches, etc. See Ram- chenderjee.
Blavatsky, H. P.: accuses herself, 120; and Freethought literature, 122-25; and Subba Row had same Teacher, 138; annoyed at Fauvety, 1; articles by, 6, 54, 64; came to India for benefit of Asiatics, 121 ; considered charlatan by Bombay Gazette, 322; differences with Subba Row, 269-70; French language and, 10-11; letter of, to Terry, 11 fn.; letters to Fauvety, 1-6; on Subba Row’s status, 269; on G. Wyld, 134; quotation-references of, sometimes reversed, 305 fn.; receives from Master M. plan for 5. D., 269; writes on Maitland’s blunder, 136; writing from dictation, 129.
–, Isis Unveiled: 222, 285, 286; first attempt to let in esoteric light, 221; on Gobi, 221; on Thevetatas, 222.
–, Letters of H. P. B. to A. P. Sinnett: quoted, 133, 134, 136, 138; on Subba Row’s attitude to her, 270; on Subba Row and the S. D., 269; 382.
–, The Secret Doctrine, authorship of, and of “Replies” to Myers, largely similar, 138.
Blech, Charles, Contribution a I'Histoire, etc., 1, 371.
Bockh, Philipp August [1785-1867], on study of languages, 203.
Body and Mind. See Maudsley. Bod-Yul (Tibet), and Buddhism, 245-46.
Boeotia, and magicians, 218.
Bohtlingk, Otto von [1815-1904], and Panini’s date, 304.
Bombay Gazette, 322, 385.
Book of Numbers, 214.
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Bradlaugh, Charles [1833-91]: 119; H. P. B.’s views of, 124.
Brahma-bhashya. See Senzar.
Brahmajnana [Brahmajnanin], 338.
Brahman: books on, 61; -killer, defined, 114’, man’s 7th principle, 114.
Brahman(s) [Brahmanas]: and astrological date of Buddha’s birth, 256; and temple libraries, 237; and yugas, 57-58; astronomers and scholars, 56; Buddha reveals mysteries of, 256; chron- logical calculations of, 59; destroyed vestiges of Buddha’s life, 256; Dwija, 297 fn.; extortion by, 313; know dates of chronological eras, 232; knew writing before Panini, 304; know dual meaning of texts, 208; mystical terminology of, 296; of Solar race, 57 fn.; opposed to borrowing, 258; pseudo-, of Paris, 331 fn.; sacred books of, 59 fn.; Vaishnava, and Sankara, 187.
Brahmana [Brahmana], Vedic period, 178.
Brahma Pitris [Brahma-Pitris], 221, 222.
Brahma-Sutras (Badarayana): 178, 182, 363; and Vyasa, 182; mention Buddhism prior to Buddha, 182.
Brahma-Vidya, Gautama Rishi wrote nothing on, 62.
Branches: can believe what they like, 5; Parent Body’s attitude to, 127; three, in Paris, 126.
Breath, and fire, 101-03.
Brihad-Aranyaka [Brihadaranya- kopanishad], 256, 363.
Brihat-samhita (Varaha-Mihira), 273, 363.
Brihat Sankara Pijaya [Brihat- Samkara-Pijaya], 189.
Brotherhood: and religions, 123; great, of Himalayas, 51; Universal, watchword of T.S., 127, 351.
Bruno, Giordano [1548-1600], taught occult doctrines, 294.
Buchanan, Dr. Claudius: on “God”, 357; on Sankara’s date, 185, 188, 189-190; 371.
Búdásif (also Budsaif), 240 fn.
Buddha: defined, 247 fn. ; in man, 247 fn. See Gautama Buddha.
Buddha, etc. See Lillie.
Buddha Gaya [Buddha Gayâ], Cunningham, Fergusson and Beglar, on date of, 228.
Buddha Gayâ. See Mitra.
Buddhi: essence of matter in 6th and 7th condition, 172; regnant power in Devachan, 92; Spiritual Soul or Intelligence, 54.
Buddhism: alleged persecution by Sankara, 181-83; antedates Buddha, 177-78, 182; Orientalists ignorant of, 342; permeates Gnosticism, 211 fn.
Buddhism. See Rhys Davids.
Buddhist (s): and Government, 328; attacked by R. Catholics, 286-87, 328; mission of Olcott for, 287 ; missionaries in Palestine, etc., 211 fn.; southern, mistaken re Buddha’s nirvana, 249.
Buddhist Catechism. See Olcott. Bulletin, articles from, 1-65.
