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683 bytes added ,  14:27, 27 September 2021
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Ambhamsi |person=No |понятие с ударением=Ambhâmsi |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=A name of the chief of the Kumâras Sanat‐Sujâta, si..."
{{ETG article
|понятие с ударением=Ambhâmsi
|description=A name of the chief of the Kumâras Sanat‐Sujâta, signifying the “waters”. This epithet will become more comprehensible when we remember that the later type of Sanat‐Sujâta was Michael, the Archangel, who is called in the Talmud “the Prince of ''Waters''”, and in the Roman Catholic Church is regarded as the patron of gulfs and promontories. Sanat‐Sujâta is the immaculate son of the immaculate mother (Ambâ or Aditi, chaos and space) or the “waters” of limitless space. (See ''Secret Doctrine''‐, Vol. I., p. 460.)


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