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Lalita Vis tar a, on Buddha studying 63 alphabets, 304; trans, by Mitra, 41; 365.
Language (s) : Aeolic, Attic, Os- can, 302; Demotic and Hieratic, 221, 297; Greek and Latin, will be spoken again, 303; mother of modern, 198; of 4th and 5th races, 216; of the gods, 199, 208; Pelasgian, akin to Skt., 301; root-, of 1st, 2nd and 3rd races, 216; sacerdotal, and Vach, 298; secret, was universal, 297, 306.
Lanka [Lanka], of Ramayana and Egyptians, 286. See Ceylon.
Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de [1749-1827], 150.
Larvae, play as spirits, 47.
Lassen, Christian [1800-1876], and Buddha’s death, 255.
Latins: 200; ancestors of Romans, 212; league of, 215.
Latium Antiquum, akin to Aeolic, 302.
Laws of Manu: 56, 58 fn., 61, 63, 221; on happiness, 340; on metempsychosis, 114 and fn.; on ten sins, 341; silent on Bengal, 309, 310; 365.
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron von [1646-1716], defines monad, 173.
Lenormant, F. [1837-1883], 217.
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim [17291781], 294.
Letter Addressed to, etc. See Kingsford.
Letters, from Teachers, contain imperfections, 200.
Letters from the Masters, etc. See Jinarâjadâsa.
Letters of H.P.B. to A.P.S. See Blavatsky.
Leverrier, Urbain, [1811-1877], 156.
Lévi, Éliphas, Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, 60, 377.
Lévy-Bing, L., La Linguistique Dévoilée, 126, 377.
Life: borrowed from Universal Life, 49 ; latent, and kinetic, 113; present in atoms, 111, 288 ; sun and -principle of planets, 154; the one energy, 111; the One-, 154, 318 fn.
Life-atoms: as bluish lambent flame, 116; impregnate objects held, 116; moved by kinetic energy, 113; mutual affinity of. 109 ; thrown off in passion, 115; transmigration of, 109-17.
Life or Legend of Gaudama. See Bigandet.
Light (London) : 292 fn., 332 fn., 334, 345; quoted, 134, 349-50; and Wyld’s letter, 329-34; 385.
Likhita, Code of, 61.
Lillie, A., Buddha and Early Buddhism, 348; 377.
Linghams, and topes, 240 and fn. Ling. Dévoilée. See Lévy-Bing. Lipi, meaning of, 237.
Lockyer, Sir N. [1836-1920], 1920], 156.
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Logos: 7th principle or personal god, 50; spiritual mankind collectively, 355; universal, or divine Ego, 356.
Loka-natha, title of Buddha, 249.
London Lodge (L.L.): 225, 226 ; and Freethought literature, 121-25; president of, 126.
Lotus Bleu, Le, 11 fn., 386. Luceres, 214.
{{Style P-Subtitle|M}}
Mackenzie, Col., on Sankara, 185-86.
“M. A. Oxon”: 345, 346, 347, 348, 349-50.
Madhava, Barth on, 179.
Madhwacharya [Madhvacharya], 184, 377.
Madhwas [Madhvas], on Sankara, 187.
Madras Christian College Magazine, 328, 385.
Madras Times, 321-23, 386.
Madri, wife of Pandu, 305 fn.
Magadha, its calendar, 261.
Magas [King of Cyrene, d. 258
B.C.], 242.
Magi, Theosophy of the, 64.
Magia Adamica. See Eugenius Philalethes.
Magna Graecia: 200, 212; more ancient than believed, 167-68; pre- period and Rajputana, 238.
Magnetic, effluvia, 115.
Magnetism: and mesmerism, 39 ; current of, between Devacha- nees, 84; electro-, 152-53.
Magnetizer, and somnambulist, 50. Mahabharata: and Chinahunah, 245 fn.; and Kala-yavana, 239 fn.; and Trojan war, 238; on Hindu navigation, 300, 302, 306; on merit and charity, 335; on Yavana and Vrishalas, 307- 08, 308 fn.; races and tribes in,
239; racial history in single drama, 238; 365.
