Theosophist, The
A Monthly Journal Devoted to Oriental Philosophy, Art, Literature and Occultism: Embracing Mesmerism, Spiritualism: and Other Secret Sciences
(Bombay, and then Adyar, India)
The Theosophist is the monthly journal of the international Theosophical Society based in Adyar, India. It was first published on October 1, 1879 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in Bombay, and has been in production continuously since that date. The cover of the first issue stated that this was "A monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism: embracing mesmerism, spiritualism and other secret sciences." In February 1883 the journal moved from Bombay to Madras, where the Theosophical Society was establishing its new headquarters at Adyar. For the year 1930, the journal was published in Hollywood, California by Annie Besant Marie Russak Hotchener, but it returned to Adyar in 1931.
Some links:
- Related pages: PDF files, Table of volume contents
- Theosophy Wiki: The Theosophist (periodical)
- Wikipedia: The Theosophist
- Other resources: IAPSOP, Theosophy World
To show: ; sortable: Theosophist, The
Short description: A Monthly Journal Devoted to Oriental Philosophy, Art, Literature and Occultism: Embracing Mesmerism, Spiritualism, and other Secret Sciences.