HPB-SB-1-63: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{HPB-SB-header | volume = 1 | page = 63 | image = SB-01-063.jpg | notes = | prev = 62 | next = 64 }} {{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|Proselyters from India|1-62}} {...")
No edit summary
Line 8: Line 8:
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|Proselyters from India|1-62}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued|Proselyters from India|1-62}}

{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|by Herbert D. Monachesi, F.T.S.<sup>#</sup>}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|by Herbert D. Monachesi, F.T.S.<sup>#</sup>}}
Line 17: Line 19:
{{Style P-HPB SB. Article separator}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Article separator}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|October 4, 1875|center}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|October 4, 1875|center}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title wanted|Col. Olcott answers The Banner.}}
{{Style P-Subtitle|A Reply the Reverse of Equivocal.}}
| volume = 1
{{Style S-HPB SB. Editors note|by H.S. Olcott. Spiritual Scientist, 04.10.1875|center}}
| page = 63
| item = 1
| type = article
| status = wanted
| continues =
| author = Olcott, H. S.
| title = Col. Olcott answers The Banner
| subtitle = A Reply the Reverse of Equivocal
| untitled =
| source title = Spiritual Scientist  
| source details =
| publication date = 1875-10-04
| original date =
| notes =
| categories =

| volume = 1
| page = 63
| item = 2
| type = image
| status = improved
| author =
| title = An Orissa Brahmin
| notes =
| categories = engravings
| hide = yes
[[File:SB-01-063-1.png|300px|thumb|center|An Orissa Brahmin]]
[[File:SB-01-063-1.png|300px|thumb|center|An Orissa Brahmin]]

{{Style P-HPB SB. Article separator}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title wanted|Letters from a Distinguished Occultist.}}
| volume = 1
{{Style P-Subtitle|A Voice of Warning.}}
| page = 63
| item = 3
| type = image
| status =
| author =
| title =
| notes = Colorful leaves
| categories = decorations
| hide = yes
| volume = 1
| page = 62
| item = 4
| type = article
| status = wanted
| continues =
| author = Pancoast, S. (Lux)
| title = Letters from a Distinguished Occultist
| subtitle = A Voice of Warning
| untitled =
| source title =
| source details =
| publication date = 1875-10-04
| original date =
| notes =
| categories =


{{Style P-Signature in capitals|Lux}}
{{Style P-Signature in capitals|Lux}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|S. Pancoast, Vice-Pres<sup>t</sup> of the Theos. Society, at the time Pancoast is a theistic {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|…}} + Kabalist a great alchemist of  Philadelphia}}
{{Style S-HPB SB. HPB note|S. Pancoast, Vice-Pres<sup>t</sup> of the Theos. Society, at the time Pancoast is a theistic {{Style S-HPB SB. Lost|…}} + Kabalist a great alchemist of  Philadelphia}}

Revision as of 12:50, 10 May 2021

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 1, p. 63
vol. 1 (1874-1876)
page 63


  • HPB note
  • HPB highlighted
  • HPB underlined
  • HPB crossed out
  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
  • Lost or unclear
  • Restored
<<     >>

< Proselyters from India (continued from page 1-62) >


by Herbert D. Monachesi, F.T.S.#

# Our original programme is here clearly defined by Herbert Monachesi, F.T.S., one of the Founders. The Christian and Scientists must be made to respect their Indian betters. The Wisdom of India, her philosophy and achievement must be made known in Europe & America & the English be made to respect the natives of India & Tibet more than they do.

October 4, 1875

Col. Olcott answers The Banner

A Reply the Reverse of Equivocal


An Orissa Brahmin

Letters from a Distinguished Occultist

A Voice of Warning



S. Pancoast, Vice-Prest of the Theos. Society, at the time Pancoast is a theistic + Kabalist a great alchemist of Philadelphia

  1. Col. Olcott answers The Banner by Olcott, H. S., Spiritual Scientist
  2. An Orissa Brahmin by unknown author
  3. image by unknown author. Colorful leaves
  4. Letters from a Distinguished Occultist by Pancoast, S. (Lux)