Mahdbhdshya. See Patanjali.
Maha-bhutic [Mahabhautika], 80 fn.
Mahanama, and Buddha, 254.
Mahanirvana Tantra [Mahanir- vana-T antraf], 339, 365.
Mahaparinibbana Sutta, 258, 365.
Maharshi, meaning of, 60.
Maha Sahib, 129.
Mahatma Ltrs. See Sinnett.
Mahavansa [Mahavansa]: 251 ; accuracy of, 242; and Buddha’s death, 249; on Vijaya’s landing, 248; silent on Buddha’s nirvana, 254.
Mahayana [Mahayana], 115. Maitland, E. See Kingsford.
Malabar: 84; customs, 188-189. Man: as free agent, 144; highest tabernacle of Nature, 355; image of God, 357; inner, as symbol of deity, 316-17; inner, as microcosm, 355; mortal, and purification, 356.
Manam [Mana], measuring methods in India, 261.
Manas: with kama, 144; dravya, 79; eternal and non-eternal, 80 fn.; in sleep, perceives reality, 78; maha-bhutic and tanmatras, 80 fn.; seed of personal intelligence, 78; spiritual self-consciousness, 80; union with Buddhi, 114.
Manasa-sarovara, Lake, 245.
Mandanamisra [Mandanamisra], 192.
Manes, 211 fn.
Mannus, and Germans, 219.
Mantra, Vedic period, 178.
Mantram, quoted, 289.
Manu. See Laws of Manu. Manus, of fourth Round, 221.
Manvantaric, last, hour, 151.
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Mariette-Bey, A. F, F. [1821-81], 168.
Maruts, 302.
Mary, Virgin, same as Neith-Isis and Sophia, 280.
Massey, C. C.: 330; and Devachan, 70 fn.
Massey, Gerald [1828-1907], on Atlantis, 199 fn.
Massilians, 218.
Master K. H., at Bombay in astral sarira, 290.
Master M.: 124; and Subba Row, 133; note to Wm. H. Terry, 11 fn.
Mathadhipatis [Mathadhipatis], 179.
Matham [Matha]: monastery, 179; Kumbakonam, and Sankara’s date, 185; Kudali, 185.
Mathura, Matarea, 239 fn.
Matouan-lin, 259.
Matsya Purana [Matsya-Pura- na]; lists Nanda and Morya dynasties, 258; text of, falsified, 258; 366.
Matter: Buddhi is essence of, 172; descent of Spirit into, 174 (diagram) ; eternal, 317 fn.; extremely dense, surrounds us, 152; fifth state of, 148; fourth state of, 145; Spirit and, are one, 52; three other states of, 52; ultimate nature of, 74.
Maudsley, Dr. H., Body and Mind, 77 and fn., 378.
Maurice, Thomas, Indian Antiquities, 179-80, 378.
Mayavi-rupa [Mayavi-rupa] ; and adepts, 81 fn., 289-90; highest principles, 148.
Medicine, Indian, and Greeks, 241.
Medium (s) : creative imagination of, 312; handles burning objects, 103; Mrs. Swydam as a, 103.
Megasthenes [ca. 300 B. C.]: 242, 243; on writing in India, 304.
Melanochroi, 213 fn.; 217.
Menander [342-292 B.C.], expedition against Ayodhya, 194.
Mesmerism, Leet, on, see Jackson.
Mesmerizer: and magnetic energy, 84; transfers life-atoms, 116.
Metempsychosis: and man born blind, 116; doctrine of, 113-17; in Laws of Manu, 114 and fn. Michigan Medical News, 101-02, 386.
Midsummer Night’s Dream, 329. Migne, J. P. [1800-1875], Patro- logiae Cursus Completus, 240 fn, 378.
Mill, J. S, 318, 340.
Mimansa [Mimansa], and Jai- mini, 60.
