
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 5, p. 54
vol. 5 (1875-1878). Miscellaneous Scraps from January 1st 1878
page 54


  • HPB note
  • HPB highlighted
  • HPB underlined
  • HPB crossed out
  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
  • Lost or unclear
  • Restored
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Transaction Collection.

< Transaction Collection (continued from page 5-53) >

should not manage part of the his own share by interrupting other's share and if common holder's shared land is mortgaged, by this (affecting) other share holders’ rights of distribution pertaining to that shared land depending on it. The Disputants say that they have rights on the disputed land. But the party from whom the disputants acquired the rights was not known to other common holders. And now if the respondents want to appeal against etc. they can do so against the party from whom the appellant acquired the land. For this cause, (this court) annuls the judgement of the Sub Judge and confirms the lower court’s orders.

The High Court of Bombay

Judgment Date 17 February 1879
Before Hon. Justice West and Hon. Justice Pinhi
J. Carvallo ………………………………….. (Original Plaintiff) Appellant
Noorbibee and others ………………….(Original Defendants) Respondents

Civil Law of Easement (of 1859 Act 8, Section 194) Pledge/Pawn – Interest – Plaintiff’s court cost.

Facts of the Case: A&B pledged their home with C for Rupees 250. Later on they assigned and conveyed the same house to D for Rupees 551. D was not aware that A&B <... continues on page 5-55 >

* In. La. Re. Mumbai Series, No.3, Page 202.

Editor's notes

  1. The High Court of Bombay by unknown author, In. La. Re. Mumbai Series, No.3, Page 202.. Translated from Marathi by Dhananjay Joshi. The High Court of Bombay record in Marathi
  2. image by unknown author