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Latest revision as of 13:17, 3 February 2023

vol. 3, p. 37
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3 (1875-1878)


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Sultan Murad V

Cloud Pictures

Studying an Ever-Varying Panorama that the N. A. Hasn't Yet Acted Upon


The Crescent and the Cross


< The Arkhangelsk Gubernskie Vedomosti contains (continued from page 3-36) >

is only for the members of the court staff, the footmen and the coachmen of the privates are forbidden to wear on their hats feathers or plumes as well as bows of any colour. October 1st. No one serving in the troops is to wear overcoats with multi-coloured collars or turnover collars but should have uniforms with medium stand collars. It is allowed to use droshky[4]. December 3rd. All those serving and dismissed with awarded uniform are forbidden to wear furs but instead of them are allowed to wear overcoats lined with fur. It is forbidden for all to wear quilted hats, taffeta hats or hats of any other material.

Original in Old Russian

пахъ принадлежитъ единственно членамъ придворного штата, то и запрещается лакеямъ и кучерамъ партикулярныхъ людей носить на шляпахъ перья и плюмажи, а также и банты какого-бъ цвҍта не было.

Октября 1-го. Чтобы никто не служащiй въ войскҍ шинелей съ разноцветными и отложными воротниками не носили, а имҍли-бы таковыя съ умҍренными стоячими воротниками. Въ разрҍшенiе запрещенiя дозволяется употреблять для ҍзды дрожки. Декабря 3-го. Всҍмъ служащимъ и отставленнымъ съ мундирами офицерамъ запрещается носить шубы, а вмҍсто ихъ позволяется носить шинели, подбитыя мҍхомъ. Запрещается всҍмъ вообще употреблять шапки стеганыя, тафтяныя или другой матерiи.

Arizona Indians

The Blue-Eyed and Light-Haired Albinos of the Zuni Tribe


Editor's notes

  1. Sultan Murad V by unknown author. Original in Old Russian: "Султанъ Мурадъ V"
  2. Cloud Pictures by unknown author
  3. The Crescent and the Cross by Shevitch, S. E., World, The
  4. Droshky is a light open four-wheeled buggy. – Tr.
  5. Arizona Indians by unknown author