Edit article in Comprehensive Theosophical Dictionary: Deva Sarga

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See template {{CTD article}} for full parameter description. See category «CTD articles» for existed articles as the examples.

Term or name in sortable form

Person (this term is a personal name)

A term without diacritical marks; for person – family name first.
Example 1: Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna; Example 2: Adhyatmika duhkha

Surname: Initials:

Surname: Blavatsky; Initials: H. P. (consider space in initials)

Regular form

The same term with diacritical marks (if exist) and stress mark (if needed) in regular order of parts.
Example 1: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky; Example 2: Adhyâtmika duhkha
Some marks: Â â Ā ā Á á É é Í í Ó ó Ú ú Ý ý –


Spelling in the original language and original meaning. Use template {{tip|}} for abbreviations (without dot), f.e.: {{tip|Sk}} returns: Sk.

Variations (;)

Different spellings; list separated by ";".

HK SD, 1st ed.
IAST SD, 3d ed.

Use first capital letters for proper names only, since there is a special meaning for capital letter in some transliteration systems (f.e. HK). If spelling in SD is set, the term goes to «Terms from SD» category

Relationship and image
Categories (;)

For example: Buddhism, Christianity, Greek mythology, Hinduism, Judaism, Kabbala, Philosophy, Theosophy
For persons it's better to point out an occupation: artist, historian, theosophist

Related terms (;)

Some connected terms, especially those in the description, list separated by ";".

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Description (this information will be placed below the image right after lifetime)


of a term, the dictionary article itself

Use [[term]] for links to other terms. Category «Terms from TG» consist of terms from Theosophical Glossary. Use template {{ctd-source}} to denote the source of information, f.e.: {{ctd-source|TG}} for Theosophical Glossary article, WP for Wikipedia.
Shortly (short description for footnotes, without hyperlinks)
Period of existence (lifetime)
Start - end dates -

Format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).


Set only if exact dates are not known.

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In Russian
Internet (;)

Example: [URL1 text]; [URL2 another text]
