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Created page with "{{TOC right|300px|80%}}{{Hide title}} {{Style P-Book|The Secret Doctrine}} {{Style P-Subtitle|The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy}} <center>by</center> {{Style..."
{{TOC right|300px|80%}}{{Hide title}}
{{Style P-Book|The Secret Doctrine}}
{{Style P-Subtitle|The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy}}
{{Style P-Author|Helena Petrovna Blavatsky}}
<center>author of “ Isis Unveiled.”</center>

{{Vertical space|50px}}

<center>सत्यात् नास्ति परो धर्मः ।</center>
<center>“ There is no Religion higher than Truth.”</center>

{{Vertical space|50px}}

<center>21-th century edition</center>
<center>Based on first edition, 1888</center>

{{Style P-Title level|0|Table of contents}}
{{Columns start}}
==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 ch.Preface|Preface]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|vii|21c}}===

==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 ch.Introduction|Introduction]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|xvii|21c}}===
: The Need of such a Book {{SD-p-toc|1|xix|21c}}
: The Antiquity of Documents and MSS. {{SD-p-toc|1|xxiii|21c}}
: What the Book is intended to do {{SD-p-toc|1|xxviii|21c}}
{{Columns end}}

=<center>VOLUME FIRST. <br><small>COSMOGENESIS.</small></center>=
{{Columns start}}
==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 ch.Proem|Proem]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|1|21c}}===
: The Oldest MSS. in the world and its Symbolism {{SD-p-toc|1|2|21c}}
: The One Life, Active and Passive {{SD-p-toc|1|4|21c}}
: The Secret Doctrine — Pantheism — Atheism {{SD-p-toc|1|6|21c}}
: “ Space ” in all Religions and in Occultism {{SD-p-toc|1|9|21c}}
: Seven Cosmic Elements — Seven Races of Mankind {{SD-p-toc|1|12|21c}}
: The Three Postulates of the Secret Doctrine {{SD-p-toc|1|14|21c}}
: Description of the Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan {{SD-p-toc|1|20|21c}}
{{Columns end}}

== <center>BOOK I.—PART I.<br><small>COSMIC EVOLUTION.</small></center> ==
{{Columns start||width=300px}}
=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 ch.Seven Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan|Seven Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|27|21c}} ===


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.1|Stanza I. The Night of the Universe]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|35|21c}}===
{{Style P-No indent|'''Slokas:'''
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.1|1]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.2|2]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.3|3]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.4|4]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.5|5]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.6|6]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.7|7]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.8|8]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.9|9]]}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.1|Sloka 1]] {{SD-p-toc|1|35|21c}}
: The Seven Eternities {{SD-p-toc|1|36|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.2|Sloka 2]] {{SD-p-toc|1|36|21c}}
: Time and Universal Mind {{SD-p-toc|1|37|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.3|Sloka 3]] {{SD-p-toc|1|37|21c}}
: The Universal Mind and the Dhyan Chohans {{SD-p-toc|1|38|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.4|Sloka 4]] {{SD-p-toc|1|38|21c}}
: The Causes of Being {{SD-p-toc|1|39|21c}}
: Nidana and Maya: The Causes of Misery {{SD-p-toc|1|39|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.5|Sloka 5]] {{SD-p-toc|1|40|21c}}
: What is Darkness in Philosophy? {{SD-p-toc|1|41|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.6|Sloka 6]] {{SD-p-toc|1|42|21c}}
: Motions, the “Great Breath” {{SD-p-toc|1|43|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.7|Sloka 7]] {{SD-p-toc|1|44|21c}}
: Being and Non-Being {{SD-p-toc|1|45|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.8|Sloka 8]] {{SD-p-toc|1|46|21c}}
: The Eye of Dangma {{SD-p-toc|1|47|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.1 sl.9|Sloka 9]] {{SD-p-toc|1|47|21c}}
: Alaya, the Universal Soul {{SD-p-toc|1|49|21c}}
: Can the Finite Conceive the Infinite? {{SD-p-toc|1|51|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.1|Stanza II. The Idea of Differentiation]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|53|21c}}===
{{Style P-No indent|'''Slokas:'''
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.1|1]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.2|2]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.3|3]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.4|4]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.5|5]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.6|6]]}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.1|Sloka 1]] {{SD-p-toc|1|53|21c}}
: The State of Paranirvana {{SD-p-toc|1|53|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.2|Sloka 2]] {{SD-p-toc|1|54|21c}}
: The Absolute Knows itself not {{SD-p-toc|1|55|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.3|Sloka 3]] {{SD-p-toc|1|57|21c}}
: The Germ of Life was not yet {{SD-p-toc|1|57|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.4|Sloka 4]] {{SD-p-toc|1|58|21c}}
: Astral Light is not the Anima Mundi {{SD-p-toc|1|59|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.5|Sloka 5]] {{SD-p-toc|1|60|21c}}
: Divine Thought, Divine Thinkers {{SD-p-toc|1|61|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.2 sl.6|Sloka 6]] {{SD-p-toc|1|61|21c}}
: The Universe was still concealed in the Divine Thought {{SD-p-toc|1|61|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.1|Stanza III. The Awakening of Kosmos]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|62|21c}}===
{{Style P-No indent|'''Slokas:'''
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.1|1]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.2|2]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.3|3]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.4|4]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.5|5]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.6|6]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.7|7]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.8|8]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.9|9]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.10|10]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.11|11]],
[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.12|12]]}}

