[From H. P. B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. X, Part II, p. 453.]
[The above article drew a reply from Edward Wimbridge which was published in the same paper on September 20, 1880. A number of pen-and-ink annotations in H. P. B.’s handwriting appear on the side of the clipping as pasted in her Scrapbook. The sentences within square brackets which are published below are excerpts from Wimbridge’s article, to which H. P. B.’s comments apply.—Compiler.]
[I am compelled to ask for a little space in your valuable journal in which to answer the letter of Madame Blavatsky printed in your last issue.]
Mr. Edward Wimbridge—in a New Light—that of a false witness!!
[It cannot surely be necessary for Madame Blavatsky to assure your readers that she will be as ardent as ever in her “Philanthropic Professions” since all who know Madame Blavatsky and Col. Olcott must be perfectly aware that philanthropic professions cost them nothing. It would have been far better if she had pointed to one small deed accomplished for charity’s sake or for the real good of India.]
Mad. Blavatsky is not in the habit of bragging of her charities—the greatest, though, and certainly the one which told the most on her pocket—being that of boarding, lodging, washing, and in many instances CLOTHING Mr. Wimbridge and Miss Bates for over 18 months, in India.
[. . . Brotherhood and justice are mere ideas in the Theosophical Society . . .]
“Ideas” in Mr. Wimbridge’s brain but realities and facts for us.
480 [Madame Blavatsky’s threat to disclose what she is pleased to term “all the facts in the case” is even ludicrous. I should have imagined that the effect produced on the Members of the Bombay Branch of the Theosophical Society by the endeavor to make them swallow an ex parte statement as a true exposition of the facts can hardly have faded from Madame Blavatsky’s memory.]
The effect of the documentary evidence read at the last meeting was such, that Miss Bates was expelled, Mr. W. resigned and was followed by four members, Mr. Seervai being the only one of any consequence. It is because the “ex parte statement” contained truth and nothing but the TRUTH that they tried to misrepresent it and that we are always to publish it with the facts contained.
[It is misleading to call the disagreement a woman’s quarrel, seeing that the husband of one lady and the friends of the other took part in it from the first, and if, as Madame Blavatsky takes pains to point out “Madame Coulomb had no supporters” it was probably because lookers-on concluded that she did not deserve support.]
Either that, or that justice and fairness are not always on the right side.
[Until now the Theosophical Society comprised about 8 divisions, now, with the Ceylon Branches, it may number 19 or 17, but the Bombay Branch is by far the most numerous and important of these divisions. It is even whispered that some of the branches number only 5 or 6 members.]
Whispers feel [sic] the space. It is also whispered that Mr. W. though a Councillor, never knew anything of the true state of the Th. Society. There are five times as many branches as Mr. W. shows and none of 5 or 6, as any branch has to have 21 members before it can be chartered.
[As to the statement that only four Native Members have resigned from the Society, I will place that under no heading, as I do not wish to be either inaccurate or discourteous. More than 4 persons have resigned and others would no doubt have done so had they not been prevented by the hasty flight to Simla.]
Three lies in six lines.—Only four native members have resigned and two English, Mr. W. and Bates (expelled). Our “hasty flight to Simla” is the biggest fib. But for this
row we would have gone to Simla a few days after our return from Ceylon. Mr. Sinnett can testify that he invited me to come three weeks before we came. And so we had to postpone day after day.