Burnouf, Eugène [1801-52], 41.
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Calendars, in India, 261-62.
Carnarvon, Recollections of the Druses of the Lebanon: on khabar, 276; 371.
Carthago Nova, 218.
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Cataclysms, impending, and discoveries, 259.
Catholics: attack Buddhists, 28687; criminal offenses, 98 fn.
Cazeneuve, Jean Aimee de, 126.
Census, Book of the Imperial, and Theosophists, 277-79.
Centrifugal Force, adepts on, 153154.
Ceylon: Buddhists in, 328; chronology of, 247-48.
Ceylon Observer, falsehoods of, 328; 385.
Chambers’ Cyclopaedia, on Orpheus and Ribhu, 304-05; 371.
Chandra. See Induvansa.
Chandragupta [Greek: Sandra-cottos]: Piyadasi, 237; Muller on, 229; several, 257, 258.
Chandramanam [Chandramana], measure of year, 261.
Chandramasa [Chandramasa], several people named, 257.
Charaka, and oath of Asklepiads, 241; 371-72.
Chemical, actions on other orbs, 146.
Cheta Cave, 247 fn.
Chhandogyopanishad, and two missing adhyayas, 289.
Chidakasam [Chidakasa], 317.
Childers, 342.
Child-marriage, 65.
Children: dying young, incarnate at once, 45; leave no trace on monadic memory, 45; souls of, before self-consciousness, 108.
Chinahunah, 245 fn.
Chinamen: and fishermen of Acla, 221; inland, and Atlantean language, 216.
Chitsukhacharya [Chitsukhacha- rya], Sankara Pijayavilasa, 189.
Chittagong, and statue of Buddha, 246.
Chitta suddhi [Chitta suddhi], and duty, 338.
Chohans, have documents re last 24 years of Buddha, 249.
Chota Nagpur, 104.
Christian (s): and religious inventions, 254; era and kaliyuga, 261; true and pseudo-, 357.
Christianity: and Freethought literature, 119-21; contrasted with Buddhism, 75; has gentle soul and grotesque body, 118; official creed of masculine social energy, 118; religion of dominant races, 121 ; two sides to, 120.
Chromosphere: and elements, 156; and heart and head of system, 157; if removed, universe reduced to ashes, 158; and 6th state of matter, 161 ; vital electricity condensed, 157.
Chronology: Biblical bias in, 17677; Ceylonese and Chino-Tibetan, 244-45, 249; Ceylonese, and Vijaya, 247-48; ecclesiastical, unjustified, 250; Indian, misrepresented, 176, 244; Jewish, assailed by facts, 204; uncertainties of Western, 167-68.
Civilization (s): ancient, earlier than believed, 168; destruction of records of, 166; first, of 5th race and Shamo, 165; most ancient, in “Salt Valley”, 165; proofs of cyclic law of, 169; strata of, at Troy, etc., 168-69.
Code(s): Brahmanic secret, 208; civil, of Gautama Rishi, 62; 47 written, 61 ; hieratic, in Egypt, 296; of Parasara (q.v.), 61; list of, at Mysore, 62. See also Laws of Manu.
Cohesion, and Jiva, 112-13.
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Colebrooke, Henry Thomas [17651837]; 58 fn.; on Sankara’s date, 185, 187, 190.
Comets, essence of, 147-48.
Communications: contradictions in, of mediums, 51; nothing against subjective, with spirits, 47.
Complices, and Atlanteans, 222. Conjeeveram, inscriptions, 197.
Consciousness: absolute, and Presence, 97 fn.; absolute and universal, and Devachanee, 77 ; expanded, of entity at end of Kalpa, 93; implied by existence, 97 fn.; individual, not annihilated, 5; real or illusory only by contrast, 83; self-, a vikara of Buddhi, 80; sixth sense, 145.
Consentes, and Atlanteans, 222. Contribution, etc. See Blech. Corp. Inscr. Indic. See Cunningham.
Council (s): dates of first and second Buddhist, 246 fn., 274; third, 304.
Courmes, Comm. D. A.: 11 fn. ; errors in translation of Fragments, 42-47; letters between, and H. P. B., 1.
Cox, R., Adventures on the Columbia River·, on Talkotins, 65-66; 372.
Crete, colony of Atlantis, 218.
Crimes, statistics of, by creeds, 98 fn.
Crookes, Sir Wm. [1832-1919]: and the Masters, 265; radiant matter of, 52, 145; scientific papers of, 265: will have to discover matter of 5th state, 148.