: The Great Vibration {{SD-p-toc|1|63|21c}}
: Nature’s Symbols {{SD-p-toc|1|65|21c}}
: The Power of Numbers {{SD-p-toc|1|67|21c}}
: The Logoi and the Dragon {{SD-p-toc|1|73|21c}}
: The Astral Light {{SD-p-toc|1|75|21c}}
: Primeval Radiations from Unity {{SD-p-toc|1|79|21c}}
: The Web of Being {{SD-p-toc|1|83|21c}}
: Conscious Electricity : Fohat {{SD-p-toc|1|85|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.4 sl.1|Stanza IV. The Septenary Hierarchies]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|86|21c}} ===
: The Sons of the Fire {{SD-p-toc|1|86|21c}}
: The Vehicle of the Universe — the Dhyan Chohans {{SD-p-toc|1|89|21c}}
: The Army of the Voice {{SD-p-toc|1|93|21c}}
: Speech and Mind {{SD-p-toc|1|95|21c}}
: The Ogdoad and the Heptad {{SD-p-toc|1|99|21c}}
: The Stellar “ Sons of Light ” {{SD-p-toc|1|103|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.5 sl.1|Stanza V. Fohat : The Child of the Septenary Hierarchies]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|106|21c}}===
: The Fiery Whirlwind and the Primordial Seven {{SD-p-toc|1|106|21c}}
: They Produce Fohat {{SD-p-toc|1|108|21c}}
: The Correlation of the “ Gods ” {{SD-p-toc|1|113|21c}}
: Evolution of the “ Principles ” of Nature {{SD-p-toc|1|119|21c}}
: The Mystery of the Fire {{SD-p-toc|1|121|21c}}
: The Secret of the Elements {{SD-p-toc|1|123|21c}}
: The Square of the Tabernacle {{SD-p-toc|1|125|21c}}
: The Planetary Spirits and the Lipika {{SD-p-toc|1|129|21c}}
: The Ring “ Pass Not ” {{SD-p-toc|1|130|21c}}
: The Sidereal Book of Life {{SD-p-toc|1|131|21c}}
: The Soul’s Pilgrimage and its “ Rest ” {{SD-p-toc|1|134|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.6 sl.1|Stanza VI. Our World, its Growth and Development]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|136|21c}}===
: The Logos {{SD-p-toc|1|136|21c}}
: Mystery of the Female Logos {{SD-p-toc|1|137|21c}}


: The Seven Layu Centres {{SD-p-toc|1|138|21c}}
: The “ Elementary Germs ” {{SD-p-toc|1|139|21c}}
: The Evolution of the Elements {{SD-p-toc|1|140|21c}}
: The Building of the Worlds {{SD-p-toc|1|145|21c}}
: A Neutral Centre {{SD-p-toc|1|147|21c}}
: “ Dead ” Planets — The Moon {{SD-p-toc|1|149|21c}}


{{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.6 sl.4 ch.Theosophical Misconceptions|Theosophical Misconceptions]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|152|21c}}
: The Planetary Divisions and the Human Principles {{SD-p-toc|1|153|21c}}
: The Moon {{SD-p-toc|1|155|21c}}
: Transmigrations of the Ego {{SD-p-toc|1|159|21c}}
: The Septenary Chain {{SD-p-toc|1|161|21c}}
: Relation of the other Planets to the Earth {{SD-p-toc|1|163|21c}}


{{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.6 sl.4 ch.Explanations concerning the Globes and the Monads|Explanations concerning the Globes and the Monads]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|170|21c}}
: The Lunar Chain and the Earth Chain {{SD-p-toc|1|172|21c}}
: The Earth, the Child of the Moon {{SD-p-toc|1|173|21c}}
: Classification of the Monads {{SD-p-toc|1|175|21c}}
: The Monad Defined {{SD-p-toc|1|177|21c}}
: The Monad Defined {{SD-p-toc|1|179|21c}}
: A Triple Evolution in Nature {{SD-p-toc|1|181|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.6 sl.5|Stanza VI.]]–Continued}} {{SD-p-toc|1|191|21c}}===
: “ Creation ” in the Fourth Round {{SD-p-toc|1|191|21c}}
: The “ Curse,” “ Sin,” and “ War ” {{SD-p-toc|1|193|21c}}
: The Struggle for Life and the Birth of the Worlds {{SD-p-toc|1|202|21c}}
: The Adepts and the Sacred Island {{SD-p-toc|1|207|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 st.7 sl.1|Stanza VII. The Parents of Man on Earth]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|213|21c}}===
: Divisions of the Hierarchies {{SD-p-toc|1|214|21c}}
: Correlations of Beings {{SD-p-toc|1|223|21c}}
: What incarnates in Animal Man {{SD-p-toc|1|233|21c}}
: Formation of Man : the Thinker {{SD-p-toc|1|238|21c}}
: Occult and Kabalistic Pneumatics {{SD-p-toc|1|243|21c}}
: Akâsa and Ether {{SD-p-toc|1|257|21c}}
: The Invisible “ Lives ” {{SD-p-toc|1|259|21c}}
: Occult Vital Chemistry and Bacteriology {{SD-p-toc|1|261|21c}}


