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Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Hermanubis |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=Or Hermes Anubis “the revealer of the mysteries of the lower world ”—not of Hell or Hades as in..."
{{ETG article
|description=Or Hermes Anubis “the revealer of the mysteries of the lower world ”—not of Hell or Hades as interpreted, but of our Earth ''(the lowest world of the septenary chain of worlds'')—and also of the sexual mysteries. Creuzer must have guessed at the truth of the right interpretation, as he calls Anubis‐Thoth‐Hermes “''a symbol of science and of the intellectual world ''”. He was always represented with a cross in his hand, one of the earliest symbols of the mystery of generation, or procreation on this earth. In the Chaldean Kabbala (''Book of Numbers'') the Tat symbol, or '''+''', is referred to as Adam and Eve, the latter being the transverse or horizontal bar drawn out of the side (or rib) of ''Hadam'', the perpendicular bar. The fact is that, esoterically, Adam and Eve while representing the early ''third ''Root Race—those who, being still mindless, imitated the animals and degraded themselves with the latter—stand also as the dual symbol of the sexes. Hence Anubis, the Egyptian god of generation, is represented with the head of an animal, a dog or a jackal, and is also said to be the “ Lord of the underworld” or “ Hades ” into which he introduces the souls of the dead (the reincarnating entities), for Hades is in one sense the womb, as some of the writings of the Church Fathers fully show {{etg-source|TG}}.


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