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1,049 bytes added ,  06:08, 4 February 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Avalokiteswara |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=“The on‐looking Lord” In the exoteric interpretation, he is Padmapâni (the lotus bearer an..."
{{ETG article
|description=“The on‐looking Lord” In the exoteric interpretation, he is Padmapâni (the lotus bearer and the lotus‐born) in Tibet, the first divine ancestor of the Tibetans, the complete incarnation or Avatar of Avalokiteswara; but in esoteric philosophy Avaloki, the “on‐looker”, is the Higher Self, while Padmapâni is the Higher Ego or Manas. The mystic formula “Om mani padme hum” is specially used to invoke their joint help. While popular fancy claims for Avalokiteswara many incarnations on earth, and sees in him, not very wrongly, the spiritual guide of every believer, the esoteric interpretation sees in him the Logos, both celestial and human. Therefore, when the Yogâchârya School has declared Avalokiteswara as Padmâpani “to be the Dhyâni Bodhisattva of Amitâbha Buddha”, it is indeed, because the former is ''the spiritual reflex in the world of forms ''of the latter, both being one—one in heaven, the other on earth {{etg-source|TG}}.


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