HPB-SB-1-129: Difference between revisions

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spirit to his soul and both entering into circulation become as One bearing heavenly fruit.
I have already said that animals have souls of their kind, so have the vegetables. The Mineral World also gives evidence of the work of the great Geometrician and Architect of the Universe. The mineral terms used are merely illustrative of purity and fixity of purpose. The highest ''Gold'' being the deific, while the ''Silver'' represents man’s mind purified, and as the distributor of the same Golden Wealth in its degree.
No matter how plainly one may write in Cabalism, it is not to be expected that any can grasp the full meaning in its entirely all at once; indeed, the oftener the Cabalistic writings are read the more meanings come out of them. All knowledge comes by perception and reflection, or meditation in combination with memory and desire, for its goodness, and utility whether of a physical or spiritual nature. Dead letter semblances of knowledge are shadows without substance or power. Knowledge of the Absolute becomes as much a part of yourself, as the printed leaves are part of a book, you ''have'' it and you ''hold'' it forever.
Eulcid’s Elements are a sample of absolute geometrical knowledge. Civilization couldn’t get on without it, and the world is obliged to accept and be ruled by it, in spite of itself; thus Absolute Knowledge is Absolute Power. Not all the frivolous, half-logical, self-constituted scientific minds of the world, could compile such a work in an age under similar conditions, without the aid of the ''Solar ''or Deific principle which skeptics would obliterate, and believers don’t understand
Euclid’s Elements, therefore, were the work of a true Cabalist; by this it may be understood how absolute is the character of all pertaining to the Hermetic Philosophy, when I''' '''intimate that all sciences, past, present and to come, can be made as absolutely perfect of their kind, through the solar principle in Man, as these same Euclid’s Elements; and furthermore, that all who are disposed to enter the lists of Cabalism (with an universal charity, an honest heart, an indomitable will, which nothing can break or frustrate in pursuit of the good and true, with an earnest loving desire for the highest happiness of all earth’s inhabitants, which would be a return of the Golden Age) can and will succeed in time, and thus arrive at the highest heavenly happiness it is possible for earthly man to enjoy, who is joined to a physical body.