: The Watcher and his Shadow {{SD-p-toc|1|265|21c}}
: Earth peopled by the Shadows of the Gods {{SD-p-toc|1|267|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.1 ch.Summing up|Summing up]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|269|21c}} ===
: The pith and marrow of the Secret Doctrine {{SD-p-toc|1|269|21c}}
: Hermes in Christian Garb {{SD-p-toc|1|273|21c}}
: Some Occult Aphorisms {{SD-p-toc|1|289|21c}}
: The Seven Powers of Nature {{SD-p-toc|1|293|21c}}
{{Columns end}}

== <center>BOOK I.—PART II.<br><small>THE EVOLUTION OF SYMBOLISM IN ITS APPROXIMATE ORDER.</small></center> ==
{{Columns start||width=300px}}
=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.1|I. Symbolism and Ideographs]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|303|21c}}===
: Emblem and Symbol differ {{SD-p-toc|1|305|21c}}
: Magic Potency of Sound {{SD-p-toc|1|307|21c}}
: Mystery Language {{SD-p-toc|1|309|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.2|II. The Mystery Language and its Keys]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|310|21c}}===
: Egypt’s many Religions {{SD-p-toc|1|311|21c}}
: The Jews and their System {{SD-p-toc|1|313|21c}}
: Moses copied from Sargon {{SD-p-toc|1|319|21c}}
: Identity of Ancient Symbols {{SD-p-toc|1|323|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.3|III. Primordial Substance and Divine Thought]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|325|21c}}===
: Divine Thought, or Cineritious Matter ? {{SD-p-toc|1|327|21c}}
: Ether and Intelligence {{SD-p-toc|1|330|21c}}
: The Seven Prakritis {{SD-p-toc|1|335|21c}}
: The Mystic Fire {{SD-p-toc|1|339|21c}}
: One Tree of Knowledge {{SD-p-toc|1|341|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.4|IV. Chaos—Theos—Kosmos]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|342|21c}}===
: The Union of Chaos and Spirit {{SD-p-toc|1|343|21c}}
: The Birth of Mind {{SD-p-toc|1|345|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.5|V. The Hidden Deity, its Symbols and Glyphs]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|349|21c}}===
: The Gnostic Idea {{SD-p-toc|1|351|21c}}
: International Correlation of Gods {{SD-p-toc|1|355|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.6|VI. The Mundane Egg]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|359|21c}}===
: Egg-born Logoi {{SD-p-toc|1|363|21c}}
: The Winged Globe {{SD-p-toc|1|365|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.7|VII. The Days and Nights of Brahmâ]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|368|21c}}===
: Human Gods and Divine Men {{SD-p-toc|1|369|21c}}
: The Rebirth of Gods {{SD-p-toc|1|371|21c}}
: The Puranic Prophecy {{SD-p-toc|1|377|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.8|VIII. The Lotus as a Universal Symbol]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|379|21c}} ===
: Exoteric and Esoteric {{SD-p-toc|1|381|21c}}
: The Purity of ''early'' Phallicism {{SD-p-toc|1|383|21c}}
: The Egyptian Lotus {{SD-p-toc|1|385|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.9|IX. Deus Lunus]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|386|21c}}===
: A Glance at the Lunar Myth {{SD-p-toc|1|387|21c}}
: A Key-note to the Moon {{SD-p-toc|1|389|21c}}
: Copies and Originals {{SD-p-toc|1|393|21c}}
: The Moon Bi-sexual {{SD-p-toc|1|397|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.10|X. Tree and Serpent and Crocodile Worship]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|403|21c}}===
: Degeneration of the Symbol {{SD-p-toc|1|405|21c}}
: The Seven-headed Dragons {{SD-p-toc|1|407|21c}}
: Dragon and Crocodile {{SD-p-toc|1|409|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.11|XI. Demon est Deus Inversus]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|411|21c}}===
: Death is Life {{SD-p-toc|1|413|21c}}
: The Fall of the Angels {{SD-p-toc|1|418|21c}}
: Transformation of the Legend {{SD-p-toc|1|421|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.12|XII. The Theogony of the Creative Gods]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|424|21c}}===
: The Point within the Circle {{SD-p-toc|1|426|21c}}
: The Logos or Verbum {{SD-p-toc|1|429|21c}}
: The Factors of Creation {{SD-p-toc|1|432|21c}}
: Identity of the Hierarchies in all Religions {{SD-p-toc|1|438|21c}}
: Difference between the Aryan and Semitic Systems {{SD-p-toc|1|444|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.13|XIII. The Seven Creations]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|445|21c}}===
: The Gnostic and the Hindu Versions {{SD-p-toc|1|449|21c}}
: The Seven Puranic “ Creations ” {{SD-p-toc|1|450|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.14|XIV. The Four Elements]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|460|21c}}===
: The “ Gods ” and the “ Elements ” {{SD-p-toc|1|463|21c}}
: The Language of the Elements {{SD-p-toc|1|464|21c}}
: Pagan and Christian Worship of the Elements {{SD-p-toc|1|467|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.2 sec.15|XV. On Kwan-Shi-Yin and Kwan-Yin]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|470|21c}}===
: Kwan-Shi-Yin and Phallicism {{SD-p-toc|1|471|21c}}
: The Real Meaning {{SD-p-toc|1|472|21c}}
{{Columns end}}