Miracles, no, for initiates, 39.
Missionaries: and cocoanut, 128;
Buddhist, in Palestine, 211 fn.; hurt natives, 120, 315.
Mitra, Dr. R. L.: 41-42; on Greek influence in India, 241; Buddha Gaya, 41; 274.
Mlechchhas: no Senzar MSS in hands of, 62; relation to Pandavas, 305 fn.
Mohini M. Chatterjee, 287, 294.
Mommsen, C. M. Theodor [18171903], 214.
Monad (s): and atom of science, 171; and Deva Kingdom, 175; and Monas, 171; and upper- arupa region, 92; as 6th and 7th principles, 172; can influence monad in devachan, 84; depends in devachan upon essence of personal ego, 78; divine, and spiritual soul, 5; divine, identical with Para- brahm, 41 ; divine, of adepts, 51; half-liberated, of somnam-{{Page aside|405}}bule, 75; has but one state of consciousness in devachan, 82; has neither personality nor objectivity, 87; human, is spiritual soul, 172; incarnates in every race, 45; incarnates on superior planets, 44; individuality of, and physical appearance, 94; individualized at man-birth, 17273; intercourse between, is actual, 88; mineral, discussed, 171-75; new clothing of, and life-atoms, 109; of Humboldt, and atom of hornblende, 172; preserves acquisitions from previous existences, 46; recollection of personality derived from Manas, 93; spiritual, or Individuality, 54; The, and monads, defined, 112-13; three classes of, 91; three conditions of, 74 fn.; ubiquitous, 79, 89; vegetable, 173.
Monadic Essence, 172-73. Monas: 171, 172, 173.
Mongoloids: 213 fn.; or 4th rootrace, 216, 222.
Monier-Williams, Sir: 180; on Patanjali’s date, 193-94; Indian Wisdom, 58 fn., 378.
Moon: and adepts’ views, 171; as “dust-bin”, 134, 330-31; H. P. B. on, 133-34.
Morality: and exoteric religions, 335-36; as assimilation to Universal Laws, 341; laws of, transcended by Mahatma, 339; of Buddhist or Adwaita, 337.
Morgan, Maj.-Gen. H. R., and H. P. B., 129.
Morsier, Madame de, 1.
Moryas: and Chohans of Kasya- pa’s lamasery, 246 fn.; chiefs of Nagara, 248; dynasty of, 258; three members of, dynasty living in India, 246 fn.
Mousseaux. See Gougenot des.
Muir, John, Original Skt. Texts, on Yavanas and Vrishalas, 30708 and 308 fn.; 378.
Mukti, 337.
Mulaprakriti [Mülaprakriti] : and Crookes, 148; three states of differentiation, 173.
Mule, and reproduction, 112.
Müller, F. Max: 223, 257; and Sanskrit, 178-79; on four Sruti, 179; on Sutra period, 196; on writing and Panini, 237; 378.
–, A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature: 223, 242 fn., 272; quoted, 198, 202, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210; on Alexander’s conquest of India, 223; on Buddha’s prophecies, 253 ; on Buddha’s birth, 256; on Buddhist chronology, 229, 251, 254; on Ceylonese chronology, 249-50, 252; on Code of Manu, 308-09; on Pandu’s wives, 305 fn.; on Panini, tradition and writing, 295, 296; 378.
Mummy, throws off atoms, 109. Mycenae, and Pelasgi, 164.
Myers, F. W. H.: authorship of replies to, 129-38; biography and works by, 263-64, 379; inquiries of, on Esot. Buddhism, 13942; on Devachan, 141-142; on Sankara’s date, 141; replies to, 143-262; replies to, and <5. D., 138; writes to Ionian T.S., 358.
Mysteries: brought from India by Orpheus, 305; of the kingdom, 333-34; sacrificial, and Pandu, 300; seven-fold, of initiation, 305.
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Nagas [Nägas], 223.
Nanda, Kings of, 257, 258.
