This template is used by form «CTD periodical» to create or edit an article of Comprehensive Theosophical Dictionary on periodical.
- To create a new article use form «CTD periodical».
- Pages that use this template are placed in category «CTD periodicals» and other categories, named in "categories" parameter.
To copy
{{CTD periodical
| title =
| title to show =
| subtitle =
| origin =
| variations =
| description =
| short description =
| image =
| image description =
| categories =
| related terms =
| first issue =
| last issue =
| approximate lifetime =
| library links =
| library pages =
| ctd rus =
| tsw en =
| wikipedia =
| other resources =
- title -- full title in sortable form, i.e. article is after the main part, for example: Daily Graphic, The; [[CTD term sortable]], [[CTD term]]
- title to show -- full title in regular order, for example: The Daily Graphic; [[CTD term to show]], [[CTD term]]
- subtitle -- subtitle, moto or short description if it placed along the title, for example Religio-Philosophical Journal has the following along its title: "Harmonial Philosophy. The Arts and Sciences, Literature. Romance and General Reform. Devoted to Spiritual Philosophy"; [[CTD subtitle]]
- origin -- city and country of origin, spelling in original language; [[CTD term origin]]
- variations -- different spellings (list separated by ";"); [[CTD term variations]], [[CTD term]]
Description, relationship:
- description -- description of a periodical, its history, editorial and so on; [[CTD term description]]
- short description -- short version for footnotes, optional; if empty, set to first 100 chars from description; [[CTD term short description]]
- image -- title page or logo; filename of an image; [[CTD term image]]
- image description -- some words about the image, optional; [[CTD term image]]
- categories -- list of categories where this term belongs or could be applied to (list separated by ";")
- related terms -- some terms the one is connected with (list separated by ";"); [[CTD term]]
Period of existence, lifetime:
- first issue -- the exact date in format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day); [[Date of appearance]]
- last issue -- the exact date; [[Date of disappearance]]
- approximate lifetime -- set this only if the exact dates above is unknown, f.e.: 1875-1881
Semantic property [[Lifetime]] is set if at least one of the above is not empty.
Teopedia links:
- library links -- wiki pages in Library in user defined style; showed as set, with or without link
- library pages -- wiki page name; it will be wraped in brackets, making a link: [[text]]
- ctd rus -- article in Russian
External links:
- tsw en -- article in English section of
- wikipedia -- article in Wikipedia
- other resources -- any other Internet resources (where one can download or read this periodical) in format: [URL1 text1]; [URL2 text2]
See also