This template will add pop-up tip for given word or abbreviations.
{{tip|Text to show|Pop-up message}}
The second parameter is optional. If absent the default pop-up message will appear. Default values are:
- Alch → Alchemical
- Arab → Arabic
- Assyr → Assyrian
- Celtic → Celtic
- Chald → Chaldean
- Chin → Chinese
- Copt → Coptic
- Eg → Egyptian
- Esot → Esoteric
- Fr → French
- Germ → German
- Gn, Gnost → Gnostic
- Gr → Greek
- Heb → Hebrew
- Hind → Hindu
- IAST → International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration
- Iceland → Icelandic
- Irish → Irish
- Jap → Japanese
- Kab → Kabbalah
- Kolarian → Kolarian tribe in India
- Lat → Latin
- Mazd → Mazdaism or Zoroastrianism
- Mex → Mexican
- Mong, Mongol → Mongolian
- Mys, Mystic → Mysticism
- Occ, Occult → Occultist
- Pali → Pali language
- Pers → Persian
- Peruv → Peruvian
- Phoen → Phoenician
- Prakrit → Ancient Indian dialects
- Quiché → Guatelamalan; Popol Vuh
- Ros → Rosicrucian
- Rus, Russ → Russian
- Saxon → Saxon
- Scand → Scandinavian
- Secret Doctrine, SD → 'The Secret Doctrine' by H. P. Blavatsky
- Septuag → Septuagint, earliest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew
- Sing → Singhalese
- Sk → Sanskrit
- Slavon → Slavonian
- Syr → Syrian
- Tah → Tahitian
- Tam → Tamil
- Tib → Tibetan
- Vulgate → Vulgate, Latin translation of the Bible
- Zend → Zend-Avasta
- Zohar → 'Zohar' commentaries,
It was said in {{tip|SD}} that...
- Result: It was said in SD that...
It was said in {{tip2|SD|See Blavatsky H.P. "The Secret Doctrine" (1888)}} that...
- Result: It was said in SD that...
See also
- Theosophy.Wiki for more information on abbreviations in The Secret Doctrine.