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Narayana Upanishad [Nardyano- panishad], mantram in, 288, 366.
Nasmyth, James [1808-1890], willow-leaf theory of, 159-60.
Nastika, atheist, 61.
Nature: inner, 355; laws of, and Mahatma, 339; merging with mother-, 341; motion of, 340; processes of, 116; repeats itself, 338.
Nautch-girls, temple virgins, 244. Nearchus, 243, 304.
Nebular Theory, and adepts, 15055.
Necromancy, and Sdma-Veda, 63.
Neff, Mary K., How Theos. Came to A ustr. and N. Zealand, 11 fn., 379.
Negroids, 213 fn.
Neith-Isis, and Virgin Mary, 280. Nerve-aura, ethnic varieties of, 213.
Neter-Khari, divine speech of Egypt, 298.
New York World, on adepts in mayavi-rupa, 289-90; 386.
Niebuhr, B. G. [1776-1831], 301.
Nirukta (Yaska), 302, 366.
Nirvana [Nirvana]: and Nyr- Nyang, 255; Buddha’s, 20 years before death, 249; defined, 354: of Buddha’s precursors and Csoma, 255; vanishing point, 174.
Nirvanee [Nirvani], of seventh degree, 256.
Nirvanic: era, 254; ku-sum and, state, 255; limited, state of Devachan, 93.
Noah: and Patriarchs, 207; Greek, 219; Hindu, type of 5th race, 223; Jewish, 223; picnic of, on Ararat, 348.
Novensiles, and Atlanteans, 222.
Numbers, Book of, and races, 214.
Numismatics, 227.
Nydya-Sutras (Gotama Aksha- pada) : 39, 55, 56, 59, 60; and Adrishta, 61 ; 366.
Nyr-Nyang, and Buddha’s nirvana, 255.
{{Style P-Subtitle|O}}
Objectivity: abnormal, of elementaries, 312; and Devachanee, 74; conditioned, and atoms of body, 111; monad has no, 87; terrestrial, and reality, 91.
Observations, etc. See Subba Row. Occultism: and Brahmanas, 39; committee for study of, 358 ; great thinkers and, 294; practical, and falsehood, 294.
Occultists: and auric shades in inner man, 212-13, 216; and judging, 148; letter from, to Bulletin, 36 fn.; records of, 211; respect all beliefs, 48.
Olcott, Col. Henry S.: and Brah- manical thread, 324; and cocoanut tree, 128; and French letter from Hilarion, 129-32; Buddhist mission of, 287; criticized, 321-23; joins H. P. B. at Ooty, 129; letter of, to F. Arundale re Tiravellum Mahatma, 137; on H.P.B.’s writing from dictation, 129; on Subba Row, 268-69; 272; personal akasa of, 132; tours Ceylon and So. India, 129-32.
–, Buddhist Catechism, 346, 379.
–, Diaries, quoted, 129.
–, Old Diary Leaves: 129, 287. on Subba Row’s death, 271; 379.
–, Posthumous Humanity, 284 fn.; 370.
Olympiades, 201.
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Olympus, 218; and Prometheus, 220.
Oneness, realization of, 337. Oodeypore, 57 fn., 238.
Organic, and inorganic, 112, 288. Orientalists: and antiquity of Vedas, 177; and books on Buddhism, 178; and development of languages, 178-79; and Indian names, 179; and pre-Christian antiquities, 205; biased by Bible, 177; cramped by ecclesiasticism, 204; disagree on Skt. texts, 227; erroneous ideas about India, 210; ignorant of true nature of Buddhism, 342, 344; insane speculations of, 259; learned nothing from Northern Buddhists, 256; misjudge Hindu Smritis, 230; place Indo-Ger- manic period before Vedic, 308; wrong on Indian astronomy, 234-35; wrong on Indian chronology, 176.
Orig. Skt. Texts. See Muir.
Orpheus: and Ribhu, 304; and Zagreus, 306; origin of, 306; learned “letters”, 306.
Oscan, 302.
