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  | publication date = 1878-02-08
  | publication date = 1878-02-08
  | original date =
  | original date =
  | notes =
  | notes = Text copied from []; proofread needed
  | archivist notes = This is pub. in "A Modern Panarion," p. 128, as H. P. Blavatsky's Masonic Patent"
  | archivist notes = This is pub. in "A Modern Panarion," p. 128, as H. P. Blavatsky's Masonic Patent"
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The field is open for a rejoinder; and we trust that a champion will appear, to defend that which she so vigorously and bravely assails.
The field is open for a rejoinder; and we trust that a champion will appear, to defend that which she so vigorously and bravely assails.
That the subject-matter in controversy may be seen at a glance by those who may not be regular readers of our paper, we again print the text of her diploma.
That the subject-matter in controversy may be seen at a glance by those who may not be regular readers of our paper, we again print the text of her diploma:
{{Style P-No indent|“To the glory of th Sublime Architet of th Universe:}}
Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry, derived through the Charter of the Sovereign Sanctuary of America, from the Grand Council of the Grand Lodge of France.
<center>Salutation on all points of the Triangle.</center>
<center>Respect to the Order.</center>
<center>Peace, Tolerance, Truth.</center>
To all Illustrious and Enlightened Masons throughout the world–union, prosperity, friendship, fraternity.
We, the Thrice-Illustrious Sovereign Grand Master General, and we, the Sovereign Grand Conservators, 33d and last degree of the Sovereign Senctuary for England, Wales, etc., decorated with the grand Star of Sirius, etc., etc., Grand Commanders of the Three Legions of the Knights of Masonry, by virtue of the high authority with which we are invested, have declared and proclaimed, and by these presents do declare and proclaim our illustrious and enlightened Brother. {{Style S-Small capitals|H. P. Blavatsky}} to be an Apprentice, Companion, Perfect Mistress, Sublime Elect Scoth Lady, Grand Elect, Cheveliere de Rose Croix, Adonaite Mistress, Perfect Venerable Mistress, and a Crowned Princess of the Rite of Adoption.
Given under our hands and the seals of the Sovereign Sanctuary for England and Wales, sitting in the Valley of London, this 24th day of November, 1877, year of true light 000,000,000.
{{Style S-Small capitals|John Yarker}}, 33d Degree, ''Sovereign Grand Master''. {{Style S-Small capitals|M. Caspari}}, 33d Degree, ''Grand Chancellor''.
{{Style S-Small capitals|A. D. Loewenstark}}, 33d Degree, ''Grand Secretary''.
''To the Editor of The Franklin Register. –''
''To the Editor of The Franklin Register. –''

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