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Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Harmachus |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=The Egyptian Sphinx, called ''Har‐em‐chu ''or “Horus (the Sun) in the Horizon”, a form of Ra t..."
{{ETG article
|description=The Egyptian Sphinx, called ''Har‐em‐chu ''or “Horus (the Sun) in the Horizon”, a form of Ra the sun‐god; esoterically the risen god. An inscription on a tablet reads “0 blessed Ra Harmachus Thou careerest by him in triumph. 0 shine, Amoun‐Ra Harmachus self‐ generated ‘. The temple of the Sphinx was discovered by Mariette Bey close to the Sphinx, near the great Pyramid of Gizeh All the Egyptologists agree in pronouncing the Sphinx and her temple the “oldest religious monument of the world ”—at any rate of Egypt. “The principal chamber”, writes the late Mr. Fergusson “''in the form of a cross, ''is supported by piers, simple prisms of Syenite granite without base or capital . . no sculptures or inscriptions of any sort are found on the walls of this temple, no ornament or symbol nor any image in the sanctuary”. This proves the enormous antiquity of both the Sphinx and the temple. “The great bearded Sphinx of the Pyramids of Gizeh is the symbol of Harmachus, the same as each Egyptian Pharaoh who bore, in the inscriptions, the name of ‘living form of the Solar Sphinx upon the Earth ‘,”writes Brugsh Bey. And Renan recalls that “at one time the Egyptians were said to have temples without sculptured images” (Bonwick). Not only the Egyptians but every nation of the earth began with temples devoid of idols and even of symbols. It is only when the remembrance of the great abstract truths and of the primordial Wisdom taught to humanity by the dynasties of the divine kings died out that men had to resort to mementos and symbology. In the story of Horus in some tablets of Edfou, Rouge found an inscription showing that the god had once assumed “the shape of a human‐headed lion to gain advantage over his enemy Typhon. Certainly Horus was so adored in Leontopolis. He is the real Sphinx. That accounts, too, for the lion figure being sometimes seen on each side of Isis. . . It was her child.” (Bonwick.) And yet the story of Harmachus, or Har em‐chu, is still left untold to the world, nor is it likely to he divulged to this generation. (See “[[Sphinx]]”.) {{etg-source|TG}}.


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