Crowe, Miss C., The Night Side of Nature: on projection of double, 292-93; 372.
Csoma de Koros, A.: acted under lamas’ protest, 255; and Buddha’s
“Wives”, 255; and 14 dates of Buddha’s nirvana, 255; learned doctrines of dugpas, 255; 372.
–, Grammar of the Tibetan Language, quoted, 255.
Cumae, its antiquity, 168, 238.
Cunningham, Maj-Gen. A. : and Saptaparna Cave, 247 fn.; conclusions of, re Buddha’s date, unsupported, 228 fn.; contradicts Fergusson, 228; inscriptions discovered by, 259-62; mistaken on Hindu years, 261 ; on nirvana of Buddha, 260 ; 372-73.
–, Archaeological Survey of India·. 232, 247 fn., 254; on inscriptions at Gaya, 260, 275.
–, Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, 141.
Cyclic Laws, and rebirth of Sanskrit and other tongues, 303.
Cyclopean, ruins, 164, 167.
{{Style P-Subtitle|D}}
Dabistân, on Sankara’s date, 180. Dall, Rev. C. H. A., 351-53.
Dalton, Col. E. T., Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal, 104, 373.
Dâmodar: 54 fn. ; and Moon, 134. Dasht-Beyad, site of most ancient civilization, 165, 267.
Dasyus, and Indra, 219.
Dayanand [Dayânanda Sarasvati], his books advertised, 119.
Death: apparition at, 283 ; does not sever psychic association, 79.
Debendra Nath Tagore, 100.
Deccan, 184.
Defence, of oneself, 6.
Deluge: 218; last great, and Atlantis, 223 ; “mythological origin” of, 200 fn.; Universal Noachian, 199 fn.
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Demotic, and Hieratic writing, 297.
Descr. Ethn. Bengal. See Dalton.
Deukalion: 219, 220, 223; and Pyrrha, esoteric meaning, 201.
Devachan: and “cheating by nature,” 83, 85-87; and gestationstate, 42; and dying man’s last desire, 92; and karma of rebirth, 90; and unfinished intellectual work, 92; cannot be localized, 79, 84 fn. ; compared to dreaming, 87 ; entities in, affect each other, 93; experienced while alive, 87 ; field of subjectivity, 90; intercourse in, 79, 90-91, 93; K. H. and article on, 70 fn. ; life of, a reality, 76; limited nirvanic state of, 93 ; monad in, can affect one in avitchi, 84; persona is not in, 82 ; right to personal isolated, 91 ; states of, 88-94; uncertainties about, 70-73.
Devachanee: adept shares perception of, 75; and universal consciousness, 77 ; could not perceive living human, 87 ; has no ordinary memory, 77 ; ignorant of mental sufferings of another, 84, 86; killing future, 114; of highest moral calibre, 92 ; personal ties of, 94; surrounded by host of actors, 90.
Devachanic: condition as real as waking state, 82; isolation in Rupa-lokas, 92; mind capable of only highest spiritual ideation, 91 ; states, and effects of causes sown, 82; ubiquity analyzed, 91.
Devanagari [Devanâgarî] : 307 ; as old as Vedas, 237; held sacred, 237, 306; not derived from Phoenician, 246 fn. ; same as Egyptian Neter-Khari, 298 ;
signals between gods and initiates, 306; the language of the gods, 306.
Devatas [Devatas], 248.
Dewadaha, Eeatzana, King of, 249.
Dharma, represented by bull, 58. Dharma-Sdstra (Gautama Rishi), civil and criminal code, 61.
D harma-Sastra (Yäj navalkya ),
mentions Gautama Rishi’s Code, 61 (See Yäjnavalkvasmriti, p. 368).
Dharmäsoka [Dharmäsoka] : and statues of Buddha, 246; and Kalasoka, 257; Piyadasi, 237.
Dhätusena, King, and Mahä- näma, 251.
Dhyana [Dhyäna], fourth state of, and akasic review, 93.
Did Mme. B. Forge, etc. See Jinarajadasa.
Diodorus Siculus, 244, 373.
Discoveries, are re-discoveries, 170.
Ditson, G. L., 137.
Dius, the Phoenician, 299.
Dogme et Rituel, etc. See Levi. Doppelgänger, 49.
Dorians, 215.
Dorius, 215.
Double, projection of, 289-93.
Dragon, invisible, name of King Thevetat, 222.
Dragons, and serpents, 223.
Drangiane: and Alexander’s invasion, 243; defined, 274.
Dravidians, 217, 238.