Over de Jaartelling, etc. See Kern. Owen, Robert Dale [1801-77]:
291; Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, 292 fn., 379.
Oxley, Mr., art. of, 109. Oxus, 202, 210, 222, 224.
{{Style P-Subtitle|P}}
Paducachaytra [Padukakshetra?], 184.
Padyamitithi [Padyamitithi], 262. Paine, books of, 119, 120.
Pala [Pala], Kings of, 309. Palanquans, 298.
Panchatantra [ Panchatantra],
186, 366.
Pan-chhen [or Pan-ch’en], 249. Panch-Kukkutarama [Panch-Kuk- kutarama], convent of 245.
Pandus [Pandavas]: and Po- cocke’s views, 306; outcasts, 305 fn.; taught mysteries, 300.
Panini [Panini] : date of, and origin of writing, discussed, 195- 96, 294-310; explains Yavanani. 195; last of Rishis, 295, 307; restored classical Skt., 303; rules of, 208; Siva-taught, 295; Sutras, 196; 362.
Parabrahm [Parabrahman] : and Atman, 172, 318 fn.; and “Brahman-killer”, 114; impersonal Principle, 50; universal Divine Essence, 354.
Paracelsus, 39.
Paramaguru, of Sankara, 193.
Paramanu rupa [Paramanu-rupa], atomic nature of manas, 80 fn.
Paramatman: as Adrishta, 61; soul distinct from, 76.
Paropamisos, 220, 273.
Pardsara Code, 61, 366.
Parasurama [Parasurama], and Malabar customs, 188.
Pariahs, regeneration of, 314-15.
Paroksha, 337.
Pataliputra [Pataliputra], and Buddha’s prophecies, 244, 258.
Patanjali: 178; and Gaudapada, 193; and Sanskrit, 303; date of, 193-94, 196; same as Govinda Yogi, 192-93; Sankara’s guru, 192-93, 197; wrote on medicine and anatomy, 196; Mahabhashya: 193, 196; date of, 194, 196; 365. Yoga Sutras, 193, 196, 368.
Pausanias, and sacrifice of wives, 305 fn.
Peeplaj Temple, 284.
Pelagos, 301.
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Pelasgians: and kshatriyas, 308; and Thracia, 307; and writing, 302; culture of, 167; forefathers of Hellenes, 166; origin and language of, discussed, 30102; sub-race of, 214.
Peleg, and Pelasgians, 167, 301.
Peling, and Tibetans, 235.
Personality: annihilated, 317 fn.; monad has no, 87; old and new, and devachan, 82.
Peter of Alcantara, and aura, 103. Phenomena: production of, 113; reason why forbidden, 145.
Philanthropy: 326; and reticence of adepts, 143.
Philo of Biblus, 299.
Philosophic Inquirer, The, 65-67, 386.
Phoenicia(ians): 167 ; and India, 300; and Sanskrit, 298 fn.; and writing, 297, 299.
Phorminx, and Orpheus, 305.
Pindam [Pinda], at Gya and bhu- tas, 310-1'3.
Pindus, 218.
Pippal Cave, 247 fn.
Pisadlas, and Sama-Veda, 63.
Pitris, intercourse with, 62.
Piyadasi [Priya-darsin] : title of two Kings, 237,257; inscription of, and Alexander, 242 and fn.
Pleiades, at Pralaya, 162-63.
Plutarch, 244, 257.
Po, Maoric word, 288.
Pococke, Edward, on Pandavas, 306.
Poita, and Olcott, 324.
Pomerium, 214.
Poona Observer, 323.
Pope, Symmachus, as first, 252.
Po-pha, Tib. for Adi-Buddha, 288. Popol-Vuh, 223, 366.
Poseidonis, 163, 216, 220.
Prakrit [Prakrit], 208.
Prakriti: and Purusha, 52; as mineral kingdom, 172.
Pralaya: and impulse of births, 115; Central Sun unveiled at, 163; planetary, 44 fn.; solar, and Hercules myth, 162.
