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N. Y. Jan.
N. Y. Jan.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 152, H.P.B, pasted a cutting from the London Spiritualist of January 18, 1878, which contains “Some Personal Experiences in Mediumship” from the pen of Baroness Adelma von Vay (Countess Wurmbrand). Although the writer expresses her admiration for H.P.B. in connection with Isis Unveiled, she says, however: “While our elementaries are spirits doing penance for past sin, and preparing themselves for a better state of existence, her elementals are souls which have already lost their spirits, and will themselves, in process of time, become annihilated.”}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|Underlining the sentence italicized above, H.P.B. wrote in pen and ink as follows:]}}
Quite the reverse. Never said such a thing and the “Isis” is there to show the mistake. Either the fair Baroness has not read it (with) attention, or she did not understand it.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 163, there isa cutting from the London Spiritualist of January 25, 1878. It is a Letter to the Editor from Dr. J. M. Peebles, who is attempting to prove that there are Hindu Spiritualists by quoting the words of Peary Chand Mittra who used the expression “the nobleness of Spiritualism.” To this H.P.B. appended the following remarks in pen and ink:]}}
Yes, the nobleness of Spiritualism—not of modern Phenomenalism, great difference. Ask Peary Chand Mittra whether he would accept “materialized” spooks with sweating and corpse-stinking bodies for his dear “departed ones”? and see what he will answer . . . That our friend Peebles has always had a tendency to confer the name of Spiritualist on every one he met, the following is a proof.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[Here H.P.B. drew a line to a cutting on the same page entitled “Is Longfellow a Spiritualist?” in which Longfellow declines to be considered as such. H.P.B. then continues her remark thus :]}}
(See what Peary Chand Mittra writes on the subject of materialization. February 8, 1878. )
{{HPB-CW-comment|[Underneath H.P.B. pasted a printed picture showing the enormous figure of a native woman. The title is: “Cuzco Costumes—Woman of the Lower Order,” to which picture H.P.B. added the comment:]}}
at some future date—a “materialized” Angel.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, pp. 164-65, there is a cutting from the Banner of Light of February 2, 1878, being an article by Charles Sotheran entitled “Honours to Madame Blavatsky.” The writer defends H.P.B., her work Isis Unveiled, and the Masonic Diploma which she received from John Yarker. To this H.P.B. appended the following remark in pen and ink:]}}
Mr. C. Sotheran who so abused me and the Society has now returned to it again confessing his mistake and making Puja to me again—Oh humanity!!
{{Style P-Signature|H.P.B.}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. IV, pp. 169-72, H.P.B. pasted a cutting from the Banner of Light of February 2, 1878, in which Dr. J. M. Peebles speaks again of the Buddhists and remarks that “as all English speaking nations are nominally Christians, so in a broad, general sense all Buddhists are Spiritualists.” H.P.B. marked the quoted sentence and wrote in blue pencil a side-remark:]}}
How can they be Spiritualists you goose when they do not believe in the existence of the “Soul”? Three lies for you!
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. III, p. 197, H.P.B. wrote the following remarks in blue pencil, in connection with a tribute to W.H. Harrison, the Editor of The Spiritualist:]}}
Very true. The best, most scientific and impartial of all Spiritual papers.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[Page 176 of H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, is occupied with various cuttings dealing with the Masonic Diploma granted to H.P.B. The Providence Journal announces on Feb. 4, 1878, that the Franklin Register will have a discussion of the genuineness of being a Freemason. To this H.P.B. remarks in pen and ink:]}}
From the Providence Daily Journal, the best daily paper in New England. Its editor is Senator Anthony. U. S. Senator.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 243, there is pasted a cutting from The Spiritualist of March 8, 1878.1tis a very biased and hostile criticism from a lady Spiritualist entitled “Mrs. Showers on Isis Unveiled.” Above the title H.P.B. wrote in ink:]}}
This is the abuse I receive for defending the philosophy of India and the East in Isis.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[At the end of the cutting pasted in her Scrapbook, Vol. IV, pp. 184-85, H.P.B. wrote in pen and ink:]}}
This prominent “Spiritualist” is not content, as it seems, of being thought a good natured though irascible ass.—Out he must show himself in print a LIAR and a BLACKGUARD! Oh—unhappy Spiritualism!
{{HPB-CW-comment|[She also added in pencil:]}}
(See for my answer on page 133, The Knout)
{{HPB-CW-comment|[H.P.B.’s Answer, printed below, may be found pasted in her Scrapbook, Vol. IV, p. 235.]}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. VII, pp. 56-57, there is pasted a cutting from The Spiritualist of London, dated March 29, 1878. It is an article by G. Damiani regarding “The Manifestations in Naples of the Alleged Spirit of Nana Sahib.” H.P.B. wrote the following remarks at the end of this article:]}}
How interesting—were it not for the fact that there is every reason to believe that Nana Sahib is still alive.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In her Scrapbook, Vol. I, p. 119, where the cuttings of this story are pasted. H.P.B. wrote in pen and ink:]}}
3d story (Killed on account of being too horrible . . .)
