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The superiority of the Atlantean over other races. They fall into sin and beget children and monsters. The first germs of Anthropomorphism and sexual religion. They lose their “third Eye.”  +
The superiority of the Atlantean over other races. They fall into sin and beget children and monsters. The first germs of Anthropomorphism and sexual religion. They lose their “third Eye.”  +
The “ Shadow,” or the Astral Man, retires within, and man develops a physical body  +
The “Creators” are displeased  +
Their statues, witnesses to the size of the Lemuro-Atlanteans  +
Their statues, witnesses to the size of the Lemuro-Atlanteans  +
They are empty shadows  +
They dry the Earth  +
They select the later androgynes. The first man endowed with mind.  +
They will not incarnate in the early “Egg-born”  +
Transformation of the Earth  +
What is needed for the formation of a perfect Man.  +
What the Sun answers  +