== <center>BOOK I.—PART III.<br><small>SCIENCE AND THE SECRET DOCTRINE CONTRASTED.</small></center> ==

{{Columns start||width=300px}}
=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.1 | I. Reasons for these Addenda]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|477|21c}}===
: Occultism ''versus'' Materialism {{SD-p-toc|1|479|21c}}
: The Sabbath of the Mystic {{SD-p-toc|1|481|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.2 | II. Modern Physicists are Playing at Blind Man’s Buff]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|482|21c}}===


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.3 | III. An Lumen Sit Corpus nec non ?]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|483|21c}}===
: The Hypothetical Ether {{SD-p-toc|1|485|21c}}
: Scientific Theories of its Constitution {{SD-p-toc|1|489|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.4 | IV. Is Gravitation a Law ?]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|490|21c}}===
: Intelligences or Blind Forces ? {{SD-p-toc|1|493|21c}}
: The Cause of Attraction {{SD-p-toc|1|498|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.5 | V. The Theories of Rotation in Science]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|500|21c}}===
: Conflicting Hypotheses {{SD-p-toc|1|502|21c}}
: More Hypotheses {{SD-p-toc|1|505|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.6 | VI. The Masks of Science]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|506|21c}}===
: What are the “ Forces ? ” {{SD-p-toc|1|508|21c}}
: The View of the Occultists {{SD-p-toc|1|510|21c}}
: Scientific and Occult Theories on Heat {{SD-p-toc|1|515|21c}}
: The Atoms of Science {{SD-p-toc|1|519|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.7 | VII. An Attack on the Scientific Theory of Force by a Man of Science]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|523|21c}}===
: Ether and Atoms {{SD-p-toc|1|527|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.8 | VIII. Life, Force, or Gravity ?]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|529|21c}}===
: Dr. Richardson on Nervous Ether {{SD-p-toc|1|531|21c}}
: The Senses and their Action {{SD-p-toc|1|535|21c}}
: Too much “ Life ” may Kill {{SD-p-toc|1|539|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.9 | IX. The Solar Theory]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|540|21c}}===
: The Primordial Element {{SD-p-toc|1|542|21c}}
: Elements and ''Meta''-Elements {{SD-p-toc|1|546|21c}}
: The Tree of Life and Being {{SD-p-toc|1|549|21c}}
: Prof. Crookes on the Elements {{SD-p-toc|1|552|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.10 | X. The Coming Force]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|554|21c}}===
: Mr. Keeley, an Unconscious Occultist {{SD-p-toc|1|557|21c}}
: Inter-Etheric Waves {{SD-p-toc|1|561|21c}}
: The Secrets of Sound and Odour {{SD-p-toc|1|565|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.11 | XI. On the Elements and Atoms]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|566|21c}}===
: Metaphysical Chemistry {{SD-p-toc|1|569|21c}}
: What are the Seven Planets ? {{SD-p-toc|1|575|21c}}
: The Cyclic Fall of the Gods {{SD-p-toc|1|577|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.12 | XII. Ancient Thought in Modern Dress]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|579|21c}}===
: All-Potential Unity {{SD-p-toc|1|583|21c}}
: The “ Seventh ” in Chemistry {{SD-p-toc|1|585|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.13 | XIII. The Modern Nebular Theory]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|588|21c}}===
: Forces are Emanations {{SD-p-toc|1|591|21c}}
: What is the Nebula ?{{SD-p-toc|1|595|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.14 | XIV. Forces—Modes of Motion or Intelligences ?]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|601|21c}}===
: The Vital Principle{{SD-p-toc|1|603|21c}}
: Occult and Physical Science {{SD-p-toc|1|605|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.15 | XV. Gods, Monads, and Atoms]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|610|21c}}===
: The Gods of the Ancients — the Monads {{SD-p-toc|1|613|21c}}
: The Monad and the Duad {{SD-p-toc|1|617|21c}}
: The Genesis of the Elements {{SD-p-toc|1|621|21c}}
: Hermes and Huxley {{SD-p-toc|1|625|21c}}
: The Teaching of Leibnitz {{SD-p-toc|1|627|21c}}
: The Monads according to Occultism {{SD-p-toc|1|632|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.16 | XVI. Cyclic Evolution and Karma]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|634|21c}}===
: Karmic Cycles and Universal Ethics {{SD-p-toc|1|637|21c}}
: Destiny and Karma {{SD-p-toc|1|639|21c}}
: Karma — Nemesis {{SD-p-toc|1|643|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.17 | XVII. The Zodiac and its Antiquity]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|647|21c}}===
: The Jewish Patriarchs and the Signs of the Zodiac {{SD-p-toc|1|651|21c}}
: Zodiacal Cycles {{SD-p-toc|1|656|21c}}
: Hindu Astronomy {{SD-p-toc|1|661|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.1 p.3 sec.18 | XVIII. Summary of the Mutual Position]]}} {{SD-p-toc|1|668|21c}}===
: Science Confesses her Ignorance {{SD-p-toc|1|669|21c}}
: Materialism is leading Europe towards a catastrophe {{SD-p-toc|1|675|21c}}


