Zirkoff B. - Appendix (BCW vol.5): Difference between revisions

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'''Rajataramgini (Kalhana)'''. “River of Kings,” a Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, begun by its author in 1148 A. D. Contains {{Page aside|367}}ab. 8,000 slokas. Early part is legendary; more historical in later times. Of consid. value for the archaeol. and chronol. of Kashmir. Ed. by Μ. A. Stein. Bombay: Educ. Soc. Press; Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1892. — Trans, by same author. Westminster: A. Constable and Co., 1900 [both AOS.C.JHU.Cl.Ch.].
'''Rajataramgini (Kalhana)'''. “River of Kings,” a Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, begun by its author in 1148 A. D. Contains {{Page aside|367}}ab. 8,000 slokas. Early part is legendary; more historical in later times. Of consid. value for the archaeol. and chronol. of Kashmir. Ed. by Μ. A. Stein. Bombay: Educ. Soc. Press; Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1892. — Trans, by same author. Westminster: A. Constable and Co., 1900 [both AOS.C.JHU.Cl.Ch.].
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'''Ramayana (Valmiki)'''. Ed. by T. R. Krishnächärya and T. R. Vyäsä-charya. Bombay: Nirnaya-sägara Press, 1911-13 [Cl.Ch.].—Trans, by Ralph T. H. Griffith. London: Trübner and Co., 1870-74. 5 vols. [NYP.Pea.Cong.Cl.Ch.H.].
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'''Rigveda-Samhitä'''. Ed. by F. Max Müller (Samhitä and pada texts in nägari). 2nd ed. London: Trübner and Co., 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. — Ed. by Theodor Aufrecht (Samhitä text in transliteration). 2nd ed. Bonn: Adolph Marcus, 1877. 2vols. [both Y.C.NYP.UP. Cong.H.]. — Trans, by H. H. Wilson. London: Trübner and Co., and Wm. H. Allen and Co., 1850, 54, 57, 66, 88 [AOS.Cong.H.]. — Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1889-92 [C.JHU.UP.]. — Trans, by F. Max Müller and Hermann Oldenberg. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1891, 1897. SBE XXXII, XLVI.
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'''Samaveda-Samhita'''. Ed. with comm, of Säyanächärya by Satyavrata Sämasrami. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1874, 76, 77, 78. 5 vols. Bibi. Ind. 71, New Ser. [Y.AOS.NYP.Pea.Cong.P.H.]. — Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1893; 2nd ed., 1907 [NYP.UP.C1.].
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'''Samkaradigvijaya (Mädhava Vidyäranya)'''. Poona: Anandasrama Press, 1891.AnSS 22; 3rd ed., J932 [NYP.UP.H.Cl.Ch.]. — Trans, by Swami Tapasyänanda, Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1978.
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'''Samkaravijaya (Anandagiri or Änandajnäna)'''. Ed. by Jivananda Vidyäsägara. Calcutta: Sarasudhänidhi Press, 1881 [H.]. — Ed. by J. Tärkapanchänana. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1868. Bibi. Ind. 46, New Ser. [Y.NYP.AOS.Pea.Cong.Cl.Ch.].
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'''Samkara-vijaya-vilasa (Chitsukhächärya)'''. — No information available.
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'''Satapathabrahmana'''. In The White Yajurveda, ed. by Albrecht Weber. Part 2. Berlin: F. Dümmler’s Verlagsbuchhandlung; London: Williams and Norgate, 1855 [Y.C.NYP.JHU.UP.Cong.H.]. — Trans, by Julius Eggeling. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882, 85, 94, 97, 1900. 5 vols. SBE XII, XXVI, XLI, XLIII, XLIV.
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'''Surya-siddhdnta (Asuramaya)'''. Ed. by Sudhakara Dvivedi. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1909-11. Bibi. Ind. 173 [C.NYP.C1.]. — Trans, by Rev. Ebenezer Burgess (assisted by W. D. Whitney). Journ. Amer. Orient. Soc. 6 (1860), 141-498.
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'''Sutras (Panini)'''. See Ashtadhyayi.
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'''Upanishadbhashya (Samkaracharya)'''. Text in Works of Samkaracharya, ed. by Hari Raghunath Bhagavat. Vol. 2. 2nd ed. Poona: Ashtekar and Co., 1927-28 [BM.].
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'''Vaiseshikasutra {Kanada)'''. Text publ. in Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1887 [Y.ÜP.Cong.Ch.H.]. — Trans, by A. E. Gough. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1873 [Y.UP.Cl.Ch.H.B.].
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'''Vdrttika (Kätyayana)'''. Meaning “Notes.” Prob. 3rd century B. C.; deal with 1245 of Panini’s rules. Text in Roman and partial trans, in French by Väsudeva Gopäla Paranjpe. Heidelberg: Weiss’sche Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1922 [Cl.].
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'''Vayu-Purana'''. Ed. by R. Mitra. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1880, 1888. 2 vols. Bibi. Ind. 85 [Y.AOS.NYP.JHU.Pea.Cong.H.].
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'''Vishnu-Purana'''. Ed. by Jivänanda Vidyäsägara. Calcutta: Saraswati Press, 1882 [Cl.BM.]. — Trans, by H. H. Wilson. Ed. by Fitz- edward Hall. London: Trübner and Co., 1864, 65, 66, 68, 70. Works by the late H. H. Wilson [Y.AOS.NYP.Pea.Cong.H.].
