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HPB-SD(ed.1) v.3 ch.Paper 1: Difference between revisions

+diagram 2
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{{Style P-Title level|2|DIAGRAM II.}}
{{Style P-Title level|2|DIAGRAM II.}}

| style="vertical-align: middle; width: 30%;" | These Correspondences are from the Objective, Terrestrial Plane.
| style="padding: 0 1em; width: 20%;" | Âtman is no Number, and corresponds to no visible Planet, for it proceeds from the Spiritual Sun; nor
| style="vertical-align: middle;" | <center>ÂTMÂ.</center>
| style="padding: 0 1em; width: 20%;" | {{Style P-No indent|does it bear any relation either to Sound, Colour, or the rest, for it includes them all.}}
|  style="width: 30%;" | As the Human Principles have no Numbers ''per se'', but only ''correspond'' to Numbers, Sounds, Colors, etc., they are not enumerated here in the order used for exoteric purposes.
{| class=wikitable
! rowspan="2" | NUMBERS.
! rowspan="2" | METALS.
! rowspan="2" | PLANETS.
! rowspan="2" | THE HUMAN PRINCIPLES.
! rowspan="2" | DAYS OF THE WEEK.
! rowspan="2" | COLOURS.
! colspan="2" | SOUND.<br>Musical Scale
! Sanskrit Gamut.
! Italian Gamut.
|- valign=top
|<center>1 {{Style S-Small capitals|and}} 10</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Physical Man's Key-note.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Iron}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Mars}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The Planet of Generation}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Kāma Rūpa}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The vehicle or seat of the Animal Instincts and Passions}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Tuesday}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|''Dies Martis'', or Tiw.}}
| {{Style P-No indent|1. {{Style S-Small capitals|Red}}}}
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Sa}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Do}}.
|- valign=top
| <center>2</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Life Spiritual and Life Physical.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Gold}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|The Sun}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The Giver of Life physically, Spiritually and esoterically the substitute for the inter-Mercurial Planet, a sacred planet with the ancients.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Prāna or Jiva}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Life.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Sunday}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|''Dies Solis'', or Sun.}}
| 2. {{Style S-Small capitals|Orange}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Ri}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Re}}.
|- valign=top
| <center>3</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Because {{Style S-Small capitals|Buddhi}} is (so to speak) between {{Style S-Small capitals|Âtmâ}} and {{Style S-Small capitals|Manas}}, and forms with the seventh, or {{Style S-Small capitals|Auric Envelope}}, the Devachanic Triad.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Mercury}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Mixes with Sulphur, as {{Style S-Small capitals|Buddhi}} is mixed with the Flame of Spirit (See Alchemical Definitions.)}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Mercury}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The Messanger and the Interpreter of the Gods.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Buddhi}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Spiritual Soul, or Âtmic Ray; Vehicle of Âtmâ.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Wednesday}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|''Dies Mercurii'', or Woden. Day of Buddha in the South, and of Woden in the North–Gods of Wisdom.}}
| 3. {{Style S-Small capitals|Yellow}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Ga}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Mi}}.
|- valign=top
| <center>4</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The middle principle–between the purely material and purely spiritual triads. The conscious part of animal man.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Lead}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Saturn}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Kâma Manas}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The Lower Mind, or Animal Soul.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Saturday}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Dies Saturni, or Saturn}}
| 4. {{Style S-Small capitals|Green}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Ma}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Fa}}.
|- valign=top
| <center>5</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Tin}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Jupiter}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Auric Envelope}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Thursday}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|''Dies Jovis'', or Thor.}}
| 5. {{Style S-Small capitals|Blue}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Pa}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Sol}}.
|- valign=top
| <center>6</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Copper}}</center>
{{Style P-No indent|When alloyed becomes Bronze, the ''dual'' principle.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Venus}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The morning and the Evening Star.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Manas}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The Higher Mind, or Human Soul.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Friday}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|''Dies Veneris'', or Frige.}}
| 6. {{Style S-Small capitals|Indigo, or Dark Blue}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Da}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|La}}.
|- valign=top
| <center>7</center>
{{Style P-No indent|Contains in itself the reflection of Septenary Man.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Silver}}.</center>
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|The Moon}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The Parent of the Earth.}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Linga Sharira}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|The Astral Double of Man. The Parent of the Physical Man}}
| <center>{{Style S-Small capitals|Monday}}.</center>
{{Style P-No indent|''Dies Lunae'', or Moon.}}
| 7. {{Style S-Small capitals|Violet}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Ni}}.
| {{Style S-Small capitals|Si}}.

{{Page|453|the days of the week.}}
{{Page|453|the days of the week.}}