Dravya, eternal substance, 79.
Dream(s): and reality, 79; connection with dormant memory, 77; devachan and, 76; difference between types of, 77; nature of devachanic, 78; not realized as such, 87; Western science on, 77, 78.
Dugpas, and Csoma, 255.
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Duncan, Mr., and Kerala Utpatti, 185.
Dushtagamani [Dushtagamani], 248.
Duty, and H. P. B., 121.
Dvaita Vedanta, on human and universal souls, 41.
Dvapara Yuga. See Yuga.
Dwija(s): twice-born Brahman, 297 fn.; degraded, become Vri- shalas, 307-08.
{{Style P-Subtitle|E}}
Earth-life, and rupa and arupa Iokas, 90.
Earthquake, in Sunda Straits, 199200 fn.
Eden, garden of, 224.
Editor, cannot please all, 118.
Edward the Confessor, 251.
Eeatzana (Anjana) [Itsana, Anjana, Ankana], Burmese era and king, 249.
Ego(s): conscious individual, not disintegrated, 48-49; mutual attraction of, 79; sympathy between, 84.
–, Personal: and essence of 5th principle, 42; annihilated in wicked, 43; no ordinary memory in, when severed from body, 77-78.
–, Spiritual: and material soul, 43; disassociated from lower elements, 46; only conscious ego in eternity, 5; 6th principle or, and lower principles of children, etc., 45-46.
Egyptian (s): 217; colonizers from Lanka, 286; Neter-Khari of, 298; Huxley on, and Dravidians, 285; not of 4th race, 286; occult theory of lifeatoms, 110.
Electricity, vital, in sunspots, 160.
Element (s) : chemical, in the sun, 156; exoteric and esoteric, 52; occultists recognize but One, 52.
Elementals: and Elementaries, 54, 55; and mulaprakriti, 173; and spiritual impulse, 175; determine temperament, 103; fire, and foetus, 103; three degrees of, 173.
Elementaries: and post-mortem offerings, 312-13; reliquiae of personal soul, 82; spirit of, in Devachan, 47.
Elijah, as seer, 251.
Elliot, Gilbert, 288, 293.
Energy, effect of, on planes, 339.
Ennemoser, Joseph, 291, 373.
Ennodius of Pavia, 252, 373-74.
Era(s): Indian Saka, 255; initiated Brahmans know dates of, 232; of Samvat and Salivahana, 277; uncertainties about, 230.
Erechtheus, 219.
Esot. Budd. See Sinnett.
Esot. Writ. See Subba Row.
Essai sur I’Hutn. See Assier. Ess. and Leet. See Wilson.
Ess. in Pop. Phil. See James. Ether, and gravitation, 152.
Etheroscope, 152.
Ethnology, and inner races, 213.
Etruria, 218.
Etruscan (s) : 167, 298; sub-race, 214; Jupiter-Tinia of, 222,226.
Eugenius Philalethes, Magia Adamica, on planets, 157 fn.; 267 (See Vaughan, p. 383).
Europe: civilization of, 169-170; no Past of record, 166.
Eusebius [ca. 264-340 A. D.]: literary Siva, 299; perverts chronologies, 250.
Evocation, of dead, 63.
Evolution: intellect often impediment to spiritual, 145; of postmortem spheres, 93; on two {{Page aside|396}}arcs, 340; seven links in chain of, 173-74; spiritual, and physiological development of man, 145.
{{Style P-Subtitle|F}}
Fables, hide scientific truths, 163, 164, 214, 218.
Facts, psychological and subjective, 5.
Fa-Hien: and Cheta Cave, 247 fn.; 374.
Falsehood, why impossible to occultist, 341.
Fauvety, C.: 4; and H.P.B., I; art. by, 1, 6; introd, note of, 36; letters of H.P.B. to, 1-6.
Fenelon, and Hottentot, 5.
Fergusson, James [1808-1886]: and date of rock-cut temples, 202; and Samvat era, 231; contradicts Cunningham, 228.
Fifth-rounder(s): Count de Saint- Germain, a, 145; senses of, 144.
Fire: and breathing, 101-03; from buildings, 103; meaning of Prometheus’, 220; -proof men and salamanders, 103.
Fo, Chinese for Buddha, 288.
Foeticide: crime against nature, 108; double suicide, 107; relation to mother’s kama-loka, 107.
Foetus, and salamanders, 103.
Footfalls, etc. See Owen.
Force(s) : two opposite, in Nature, 340; ultimate nature of, 74.