N.B. — The Index and Glossary will be found at the close of Volume II.
{{Columns end}}

=<center>VOLUME SECOND.</center>=
{{Columns start||width=300px}}

=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 ch.Preliminary Notes|Preliminary Notes]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|1|21c}} ===
: On the Archaic Stanzas, and the Four Prehistoric Continents {{SD-p-toc|2|1|21c}}
: The Imperishable Sacred Land {{SD-p-toc|2|6|21c}}
: The Hyperborean {{SD-p-toc|2|7|21c}}
: Lemuria {{SD-p-toc|2|7|21c}}
: Atlantis {{SD-p-toc|2|8|21c}}
: The Tropics at the Pole {{SD-p-toc|2|11|21c}}
{{Columns end}}


== <center>BOOK II.— PART II.<br>ANTHROPOGENESIS.</center> ==
{{Columns start||width=300px}}
=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 ch.Stanzas|Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan]] {{SD-p-toc|2|15|21c}}}} ===


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.1 sl.1 |Stanza I.—Beginnings of Sentient Life]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|22|21c}}===
: Man, the Third Logos {{SD-p-toc|2|25|21c}}
: The Celestial Governors of Humanity {{SD-p-toc|2|29|21c}}
: Parent Stars and Sister Planets{{SD-p-toc|2|33|21c}}
: Three Kinds of Light {{SD-p-toc|2|35|21c}}
: The Numbers of Creation {{SD-p-toc|2|39|21c}}
: The First War in Heaven {{SD-p-toc|2|45|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.1 sl.4 |Two Antediluvian Astronomers]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|47|21c}} ===


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.2 sl.5| Stanza II.—Nature Unaided Fails]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|52|21c}}===
: The Monsters of Chaos {{SD-p-toc|2|53|21c}}
: The “ Double Dragon ” {{SD-p-toc|2|57|21c}}
: Who are the Flames ? {{SD-p-toc|2|63|21c}}


=== [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2_p.1_st.2_sl.10_ch.The Chronology of the Brahmins|The Chronology of the Brahmins]] {{SD-p-toc|2|66|21c}} ===
: The Race that never dies {{SD-p-toc|2|67|21c}}
: Cosmogony, an intelligent plan {{SD-p-toc|2|73|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.3 sl.11| Stanza III.—Attempts to create Man]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|75|21c}}===
: The various classes of Creators {{SD-p-toc|2|77|21c}}
: Man, a god in animal form {{SD-p-toc|2|81|21c}}
: “ Fires,” “ Sparks,” and “ Flames ” {{SD-p-toc|2|83|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.4 sl.14| Stanza IV.—Creation of the First Races]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|86|21c}}===
: Pitris of the Gods and Demons {{SD-p-toc|2|89|21c}}
: What Prometheus symbolized {{SD-p-toc|2|95|21c}}
: The Hammer of Thor {{SD-p-toc|2|99|21c}}
: The Divine Rebels {{SD-p-toc|2|103|21c}}
: Man’s Father, the Sun {{SD-p-toc|2|105|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.5 sl.18| Stanza V. The Evolution of the Second Race]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|109|21c}}===
: The Secret Work of Chiram {{SD-p-toc|2|113|21c}}
: The outgrowth of Races {{SD-p-toc|2|117|21c}}
: Leda, Castor, and Pollux {{SD-p-toc|2|121|21c}}
: Леда, Кастор и Поллукс {{SD-p-toc|2|121|21c}}
: Аллегория Кастора и Поллукса {{SD-p-toc|2|123|21c}}
: Jah-Hovah Androgynous {{SD-p-toc|2|125|21c}}
: The Jewish God-name {{SD-p-toc|2|127|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.6 sl.22| Stanza VI. The Evolution of the Sweat-born]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|131|21c}}===
: Bi-sexual reproduction {{SD-p-toc|2|133|21c}}
: The Virgin Third Race {{SD-p-toc|2|135|21c}}
: A Few Words about Deluges and Noah’s {{SD-p-toc|2|138|21c}}
: Various Deluges {{SD-p-toc|2|141|21c}}
: The Arkite Symbols {{SD-p-toc|2|143|21c}}
: Could Men Exist 18,000,000 Years ago ? {{SD-p-toc|2|148|21c}}
: Spontaneous Generation {{SD-p-toc|2|151|21c}}
: The Solar System in the Purânas {{SD-p-toc|2|155|21c}}
: Oceans of Carbonic Acid ? {{SD-p-toc|2|159|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.7 sl.24| Stanza VII. From the Semi-Divine down to the First Human Races]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|161|21c}}===
: Monads and Rounds {{SD-p-toc|2|167|21c}}
: A Suggestive Explanation {{SD-p-toc|2|171|21c}}


