vol. 3, p. 142
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3 (1875-1878)


  • HPB note
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  • <Editors note>
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< An Important Question (continued from page 3-141) >

It is not necessary that we should declare our belief in the existence of such a science. Those who study and understand, can form an opinion for themselves. We have presented the above thoughts for the consideration of our readers. By an exercise of reason one can soon understand by intuition. The subject is awakening considerable attention, not only in this country but in Europe. The American Spiritual Magazine has a department where questions are answered by a medium under control, and among other questions asked and answered, we quote the following as appropriate:

Question—From all past time there has come to us through tradition, and through half-suppressed foot-notes, a story, that men who knew the way and the formula, could summon to their aid and counsel, spirits who have certain superhuman mundane powers, but who are supposed not to belong to the best, or even a good order of spirits. There is a belief that men hold communion of the kind at the present day, calling it the “black art”—how far is there truth in the above?

Answer—There is an art known as the black art still in existence. This was what in olden times the Persian Magi exercised. It is the power of spirit over spirit. To this day the knowledge is retained among the Medes, Persians and Arabs. They have introduced it into many countries. It is known to many of France and Germany, and exercised to a considerable extent. This power has sometimes through man- resulted in evil. The same can be said of all knowledge where man has the power. That it attracts bad spirits can only be said when the spirit in man is impure and prone to evil. The art is great, one of the wonderful results of scientific researches, and can only be understood after long and earnest labor. The Magi of Persia were held in high repute; were often called to act as counselors to kings. There is no witchcraft, nothing of voudoo incantation in this ancient art. The Magi invoked the good demons, and with religious ceremonies opened their exercises. With judicious discipline it can be brought to bear upon principles with such force that the will of one man could remodel and change the entire laws of a country, through his will over the masses. It shows itself in an incipient stage to-day. All through the human family you see the workings of the will power; the action of the strong will over the weak. It is a science of wonderful merit, which, in time, will, through some clear, unselfish soul, be revealed to all mankind, giving a new impetus to governments.

Message Department of the Banner


The Ring of Science


<... continues on page 3-143 >

Editor's notes

  1. Message Department of the Banner by unknown author, Vol. II, No. 22, August 5
  2. The Ring of Science by unknown author, Vol. II, No. 22, August 5