Forgetfulness, of self, 46.
Form, and the Formless, 74.
Fortin, Dr., 126, 279.
Four-dimensional: space and new instruments, 152; world, 151.
Four Gospels. See Roustaing.
Fourth-rounders, kama in, 144.
Fragments’. 53,70; and Courmes’ trans., 11 in., 40; first three, correct, 40 ;No.VI, 44,81; mere outline, 143.
Frankland, Sir Edward [18251899], 161.
Free Press, 102, 386.
Freethought: Christianity and, 119-21; H.P.B. and, literature, 120-21, 122-25.
Friendship, 67.
Funeral rites: among savages, 104; and lucre of priests, 104; and occult protection of shell in kamaloka, 108.
{{Style P-Subtitle|G}}
Galileo: 147; and Devachan, 83. Garfield, and Guiteau, 287.
Garga Sanhita [Garga Samhita]. See Yuga Purana.
Gaudapada [Gaudapada, ca. 780 A.D.]: 141; error about, in Esot. Bud., 193; initiated Patanjali, 193; guru of Sankara’s guru, 197 (See Karika, p. 364).
Gautama [Gotama]: and Nyaya School, 60; and Tremeschini’s Gotomo, 55; called Aksha-pada, 62; did not write on occultism, 42; his Nyaya-sutras, 42 fn., 366; later than Kapila, 59; whole Yuga between, and Gautama Rishi, 62.
Gautama Buddha: a Chandra or Induvansa, 57; a Kshatriya, 57; and sins of Kaliyuga, 86; birth of, acc. to Burmese Era, 249; Bigandet on last years of, 249 fn.; Brahmans destroy vestiges of, 256; contemporary of Kapila, 59; date and place in history, 241-59; date of absolute Nirvana, 256; date of death acc. to Southern Church, 249; death of, 226; death of, {{Page aside|397}}and Vijaya’s landing, 249; disciple of, and broom, 115-17; explains Saptaparna Cave, 247 fn.; lived but eighty years, 256; memoirs extant, 246 fn., 248; nirvanee of seventh degree, 256; not descended from Gautama Rishi or Gautama of Nyaya, 56; on Vijaya’s landing, 248; originally viewed as Avatara by Brahmans, 256; previous nirvanas of, 255; prophesy re Tibet and Buddhism, 244-46; reached Nirvana 20 years prior to death, 249; reveals concealed mysteries of Brahmans, 256; Sakyamuni, 211 fn.; secret writings of, 51; seven golden statues of, 245-46, 247 fn.; studied 63 alphabets, 304; theosophy of, proves living god in man, 100; three “wives” of, and Csoma, 255; words of, vibrate in space, etc., 248-49.
Gautama Rishi: a Brahmana, 57 ; 61; a Suryavansa, 57; contemporary with Rama, 57 ; left civil code, the Dharmasastra, 61; mentioned in Upanishads, 59; no ancestor of Gautama Buddha, 56; places efficacy in V edas, 61.
Gelugpas, and Csoma, 255. Genesis, 207, 223, 224.
Geological: end of, cycle and beginning of another, 259; groups of mankind, 219; races, 213 fn., 214.
Gesenius, F. H. W. [1786-18421, 298.
Gestation, and Devachan, 42, 82. Ghadias [or Ghatikas], and Sau- ramanam, 261.
Ghar-zha, and statue of Buddha, 246.
Glanvill, Joseph, 291, 374.
Globes: seven, 44 fn.; superior, visited three times, 45.
Glossary, need of occult, 113 fn. Gnostics, and Buddhism, 211 fn. Gobi desert, 221.
God: as divine indweller, 100; as ideal outsider, 100; extra-cosmic, 355; idea of personal, analyzed, 356-57; living in man, proved by Buddha and Sankara, 100; personal, and practical demonstration, 100; personal denied by Buddhists, etc., in T. S., 96 fn.; personal, will elude scientific proof, 317; plea for personal, 319-20.
Godadhara [Godádhara], elementarles at Gya, 310-11, 313.
Goldstücker, Theodor [18211872]: and Menander’s expedition, 194; on date of Panini, 196; on date of Patanjali, 193.
Gonemys, Count, and psychic research, 358.
Gopa, power of Buddha, 255.
Gotra, and Olcott, 324.
Gougenot des Mousseaux, 291, 374-75.
Govinda Yogi, same as Patañjali, 192-93.
Gram, of Tib. Lang. See Csoma. Grantha, defined, 296.
Gratitude, and Talleyrand, 282.