: A Saint — Hypnotised {{SD-p-toc|2|175|21c}}
: Sweat-born and Androgynes {{SD-p-toc|2|177|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.8 sl.28| Stanza VIII. Evolution of the Animal Mammalians—the First Fall]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|180|21c}}===
: Archaic Zoology {{SD-p-toc|2|183|21c}}
: The Sin of the Mindless {{SD-p-toc|2|185|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.8 sl.29-32#185|What may be the Objections to the Foregoing]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|185|21c}} ===


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.9 sl.33-35| Stanza IX. The Final Evolution of Man]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|191|21c}}===
: The Hairy Men of China {{SD-p-toc|2|195|21c}}
: The Separation of Sexes {{SD-p-toc|2|197|21c}}
: Primeval Language {{SD-p-toc|2|199|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.9 sl.37 ch.Edens, Serpents and Dragons|Edens, Serpents and Dragons]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|202|21c}} ===
: The Garden of Eden a College {{SD-p-toc|2|203|21c}}
: Flying Camels {{SD-p-toc|2|205|21c}}
: Two Schools of Magic {{SD-p-toc|2|211|21c}}
: The Flying Dragons {{SD-p-toc|2|219|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.9 sl.37 ch.The Sons of God and the Sacred Island|The Sons of God and the Sacred Island]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|220|21c}} ===
: The Magicians of Atlantis {{SD-p-toc|2|223|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.10 sl.38-39| Stanza X. The History of the Fourth Race]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|227|21c}}===
: The Mysteries among the Mayas {{SD-p-toc|2|229|21c}}
: Satanic Myths {{SD-p-toc|2|233|21c}}
: Mahasura and Satan {{SD-p-toc|2|237|21c}}
: Man, the pale shadow of God {{SD-p-toc|2|243|21c}}
: The curse of Vasishta {{SD-p-toc|2|247|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.10 sl.38-39 ch.Archaic Teachings|Archaic Teachings in the Purânas and Genesis]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|251|21c}} ===
: From worm to man {{SD-p-toc|2|255|21c}}
: Identity of Human and Animal embryos {{SD-p-toc|2|259|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.10 sl.38-39 ch.Early Races|A Panoramic View of the Early Races]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|263|21c}} ===
: The Natural “ Fall ” {{SD-p-toc|2|267|21c}}
: The Symbolism of Kronos {{SD-p-toc|2|269|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.10 sl.40-42|Stanza X.]]}}—''Continued'' {{SD-p-toc|2|271|21c}} ===
: The Golden Age{{SD-p-toc|2|273|21c}}
: The Devil’s outside Humanity {{SD-p-toc|2|275|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.10 sl.40-42 ch.Are Giants a Fiction|Are Giants a Fiction ?]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|277|21c}}===
: The Seven Virgin Youths {{SD-p-toc|2|281|21c}}
: The Tibetan Lilith {{SD-p-toc|2|285|21c}}
: The Races of Men not all Human {{SD-p-toc|2|287|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.10 sl.40-42 ch.The Races with the Third Eye|The Races with the “ Third Eye ”]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|289|21c}}===
: Occult Physiology {{SD-p-toc|2|295|21c}}
: The Evolution of the Eye {{SD-p-toc|2|299|21c}}
: The Third Eye is now a Gland {{SD-p-toc|2|301|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.10 sl.40-42 ch.The Primeval Manus of Humanity|The Primeval Manus of Humanity]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|307|21c}} ===
: The Four Earlier Races {{SD-p-toc|2|311|21c}}
: The Esoteric Meaning of “ Fish ” {{SD-p-toc|2|313|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.11 sl.43| Stanza XI.—The Civilization and Destruction of the Fourth and Fifth Races]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|316|21c}}===
: Degeneration of Mankind {{SD-p-toc|2|319|21c}}
: Atlantis now Ocean Floor {{SD-p-toc|2|325|21c}}
: Changes of Climate {{SD-p-toc|2|329|21c}}
: How to Read Symbols {{SD-p-toc|2|335|21c}}
: The Antediluvian Buddhas {{SD-p-toc|2|339|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.11 sl.44 ch.Cyclopean Ruins| Cyclopean Ruins and Colossal Stones as Witnesses to Giants]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|341|21c}} ===
: Living, Speaking, and Moving Stones {{SD-p-toc|2|345|21c}}
: It takes a God to become a Man {{SD-p-toc|2|349|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49|Stanza XII.—The Fifth Race and its Divine Instructors]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|351|21c}}===
: The Astronomical Dragon {{SD-p-toc|2|353|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Serpents and Dragons|Serpents and Dragons under different Symbolisms]] {{SD-p-toc|2|355|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.The Sidereal and Cosmic Glyphs|The Sidereal and Cosmic Glyphs]] {{SD-p-toc|2|357|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Our Divine Instructors|Our Divine Instructors]] {{SD-p-toc|2|365|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Satanic Myth|The Origin of the Satanic Myth]] {{SD-p-toc|2|378|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Noah was a Kabir|Noah was a Kabir, hence he must have been a Demon]] {{SD-p-toc|2|390|21c}}
: Легенды о Потопе {{SD-p-toc|2|391|21c}}


