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Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
4 167 At Slade's spiritualistic seance
ID: 04-167-01
Chuiko Vl. article In Russian: "На спиритическомъ сеансе у Слэда"
4 169, 170, 171, 172 A Second Pilgrimage Around the World: the Southern Route
ID: 04-169-03
Peebles J.M. Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, February 2, 1878 1878-02-02
4 172 Echoes from England
ID: 04-172-01
Morse, J. J. article
4 172, 173, 174 Leadership in Spiritualism
ID: 04-172-04
Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago, Ill., February 9, 1878 1878-02-09 article
4 173 “Leadership in Spiritualism”
ID: 04-173-02
Stebbins G.B. article
4 173 Principals, Not Persons, Our Leaders
ID: 04-173-04
Cook C.W. article
4 174 Leadership
ID: 04-174-01
Stevens, E. Wincherster article
4 175, 176 Providence Journal
ID: 04-175-01
Providence Jornal, Monday, February 4, 1878 1878-02-04 article
4 176 Masonic Discussion!
ID: 04-176-02
Stewart Jas. M. 1878-02-08 Advertisement
4 18 The Von Palm Cremation
ID: 04-018-01
New York Herald 1876-11-20 article
4 181 Isis Unveiled
ID: 04-181-01
Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, February 16, 1878 1878-02-16 article
4 181, 182 A Woman to be Cremated
ID: 04-181-02
World, The, New York, Friday, February 15, 1878 1878-02-15 article
4 182, 183 Mrs. Pitmans`s Body Burned
ID: 04-182-01
World, The, New York, Saturday, February 16, 1878 1878-02-16 article
4 183 Dr. Le Moyne's First Cremation
ID: 04-183-01
World, The, New York, Saturday, February 16, 1878 1878-02-16 article
4 183, 184 Letter from Warren Summer Barlow
ID: 04-183-02
Paterson N.J. Religio-Philosophical Jornal, Ghicago, Ill., February 16, 1878 1878-02-16 article
4 184, 185 Selavonic Theosophy versus American Spiritualism
ID: 04-184-01
4 185 Leadership in Spiritualism
ID: 04-185-01
McCracken S.B. article
4 185 A Woman Cremated
ID: 04-185-03
Evening Telegram, The, New York, Friday, February 15, 1878 1878-02-15 article
4 185, 186 Cremation Condemned
ID: 04-185-04
Sun, The, Monday, February 18, 1878 1878-02-18 article
4 186 Cremation
ID: 04-186-01
Religio-Philosophical Journal, February 23, 1878 1878-02-23 article
4 186 Cremation
ID: 04-186-02
G.A.L. Religio-Philosophical Journal, February 23, 1878 1878-02-23 article
4 187 The Magnificent Boon
ID: 04-187-01
Indian, The, June 3, 1882 1882-06-03 article
4 187 The Seeds of Theosophy
ID: 04-187-02
Indian, The, June 3, 1882 1882-06-03 article
4 187, 188 Discovery of a Curious Manuscript on India
ID: 04-187-03
Indian, The, June 3, 1882 1882-06-03 article
4 188, 189 Roy`s Charity Publications
ID: 04-188-01
Indian, The, June 3, 1882 1882-06-03 article
4 189 Local
ID: 04-189-01
Indian, The, June 3, 1882 1882-06-03 article
4 190 The Indian
ID: 04-190-01
Indian, The, June 3, 1882 1882-06-03 article
4 190 Epitome of News
ID: 04-190-02
Indian, The, June 3, 1882 1882-06-03 article
4 191 Bright joyous childhood! 'tis the Spring of life
ID: 04-191-02
4 191, 192 The Kabbala: or Science and Religion of Light
ID: 04-191-03
Wilder A. article
4 192 Youth, And romping boyhood is the smiling summer
ID: 04-192-01
image, poem
4 193 The Willing Horse
ID: 04-193-01
4 193 In vain he seeks amid earth's hollow pleasures
ID: 04-193-03
4 193 The Lion and the Insurance Agent
ID: 04-193-05
4 193 The Whale and the Salamander
ID: 04-193-06
fable The same cut as on page 4:108
4 194 But soon his brightest sweetest day-dreams vanish
ID: 04-194-02
4 194 Mr. J. M. Peebles in the East
ID: 04-194-03
4 196, 197 Theosophical Ideas
ID: 04-196-01
Olcott H.S. London Spiritualist, No. 285, February 8, 1878, p. 65 1878-02-08 article
4 197 The Iconoclast and the Cannibal
ID: 04-197-01
4 198 The Socratic Chimpanzee and the Shallow Baboon
ID: 04-198-02
4 202 In Motherland
ID: 04-202-04
Popov, V. V. poem In Russian: В.В. Попов, “На родинҍ (Памяти воиновъ)”
4 202 The Last Songs
ID: 04-202-05
Nekrasov, N. A. poem In Russian: “Послҍднiя пҍсни Н. Некрасова”
4 206, 207 Spiritualism versus Theosophy
ID: 04-206-01
Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago, Ill., February 23, 1878 1878-02-23 article
4 207 “Most Fitly Spoken”
ID: 04-207-02
Stebbins, G.B. article
4 207 “Kabalistic Views” – Mystical Indeed!
ID: 04-207-03
Stebbins G.B. article
4 207, 208 The Humane Countryman and the Adder, More Persecution
ID: 04-207-06
Ditson G.L. Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, February 23, 1878 1878-02-23
4 208 Dr. Slade in Russia
ID: 04-208-01
Simmons J. 1878-01-28 article
4 21 Burning of the Baron
ID: 04-021-04
Sun, The article
4 211 Incineration and Sentiment
ID: 04-211-01
World, The, New York, Tuesday, February 26, 1878 1878-02-26 article
4 211 The Vain Arhinoceros
ID: 04-211-02