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'''Yajnavaliyasmriti or Yajnavalkya-dharma-sastra (Yajnavalkya)'''. Rather concise, cont. only 1009 slokas. Prob, based on a Dharma-Sutra of the White Yajur-Veda. Dated ca, 350 A. D. Its author prob, belonged to Mithilä, capital of Videha (Tirhut). Text and trans, in The Dharma Sutras, ed. by Μ. N. Dutt. Calcutta: Soc. for the Resuscit. of Ind. Literature, 1906-08 [H.]. — Skt. with German trans, by Adolph Stenzler. Berlin: F. Dümmler, 1849 [Y.AOS. JHU.UP.H.].
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'''Yajurveda (Black)'''. (a) Taittiriyasamhita. Ed. by Albrecht Weber. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1871-72 (Roman). Indische Studien, vols. 11-12 [Y.AOS.NYP.JHU.UP.Cong.H.]. — Trans, by A. B. Keith. Cambridge, Mass.: Harv. Univ., 1914. HSO 18, 19. — (b) Maitrayanisamhita. Ed. by Leopold von Schroeder. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1881, 83, 85, 86. 4 vols. [Y.NYPJHU.UP.H.]. — Ed. by E. Röer and E. B. Cowell. Bibi. Ind. 26, Old Ser. [Y.AOS.NYP.JHU.Cong.H.].
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'''Yajurveda (White)'''. Ed. by Albrecht Weber. Berlin: F. Dümmler; London: Williams and Norgate, 1852 [Y.C.NYP.JHU.UP.Cong. H.]. — Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1899 [Y.C.UP.Cong.H.].
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'''Yogasutra or Pätanjala (Patanjali)'''. Text and trans, by Ballantyne and Govind Sastri Deva. Ed. by Tookaram Tatya. Bombay: Theos. Soc., 1882; 2nd rev. ed. for the Bombay Theos. Public. Fund. Bombay: Subodhaprakash Press, 1885 [NYP.P.H.]. — Trans, by James H. Woods. Cambridge, Mass.: Harv. Univ., 1914. HSO 17 {{Page aside|369}}[Y.C.NYP.Pea.Cong.UP.H.].—The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. An interpret, by Wm. Quan Judge, ass. by James H. Connelly. New York: The Path, 1889 (trans, and conun.) ; many subs, editions.— Trans, with Notes by Manilal N. Dvivedi. Bombay: Bombay Theos. Public. Fund. 1890 [NYP.UP.Cong.Cl.Ch.BM.].
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'''Yuga-Purana'''. A section of Gargasamhita (q.v.).
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{{Style P-Subtitle|(With Selected Biographical Notes)}}
The material contained in the following pages is of necessity a selective one, and is intended to serve three purposes: (a) to give condensed information, not otherwise readily available, about the life and writings of some individuals mentioned by H. P. B. in the text, and who are practically unknown to the present-day student; (b) to give similar data about a few well-known scholars who are discussed at length by H. P. B., and whose writings she constantly quotes; and (c) to give full information regarding all works and periodicals quoted or referred to in the main text and in the Compiler’s Notes, with or without biographical data of their authors. All such works are marked with an asterisk(*).
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'''Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe (1807-1873)'''. *Principles of Zoology, etc. In collab. with Augustus A. Gould. Boston: Gould, Kendall and Lincoln, 1848. Subs, ed., 1851, 1856, 1873.
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'''Amara (or Amarasinha)'''. Hindu Buddhist Sanskrit lexicographer, fl. about middle of 6th century A. D. His dictionary, the *Amara- ko'sa (See App. p. 362), known also as the Namalinganusasana or Trikanda (mean, “in three parts”), superseded all previous similar works, and occupies same dominant position in lexicography as Panini’s work does in grammar. Essentially a dictionary of synonyms ; words being arranged acc. to subject-matter. Contains 1,500 verses.
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'''Anandagiri (or Anandajnana)'''. Pupil of, and annotator on, Samkaracharya. Author of Samkaravijaya (See App. p. 367).
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'''Anandatirtha'''. See Madhava.
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'''Arrianus, Flavius'''. Greek historian, native of Nicomedia, fl. 2nd century, under Hadrian and the Antonines. In his own country, priest of Ceres and Proserpina. Became disciple of Epictetus in Rome. Patronized by Hadrian for learning and talents, honored with citizenship of Rome, appointed Prefect of Cappadocia, later Senator and Consul. Like Xenophon, united literary with military {{Page aside|370}}character. On intimate terms with men of learning. Of numerous historical works, only two remain: *Anabasis of Alexander, seven books principally comp, from the memoirs of Ptolemy Lagus and Aristobulus, both of whom served under Alexander (ed. by Grono- vius, Ludg. Bat., 1704, fol. and Schmieder, Lips., 1798, 8vo.) ; and *Indian History, appended to the former (ed. by Schmieder, Halae, 1798, 8vo.). Orig. Greek and English trans, by E. Iliff Robson, Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press; London: Wm. Heinemann, 1946. 2 vols. Loeb Class. Libr.
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