Gravity, adepts reject, 152.
Greece, colony of Atlantis, 218. See Magna Graecia.
Greek: alleged influence on India, 238-41; damsels gave birth to nautch-girls, 244; language will be spoken again, 303.
Greeks: and fishermen of Acia, 221 ; Aryan-, and Aryan Brahmans, 238; blood ancestors of future Romans, 216; fanciful chronology of, re India, 233; gods of, derived from India, {{Page aside|398}}234; imported vice into India, 244; known to Hindus before Alexander, 195 ; relation of, to Pelasgians, 301 ; root germ of, 223.
Greeks and Romans : 229 ; called Atlanteans, 198-99, 211, 216; controversy about, as Atlanteans, 135-36, 140; ancestors of Aeolians, 215-16; sub-races of, 200, 201.
Guatemalans, sacred books of, 223.
Guiteau, and avitchi, 287.
Gunas : attributes, 97 fn.; Mahâ- nirvâna Tantra on, 339.
Gunpa [Gômpa], first, 245.
Gymnosophists, were generally Hatha Yogis, 196.
{{Style P-Subtitle|H}}
Hades, as kâma-loka, 43.
Ham, 213 fn., 215.
Hamilton, Sir W., on infinite and absolute, 152.
Harbinger of Light, The, 11 fn.. 40, 316, 385.
Harivamsa [Harivansa], on Ya- vanas, 194, 195, 308.
Hastie, Rev. W., 350-51, 357.
Heat, animal, and life-atoms, 116. Heliocentricity, known in Vedic times, 277.
Hellen, and color red, 219.
Hercules: unveiling Central Sun at pralaya, 162-63, 199 fn. ; pillars of, 218.
Hermetic Philosophy, and Tibetan doctrines, 279-80.
Herodotus: and Orpheus, 306; and Pelasgian language, 301; on mysteries, 305.
Heroes, memorialized in stellar configurations, 199 fn.
Herschel, Sir John: 267; and occult truths, 160; ideas about sunspots, 159-60; 375.
Herschel, Sir Wm.: 267; on earth’s atmosphere, 159; on sun’s atmosphere, 158; on sunspots, 159; 375.
Hesiod, 201, 305.
Hieratic: and Demotic language, 297; code, in Egypt, 296; language and Atlantis, 221; tenets of outer Temple, 110.
“Hieratic Code”: 41, 52, 63; analyzed by Samkarächärya, 6
2; apocryphal manuscript, 55, 58, 59, 60.
Hieroglyphics, origin of, 297.
Hilarion, Master, French Letter to Olcott (facsimile), 129-32.
Hina-yäna [Hinayana], Mahayana, and transmigration, 115.
H indoo-Koosh [ H indu-Kush ], 212, 220.
Hindu Almanac, 261.
Hinduism, soul has fled, 296-97.
Historians: and mythical age, 200;
Western, reject traditional fables, 212.
History: artificial, 205; chronology of Jews imposed on, 165; Eastern student has authentic records of, 203; fanciful dates on Indian, 230-34; leaflets of esoteric, 211-26; limited to 4,004 B.C., 207; recorded in symbolic language, 205; records of, distorted, 279; Universal, and non-historical portions, 225.
Hist, of Anc. Sit. Lit. See Müller. Hist, of Ind. Lit. See Weber.
Hiuan Thsang [ca. 596-664], 196, 267.
Holbach, Baron d’, Systeme de la Nature, 60, 375.
Homer, 201; Iliad, 219; 375.
Hottentot, and Fenelon, 5.
Howitt, Wm. [1792-1879], 291. Hsiung-nu, Mongolian robbers, 246.
{{Page aside|399}}
Huang, first, of Tzin dynasty, 245 [Ch’in Shih Huang-ti, 221-210 B. C.].
Hui-neng [637-713 A.D.], Buddhist Patriarch, 252.
Hume, Allan O., 11 fn., 123.
Huxley, Prof. Thos. H. [18251895]: 217, 222; and his “sen- sigenous molecules,” 78; and human races, 213 fn.; “Unwritten History,” on kinship of Egyptians, Dravidians, etc., 285; 375.
Hydaspes, and Alexander’s fleet, 243.
Hyphases, 243.
{{Style P-Subtitle|I}}
Iapetus, and Japhet, 220.
lapygians: 169; and Latin invaders, 201; inscriptions, 201, 206 ; sub-race of, 214.
laxartes, river, 222.
Idiots: and monadic memory, 45; congenital, incarnate at once, 45.
