This style is to design paragraph in text. To highligt just several symbols use templates for symbol styles.
This template places book page number with bookmark (anchor) and semantic property [[Page number]] for easy references and request. It has a page running title as an option. If you need to split one book page on several wiki pages consider to use template {{Page continues}} without semantic property, but with the same design. See The Secret Doctrine wiki pages for usage examples. See also template {{TOC pages design}} for design of pages in tables of contents.
- grey horizontal line above paragraph
- grey font, 85% size
- running title in small capitals
To copy:
- 1 -- Page number
- 2 -- Page running title
ix | ix |
Pagination related templates, properties and forms:
- {{Page}} – places book page number with bookmark (anchor); provides visual split of pages
- [[Page number]] – sets this semantic property
- {{Page continues}} – same as above, but do not set semantic property
- {{Page aside}} – places page number aside the text, sets semantic property [[Page number]]; no visual split
- {{Page aside continues}} – same as above, but without semantic property
- {{Page/doc}} – this description
Page information:
- H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings page info, form, template (design), view
- Isis Unveiled page info, form, template (design), view
- Secret Doctrine page info, form, template (design), view
Link to certain page of original text:
- {{SD-page|v=|p=|ed=|text=}} – Sectet Doctrine; uses:
- {{SD page link}} – design template
- {{SD-p-toc}} – link in table of contents
- {{IU-page|v=|p=|text=}} – Isis Unveiled; uses:
- {{IU page link}} – design template
- {{IU-p-toc}} – link in table of contents
- {{BCW-page|v=|p=|text=}} – H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings
- {{BCW page link}} – design template
- {{SB-page|v=|p=|text=}} – H. P. Blavatsky's Scrapbooks
- {{SB add link}} – convert text in format Volume:Page into link.