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vol. 2, p. 23
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 2 (January 1874 - April 1878)


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Four Languages Spoke's by Materialized Spirits

Hento Appears In a New Dress—An Apparition in Shirt Sleeves—Michalko Gueguidze, the Georgian—Singular Condition of Mr.Eddy—Half Cold and Half Warm

Eddy Homestead, Rutland county, Vt., Oct. 15.—The circle last night was interesting, no less than four different languages being spoken, English, German, French, and Georgian. The ball was opened as usual by Honto, the Indian girl. Her apparel was different from that worn by her previously. Her hair, which is long and black, hung loosely over her back and shoulders. She wore a cap of red merino, trimmed with a bead band. It was presented to her by a Mr. Whitney, who has frequently witnessed her performances, and is kept hanging in the cabinet when not in use. When she “ vanishes ” her clothing all disappears except this cap. Her dress a polonaise, which was belted around the waist with an ordinary belt. She wore moccasins and blue striped stockings, which she took ... to show to the audience while dancing. She stood up in front of Mr. Kappes, the artist, that he might sketch her. Her clothing was examined and described by Mrs. Cleveland, who was on the stage, and who could feel as well as ...[2]

Editor's notes

  1. Four Languages Spoke's by Materialized Spirits by unknown author. In section "Wonders of the Circle". The ending is absent.
  2. The rest of article is absent.