Ikshvaku, and Suryavansa, 57 fn. Ila [Ha], earth, 220.
Ilavrita [Ilavrita], and India, 220.
Iliad, and earth, 219.
“Imperator”, and “M. A. Oxon.”, 347.
India: allegedly Hellenized, 241; ancient intercourse with Europe, 300; cause of its affliction, 99100; cradle of Hellenic stock, 234; history of, misrepresented, 230-34; once connected with both Americas, 222; Southern, lower classes, 217.
Ind. Antiq. See Maurice.
Indian Mirror, 286, 351-53. Indians, American, 216, 222.
Ind. Studien. See Weber.
Individuality: disembodied, is higher triad, 75; survives, if possessing spiritual feelings, 43.
Indo-Aryans: 202, 209, 212; and Hindu-Kush, 229.
Indo-Europeans: origin of, 200; races, 203, 224.
Indra: and Dasyus, 219; and giant, 223; and Orpheus, 304, 306; same as Arjuna, 305; taught writing to Pelasgians, 305.
Indus, 220.
Induvansa [Induvansa] : Gautama Buddha a, 57; Kshatriyas traced to, 57 fn.
Infancy, Gospel of, 239 fn., 364.
Infinite: 151; and absolute of Wm. Hamilton, 152; no conscious relation with finite, 97 fn.
Ingersoll, Col. Bob: books of, 119; H. P. B.’s respect for, 124.
Initiates: secret language of, 297; studied sacerdotal language, 298; work of, in Book of Numbers, 214 (See Adepts).
Initiation: and phorminx, 305; sympathetic reaction taught at, 81.
“Inner-man” and nerve-aura, 213. Inner races, 213.
Inscription (s): at Conjeeveram, etc., and Sankara’s date, 197; at Gaya and Cunningham, 26062.
“Institutes”, of Gotomo, 52.
Insubres, 200.
Intelligence: animal, inheres in manas, 43; memory and, 49.
Intercourse: between adepts out of bodies, 81 fn.; between entities in Devachan, 80-81, 90-94; between monads in world of subjectivity, 88; with entities in Devachan, 79.
{{Page aside|400}}
Involute, and Atlanteans, 222.
Ion, 215.
lonians, 216.
Ira [Ira], earth, 220.
Isaiah, prophecies of, 253.
Isis, priests of, 110.
Isis Unveiled. See Blavatsky.
Iswara [tsvara], and Almora Swami, 124.
Itali, 201, 212, 214.
Italians, pre-Roman, 212.
{{Style P-Subtitle|J}}
Jackson, J. W., Lectures on Mesmerism, 102 fn., 375.
Jaeger, Prof., on odors, 68.
Jagannatha, inscriptions at, 197. Jaimini, and Mimansa School, 60. Jambudvipa [Jambudvipa]: 200 fn., 235, 240, 244; and seven continents, 220.
James, Wm., Essays in Popular Philosophy, 264, 375.
Japhet: 213 fn., 215; and Iapetus, 220.
Japhetidae, Indo-Germanic, 200.
J at aka [Jataka], birth stories, 222 Jehovah, 100.
Jesus: a Theosophist, 356; date of nativity uncertain, 250; genealogies of, 253; historically unproved existence of, 250.
Jewish, chronology, 204.
Jinarajadasa, C., Did Madame Blavatsky Forge the Mahatma Letters?, 132, 375.
–, Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Second Series, 11 fn., 375.
Jiva(s): and Jivatman, 41, 117; as anima mundi, 112; atoms animated by dormant, 112; lifeatoms of, after death, 109; or prana, distinct from atoms, 111; produces cohesion, 112-13.
Jivatman: and Jiva, 41; 7th principle and Nyaya, 61; misused in Fragment No. I, 117.
Jnana, two classes of, 337.
Jones, Sir Wm., 58 fn., 309.
Josephus, 299.
Journal of the T. S., 137.
Judaism, imposed on history, 165.
Judges, quoted, 348.
Jupiter Fulminator, and sun, 158.
Jupiter-Tinia, 222.
Justice: 257; absolute, 44; strictest, and Devachan, 85.
{{Style P-Subtitle|K}}
Kabala, Chaldean, 221.
Kadmean, characters, 299.
Kadmus, 298.
Kafir, 236.
Kaista, Kings of, 309.
Kalasoka [Kalasoka], 257, 258.
Kali-devi, insulted by padri, 284.
Kali Yuga. See Yuga.
Kalpa, recollections of Monad at end of, 93.