: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Persian Traditions|The oldest Persian Traditions about the Polar, and the Submerged Continents]] {{SD-p-toc|2|393|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Western Speculations|Western Speculations founded on the Greek and Purânic Traditions]] {{SD-p-toc|2|401|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Curse|The “ Curse ” from a Philosophical point of view]] {{SD-p-toc|2|409|21c}}


=== {{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 st.12 ch.Additional Fragments|Additional Fragments from a Commentary on the Verses of Stanza XII]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|423|21c}} ===
: The Oldest Records about Atlantis {{SD-p-toc|2|425|21c}}
: The Doom of Atlantis {{SD-p-toc|2|427|21c}}
: The Races, Sub-Races, and Family Races {{SD-p-toc|2|434|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.1 ch.Conclusion|Conclusion]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|437|21c}}===

{{Columns end}}


== <center>BOOK II.—PART II.<br><small>THE ARCHAIC SYMBOLISM OF THE WORLD-RELIGIONS.</small></center> ==
{{Columns start||width=300px}}
==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 ch.Esoteric Tenets|Esoteric Tenets corroborated in every Scripture]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|449|21c}} ===


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.16| § XVI. Adam-Adami]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|452|21c}}===
: The Cabalistic Four Adams {{SD-p-toc|2|457|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.17| XVII. The “ Holy of Holies ” : Its Degradation]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|459|21c}}===
: Christian Symbolism {{SD-p-toc|2|463|21c}}
: The “ Four-faced ” Brahmâ {{SD-p-toc|2|465|21c}}
: The Old and the New Jehovah {{SD-p-toc|2|469|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.18| XVIII. On the Myth of the “ Fallen Angel,” in its various aspects]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|475|21c}}===
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.18 ch.A|The Evil Spirit : Who and What ?]] {{SD-p-toc|2|475|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.18 ch.B|The Gods of Light proceed from the Gods of Darkness]] {{SD-p-toc|2|483|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.18 ch.C|The many meanings of the “ War in Heaven ”]] {{SD-p-toc|2|492|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.19| XIX. Is Pleroma Satan’s Lair ?]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|506|21c}}===
: Jehovah’s Personating Spirit {{SD-p-toc|2|509|21c}}
: The Mysterium Magnum {{SD-p-toc|2|512|21c}}
: The Logos and Satan are One {{SD-p-toc|2|515|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.20| XX. Prometheus the Titan]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|519|21c}}===
: His Origin in Ancient India {{SD-p-toc|2|519|21c}}
: The Boon he Gives {{SD-p-toc|2|523|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.21| XXI. Enoïchion-Henoch]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|529|21c}}===


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.22| XXII. The Symbolism of the Mystery Names Iao, and Jehovah]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|536|21c}}===
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.22 ch.A|Cross and Circle]] {{SD-p-toc|2|545|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.22 ch.B|The Fall of the Cross into Matter]] {{SD-p-toc|2|553|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.23| XXIII. The Upanishads in Gnostic Literature]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|563|21c}}===
: When Time be no longer {{SD-p-toc|2|565|21c}}
: The Divine Self’s Wisdom {{SD-p-toc|2|566|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.24| XXIV. The Cross and the Pythagorean Decade]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|573|21c}}===
: Poseidon’s Five Ministers {{SD-p-toc|2|577|21c}}
: The Mystery of the Number Six {{SD-p-toc|2|583|21c}}
: The Cross and Christian After-thought {{SD-p-toc|2|587|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.25| XXV. The Mysteries of the Hebdomad]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|590|21c}}===
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.25 ch.A|Saptaparna]] {{SD-p-toc|2|590|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.25 ch.B|The Tetraktis in relation to the Heptagon]] {{SD-p-toc|2|598|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.25 ch.C|The Septenary Element in the Vedas]] {{SD-p-toc|2|605|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.25 ch.D|The Septenary in the Exoteric Works]] {{SD-p-toc|2|611|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.25 ch.E|Seven in Astronomy, Science and Magic]] {{SD-p-toc|2|618|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.2 sec.25 ch.F|The Seven Souls of the Egyptologists]] {{SD-p-toc|2|630|21c}}
{{Columns end}}


