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Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Divine Incarnations |person=No |variations=Avatars |description=The Immaculate Conception is as pre‐eminently Egyptian as it is Indian. As the author of..."
{{ETG article
|term=Divine Incarnations
|description=The Immaculate Conception is as pre‐eminently Egyptian as it is Indian. As the author of ''Egyptian Belief ''has it: “It is not the vulgar, coarse and sensual story as in Greek mythology, but refined, moral and spiritual “; and again the incarnation idea was found revealed on the wall of a Theban temple by Samuel Sharpe, who thus analyzes it: “First the god Thoth . . . as the messenger of the gods, like the Mercury of the Greeks (or the Gabriel of the first Gospel), tells the ''maiden ''queen Mautmes, that she is to give birth to a son, who is to be king Amunotaph III. Secondly, the god Kneph, the Spirit . . . . and the goddess Hathor (Nature) both take hold of the queen by the hands and put into her mouth the character for life, a cross, which is to be the life of the coming child”, etc., etc. Truly divine incarnation, or the ''avatar ''doctrine, constituted the grandest mystery of every old religious system! {{etg-source|TG}}.


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