Kama [Kama]: and terrestrial attraction, 92; as Will, 78; free when volition passive, 78; of fourth-rounders, 144.
Kama-Ioka [Kama-Ioka] : foeticide and mother’s, 107; infinite reflected in light of, 317; intermediate sphere, 43; lower intraterrestrial “spirit-world”, 91.
Kama-rupa [Kama-rupa]: belongs to middle principle, 117; in 8th sphere, 110; life-atoms of 4th and 5th principles, 117; with manas in kama-loka, 43.
Kamawachara [Kamavachara],91.
Kanada: and Vaiseshika School, 60; VaiseshiJca-Sutra of, 42 fn.; 368.
Kanda [Kanda], Vedic period, 178.
{{Page aside|401}}
Kapila, contemporary of Buddha, 59.
Kapilavastu, 248.
Kardec, Allan: 321; occultism opposed to, 48; vs. H.P.B., 105-6; Spirit's Book and Mediums’ Book, 105, 376.
Karma [Karman] : and alleged inactivity, 338; and atonement, 123; and foeticide, 108; and nature’s tendency to repeat itself, 338; “cheating”, 334.
Karmania: 220; and Alexander’s invasion, 243; 274.
Karma-phala, 106.
Karttika [Karttika], moon of, 262. Karya-rupa [Karya-rupa], 80 fn. Kashaya vastra [Kashaya-vastra], symbol of vital principle in sun, 156-57.
Kasyapa [Kasyapa] : at Manasa- sarovara, 245; 5 th statue of Buddha and, 245; memoirs re Buddha and, 246 fn.
Katha Sarit Sagara [Kathdsarit- sagara] (Somadeva-Bhatta), 186, 195, 364.
Katyayana [Katyayana] : and Skt. language, 303; date undetermined, 195-96; his Varttika. 196;376.
Kauravas, and Pandavas, 305 fn.
Kaushitaki Upanishad [Kaushita- kibrahmanopanishad], 256, 364.
Kazbek, Mount, 220.
Kedem, 298.
Kelto-Gaulic, sub-race, 214.
Kerala Utpatti: on Sankara’s date, 185, 189-90; unreliable, 188-9; 365.
Kern, J. H. C.: on Samvat era, 232, 273; Over de Jaartelling, etc., 242 fn.; 376.
Khabar: and Carnavon, 276; psychic intercommunication, 276-77.
Khorasan, “Salt Valley” by, and ancient civilizations, 165.
Khunrath, Henry, 39; 376-77.
Kiangsi, tribes of, 216.
Kinetic, and latent energy, 113.
Kingdom(s): and spiritual impulse, 174-75 (diagram); Deva-, and liberated monad, 175; mineral, as turning point for Monad, 173; seven, 173.
Kingsford, Dr. Anna Bonus: and Maitland criticize Esot.
Bud- hisrn, 134-35; H.P.B.’s respect for, 124; not an infallible seer, 134.
–, A Letter Addressed to the Fellows of the L. L., etc., 134, 377.
Konga, Kings of, 184, 186.
Koot Humi: existence doubted, 347; a living man, personally known to many, 349.
Kosas [Kosas], five, and monad, 79.
Krishna [Krishna]: 100; belongs to Chandra or Induvansa, 57 fn.; death of, and Kali Yuga, 58; Universal Divine Principle, 306.
Krishnapaksham [Krishna-paksha], dark half of moon, 262.
Krita (or Satya) Yuga. See Yuga.
Kshatriyas: degraded, became Vrishalas or Yavanas, 307-08; traced to Chandra or Lunar Race, 57 fn.; tribes of, in Mahabharata, 307-08 and fn.
Kshayatithis, 262.
Kudali: Brahmans, 184; Matham, 185, 189.
Kulluka, on Sama-Veda, 63.
Kumarila [Kumarila]: and Pur-va-Mimamsa, 181; Barth on, and alleged Buddhist persecution, 181; false account of, in Kerala Utpatti, 189; 377.
{{Page aside|402}}
Kumbakonam Matham, and Sankara’s date, 185, 187, 189.
Kumbhakarna [Kumbha-karna], Hindu Rip van Winkle, 206.
Kunti, wife of Pandu, 305 fn.
Kurile, islands, 222.
Ku-sum [Tib., spelled Sku-gsum;
Skt., trikdya], triple form of the nirvanic state, 255.
Kusumanjali (Udayana), 42 fn.; 365.
Kwan-Shai-yin, same as Vach, 100.
{{Style P-Subtitle|L}}