{{Columns start||width=300px}}

==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.1| I. Archaic, or Modern Anthropology ?]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|645|21c}}===
: The Occult and the Modern Doctrines {{SD-p-toc|2|649|21c}}
: Science is Silent on every Problem {{SD-p-toc|2|653|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.2| II. The Ancestors Mankind is offered by Science]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|656|21c}}===
: Various Modes of Reproduction {{SD-p-toc|2|659|21c}}
: A Pithecoid Man Wanted {{SD-p-toc|2|669|21c}}
: Plastidular Souls and Conscious Nerve-Cells {{SD-p-toc|2|670|21c}}
: The atoms of our “ Father-Bathybius ” {{SD-p-toc|2|674|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.3| III. The Fossil Relics of Man and the Anthropoid Ape]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|675|21c}}===
: Insurmountable difficulties for the Darwinians {{SD-p-toc|2|677|21c}}
: The Argument of “ Rudimentary Organs ” {{SD-p-toc|2|683|21c}}
: “ Epitomized History ” in the Fœtus {{SD-p-toc|2|684|21c}}
: The Evidence of Skulls {{SD-p-toc|2|687|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.4| IV. Duration of the Geological Periods, Race Cycles, and the Antiquity of Man]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|690|21c}}===
: Sayce’s Sketch of Chronology {{SD-p-toc|2|691|21c}}

: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.4 ch.A|''(a)'' Speculations on the Age of the Globe]] {{SD-p-toc|2|694|21c}}
:: The Adept-Astronomer {{SD-p-toc|2|698|21c}}

: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.4 ch.B|''(b)'' On Chains of Planets and their Plurality]] {{SD-p-toc|2|699|21c}}
:: States of Consciousness {{SD-p-toc|2|701|21c}}
:: Worlds mentioned in the Bible{{SD-p-toc|2|703|21c}}

:[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.4 ch.C|''(c)'' Esoteric Geological Chronology]] {{SD-p-toc|2|709|21c}}
:: Parallelism of Life {{SD-p-toc|2|711|21c}}
:: The Two Sciences contrasted {{SD-p-toc|2|713|21c}}
:: The Palæolithic Landseer {{SD-p-toc|2|721|21c}}
:: Astral Man—the Solution {{SD-p-toc|2|728|21c}}
:: The Kabalists and Science {{SD-p-toc|2|730|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.5| V. Organic Evolution and Creative Centres]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|731|21c}}===
: Dhyan Chohans and these Centres {{SD-p-toc|2|732|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.5 ch.A|''(a)'' Origin and Evolution of the Mammalia]] {{SD-p-toc|2|734|21c}}
: [[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.5 ch.B|''(b)'' The European Palæolithic Races — whence and how distributed]] {{SD-p-toc|2|738|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.6| VI. Giants, Civilizations, and Submerged Continents traced in History]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|742|21c}}===
: A Mysterious Nation {{SD-p-toc|2|743|21c}}
: The Seven Sabbaths {{SD-p-toc|2|747|21c}}
: “ Revelation ” and the “ Secret Doctrine ” {{SD-p-toc|2|748|21c}}
: Druidic Stones {{SD-p-toc|2|752|21c}}
: Races of Giants {{SD-p-toc|2|755|21c}}
: Mazdean “ Seven Earths ” {{SD-p-toc|2|759|21c}}

[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.6 ch.A|''(a)'' Statements about the Sacred Islands]] {{SD-p-toc|2|760|21c}}
: The Heirloom of Atlantis {{SD-p-toc|2|763|21c}}
: The God-bearing Land {{SD-p-toc|2|765|21c}}
: The Power of Names {{SD-p-toc|2|767|21c}}
: The Sons of Cœlus and Terra {{SD-p-toc|2|769|21c}}
: Southern and Northern Atlantis {{SD-p-toc|2|770|21c}}
: Niobe and her Children {{SD-p-toc|2|771|21c}}
: The Cycles of Time {{SD-p-toc|2|773|21c}}
: The Titans in Prison {{SD-p-toc|2|776|21c}}


==={{Style S-Small capitals|[[HPB-SD(21c) v.2 p.3 sec.7| VII. Scientific and Geological Proofs of the Existence of several Submerged Continents]]}} {{SD-p-toc|2|778|21c}}===
: Corroborations of Occultism by Geology {{SD-p-toc|2|779|21c}}
: Evidence of the Flora {{SD-p-toc|2|781|21c}}
: Atlantis necessary to Ethnology {{SD-p-toc|2|783|21c}}
: Astræa falls on her Head {{SD-p-toc|2|785|21c}}
: Communication between South-Sea Islands {{SD-p-toc|2|788|21c}}
: Evidence of Language {{SD-p-toc|2|790|21c}}
: Ragon explains Masonic Symbols {{SD-p-toc|2|795|21c}}
: The End a fitting prelude to Truth {{SD-p-toc|2|797|21c}}


{{Columns end}}

= See also =

* [[HPB-SD|Main page]] for this book with general description and links.

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