
962 bytes added ,  10:03, 6 June 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Evolution |person=No |description=The development of higher orders of animals from lower. As said in ''Isis Unveiled: ''“Modern Science holds but to a on..."
{{ETG article
|description=The development of higher orders of animals from lower. As said in ''Isis Unveiled: ''“Modern Science holds but to a one‐sided physical evolution, prudently avoiding and ignoring the higher or spiritual evolution, which would force our contemporaries to confess the superiority of the ancient philosophers and psychologists over themselves. The ancient sages, ascending to the UNKNOWABLE, made their starting‐ point from the first manifestation of the unseen, the unavoidable, and, from a strictly logical reasoning, the absolutely necessary creative Being, the Demiurgos of the universe. Evolution began with them from pure spirit, which descending lower and lower down, assumed at last a visible and comprehensible form, and became matter. Arrived at this point, they speculated in the Darwinian method, but on a far more large and comprehensive basis.” (See “Emanation”.) {{etg-source|TG}}.
