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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|Occultism and Spiritualism|1-123}}

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{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|Boston <u>Sunday Herald</u> March, 6 1876|center}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title wanted|D. D. Home on Some Recent Developments and Isms of American Spiritualism–Col. Olcott and Mme. Blavatsky.}}

{{Style P-Subtitle|Home’s Doubts of the Mediumship of Mme. Blavatsky<ref>{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|Home doubting <u>my</u> mediumship proved that he is a genuine and even a reliable medium. H. P. Blavatsky was {{Style S-Double underline|never}} a medium except, perhaps, in her earliest youth.}} </ref> }}

...with their decorations<ref>{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|And who ever thought or said they were! It is <u>not</u> a decoration but a <u>buckle</u>, you Spiritualistic fool. It ought to be remembered also, that Mr. D. D. Home who was twice tried for swindling (Mrs. Lyon once) never knew or even <u>saw</u> me in his whole life, but, has certainly gathered most carefully the dirtiest gossip possible about Nathalie Blavatsky. Home is a liar and poor Dr. Bloede was turned into a <u>cat</u> by this mediumistic <u>monkey</u> to draw the chestnuts for him out of the fire, as the <u>Sp. Scientist</u> says.}}</ref>. These are only...

{{Style P-HPB SB. Article separator}}
<center>MARCH 12, 1876</center>
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title wanted|Untitled. Mr. Home is...}}
