Template:CTD article

Revision as of 00:20, 25 September 2018 by Pavel Malakhov (addition | contribs)

This template is used by form «ETG article» to create or edit an article of Enlarged Theosophical Glossary.

  • To create a new article use form «ETG article».
  • Pages that use this template are placed in category «ETG articles» and other categories, named in "categories" parameter.
To copy Description
{{ETG article
 | term =
 | variations =
 | transliteration SD =
 | transliteration HK =
 | transliteration IAST =
 | origin =
 | description =
 | categories =
 | related terms =
  • term -- word or term, [[ETG term]]
  • variations -- different spellings (list separated by ";"), [[ETG term variations]]
  • transliteration SD -- how it is used in The Secret Doctrine (if used), [[ETG term SD]]
  • transliteration HK -- how it is spelled without diacritical marks, [[ETG term HK]]
  • transliteration IAST -- how it is spelled acording to International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration, [[ETG term IAST]]
  • origin -- spelling on the original language and original meaning, [[ETG term origin]]
  • description -- description of a term, the article itself, [[ETG term description]]
  • categories -- list of categories where this term belongs or could be applied to (list separated by ";")
  • related terms -- some terms the one is connected with (list separated by ";"), [[ETG term]]