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Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Hay‐yah |person=No |origin={{tip|Heb}} |description=One of the metaphysical human “Principles”. Eastern Occultists divide men into seven such Princip..."
{{ETG article
|description=One of the metaphysical human “Principles”. Eastern Occultists divide men into seven such Principles; Western Kabbalists, we are told, into three only—namely, ''Nephesh Ruach ''and ''Neshamah''. But in truth, this division is as loose and as mere an abbreviation as our “Body, Soul, Spirit ”. For, in the ''Qabbalah ''of Myer (''Zohar ''ii.,141 b., ''Cremona Ed''. ii., fol. 63 b., col. 251) it is stated that ''Neshamah ''or Spirit has three divisions, “the highest being ''Ye’hee‐dah ''(Atmâ) the middle, ''Hay‐yah ''(Buddhi), and the last and third, the ''Neshamah, ''properly speaking (Manas)”. Then comes ''Mahshabah, ''Thought (the lower Manas, or conscious Personality), in which the higher then manifest themselves, thus making ''four''; this is followed by ''Tzelem, ''Phantom of the Image (''Kama‐rupa ''in life the Kamic element); ''D’yooq‐nah'', Shadow of the image ''(Linga Sharira, ''the Double); and ''Zurath'', Prototype, which is Life—seven in all, even without the ''D’mooth'', Likeness or Similitude, which is called a lower manifestation, and is in reality the ''Guf'', or Body. Theosophists of the E. S. who know the transposition made of Atmâ and the part taken by the ''auric ''prototype, will easily find which are the ''real seven, ''and assure themselves that between the division of Principles of the Eastern Occultists and that of the real Eastern Kabbalists there is no difference. Do not let us forget that neither the one nor the other are prepared to give out the real and ''final ''classification in their public writings {{etg-source|TG}}.


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