{{HPB-CW-comment|[She most likely means by this that the New York Sun refused to publish it at the time her 1st and 2nd stories appeared therein.
This story was republished by H.P.B. in The Theosophist, Vol. IV, April, 1883, pp. 164-66, and later appeared in a Russian version—most likely from H.P.B.’s own pen—in Rebus (Riddle), Vol. V, January 5, 12 and 19, 1886. The latter version is somewhat fuller, even though it lacks some of the paragraphs of the English text.]}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. VII, pp. 113-14, there is a cutting of three columns from the New York Herald of May 13, 1878. It is an article written, according to H.P.B’s own notation, by Col. H. S. Olcott, and entitled “Muzzling the Indian Press.” Its subtitle is: “The Vernacular Press Act for the Suppression of Native Newspapers—Passed at a Single Sitting of the Viceregal Legislative Council, March 14, 1878.”}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|At the end of this cutting, H.P.B. pasted the colored picture of a lion caught in a net, and a mouse gnawing away the net, and wrote the following:]}}
The despised MOUSE is not always either on hand or willing to save the Lion—especially when the beast has too been for so long weaving himself the nets in which he got caught at last.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. VIII, p. 252, there is pasted a cutting from The Bombay Gazette of June 18, 1878, entitled “A Wonderful Discovery.” It is an account of Dr. Rotura’s method of temporarily suspending animal life. At the end of this article H.P.B. added the following remarks:]}}
NOTE. On the 26th of March 1877 the N. Y. World printed [see Scrapbook, IV, pp. 49-51] an account of an interview of its reporter with H.P.B., in which she said that the shepherds of Thibet understand how to cause life to be suspended in their domestic animals by manipulating a certain artery in the neck. After a desired time has passed they bring the animals to life again without harm. She used the
words,asitappears: “I prophesy to you (the Reporter) that within a year from now scientists will discover how this is done in the case of the lower animals.”
{{HPB-CW-comment|[See in this connection H.P.B.’s Letter to the Editor of La Revue Spirite of Paris coneerning the discovery of Dr. Rotura, published in its issue of December 1879. Vide Vol. II of the present Series.]}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. VII, p. 258, there is pasted a brief cutting entitled “Extreme Measures Advocated.” Neither the source, the date, nor the author are stated. It speaks of Charles Sotheran who, declaring himself a labor Socialist, spoke at a mass meeting of strikers and urged them to take extreme measures against the Capitalist exploiters. To this H.P.B. remarked:]}}
A Theosophist becoming a rioter, encouraging revolution and MURDER, a friend of Communists is no fit member of our Society.
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. VII, p. 306, there is pasted the printed copy of the Petition of Bankruptcy against E. Gerry Brown, the former Editor of The Spiritual Scientist. In the list of Creditors we find Col. Olcott with $590, and H.P.B. with $150. H.P.B. marked these sums and wrote in red pencil (much faded now) as follows:]}}
Several hundred more given without asking for a note. H.P.B.
A constant shower of abuse and sneering in his paper against {{HPB-CW-comment|[one word illegible]}} and in their paper too, and bankruptcy to end the whole without a single acknowledgement, excuse or regret.
Such is Elbridge Brown the Spiritualist!!
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. V, pp. 77-79, there is pasted a cutting entitled “Our Sketches from India,” the source and the date of which are unknown. It contains the description of the investiture of several Indian Princes with the Order of the Star of India. At the end of this article H.P.B. wrote in pencil some remarks in Russian. Translated, they read as follows:]}}
Is it not the remembrance of the year 1857 that compels you to affect such tenderness to the Indian Princes, oh kind men of Albion? In vain . . . When the HOUR STRIKES . . . nothing will stay the hand of Fate!
{{Style P-Signature|. . .}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[These remarks are significantly signed with three dots.]}}
{{HPB-CW-comment|[In H.P.B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. V, p. 81, there is pasted a short cutting of eight lines, the source and the date of which are unknown. It has to do with a certain Dr. Scudder who said that the Oriental nations will never become converted to Christianity until their women first become Christians, and that women can be converted only by the personal agency of women who would go there from Christian countries. Hindu women, it would appear, will not listen to male missionaries. Under this H.P.B. wrote in ink:]}}
I wish the Rev. may get it . . . Anyhow, the Reverend fraud may go to his Christian Hell first. Hindu women will no more listen to female flapdoodle humbugs thanks to the male cheats, who like Scudder go about deceiving the “heathen”—far less heathen than themselves.