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1,036 bytes added ,  02:53, 12 February 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Capricornus |person=No |origin={{tip|Lat}} |description=The 10th sign of the Zodiac (''Makâra ''in Sanskrit), considered, on account of its hidden meaning..."
{{ETG article
|description=The 10th sign of the Zodiac (''Makâra ''in Sanskrit), considered, on account of its hidden meaning, the most important among the constellations of the mysterious Zodiac. it is fully described in the ''Secret Doctrine'', and therefore needs but a few words more. Whether, agreeably with exoteric statements, Capricornus was related in any way to the wet‐nurse Amalthæa who fed Jupiter with her milk, or whether it was the god Pan who changed himself into a goat and left his impress upon the sidereal records, matters little. Each of the fables has its significance. Everything in Nature is intimately correlated to the rest, and therefore the students of ancient lore will not be too much surprised when told that even the seven steps taken in the direction of every one of the four points of the compass, or —28 steps— taken by the new‐born infant Buddha, are closely related to the 28 stars of the constellation of Capricornus {{etg-source|TG}}.


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