Prana [Prana]: 117; or Jiva, distinct from atoms, 111.
Prarthana Samaj [Prarthana Sa- maj], 95 fn.
Prayer, and equilibrium of nature, 98 fn.
Prec. of Jesus. See Rammohun Roy.
Presence, implies absolute consciousness, 97 fn.
Present, the one eternal, 77 Prevorst, Seeress of, 144.
Prichard, James Cowles, 217, 379. Principle(s) : annihilation of conscious personal, 109; higher, classified, 54; development of, and senses parallel Races and Rounds, 144; enumerated, 4950; essence of 5th, withdrawn, 42-43; fifth, temporary, 49; impersonal, Parabrahm, 50; lifeatoms of 4th and 5th, 117; lifeatoms of 2nd, 109; macro- or microcosmical highest, 148; 2nd, Life, 41; separation of, in Kama-Ioka, 42-43; 7th, 41, 50, 157 fn. ;6th and 7th, 5, 42, 172.
Prine, of Zool. See Agassiz. Prisse Papyrus, 298.
Proctor, R. A.; and sun, 160-61; 267; 379.
Projection, of double, 289-93. Prometheus, meaning of, 220.
Propaganda, of Occultism, 47.
Prophecy (ies) : about end of cycle, cataclysms and discoveries, 259; Buddhist and Christian, 254; of Buddha re Tibet, 244-46; 253; of Isaiah, 253.
Psychic: association and death, 79; {{Page aside|409}}intoxication, 291 ; lines of, intercommunication, 276; research strongly recommended, 358.
Psychological Review, 331, 386.
Psychology: esoteric, 146; molecular, 68.
Psychometer, and objects, 116. Ptolemy, Claudius, 242, 243.
Pujarees [Pûjârîs], beliefs of, produce effects, 312.
Punch, quoted, 322.
Puranas [Purânas] : 208, 258 ; and Parasurama, 188; and Va- sishtha, 156-57 fn. ; conceal history, 230; Yuga Purana, 236.
Purusha: 288; and Prakriti, 52. Purva Mimamsa [Pûrva Mîmân- sâ], and Kumârila, 181.
Pyrrha, 218, 219, 220. Pythagoras. See Yavanachârya.
Python, and Pythonesses, 279.
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Quintus Curtius, unreliable, 244: 379-80.
{{Style P-Subtitle|R}}
Race(s) : 206; and Huxley, 213 fn. ; development of root- and rounds parallel principles and senses, 143; fifth, began million vears ago, 223 ; fifth, “BrownWhite”, 216, 219; fifth, has five senses, 144; fifth, in Asia, 220 ; fourth, in P opol-V uh, 223 ; fourth, on Atlantis, 220 ; fourth, “Red-Yellow”, 216, 219; “geological”, 213 fn., 214; inner, 213; intermediate, between root-, 216; Jewish triple division of, 213 fn. ; mankind at beginning of 6th, 143; no difference of, in Theosophical work, 127; root-, separated by
cataclysms, 163-64; sight of 4th, unlimited, 223; sixth sense of 5th, 144; sub-races of the 4th, 221.
Radiant Matter, 52, 145.
Rajadharmanusasana parvan, 309, 366.
Rajagriha [Rajagriha]: 246 fn., 258.
Rajas, 339.
Rajatarangini [Rajataramginl], 186, 366-67.
Raj Narain Bose: on religion, etc., 95-99; The Science of Religion, 97.
Rajputs: and Gautamas, 248 ; genealogy of, 207; Greeks and, 238; Vansavali of, 57 fn.
Rama, and Suryavansa, 57 fn., 194.
Ramanuja [Ramanuja], 183, 380.
Ramaswamier, S.: 128; meets adept in Sikkim, 290.
Ramayana [Ramayana], 286.
Ramchenderjee, Janardan, The Biographical Sketches of Eminent Hindu Authors, 185, 380.
Ram Misra Sastri, 41.
Ram Mohun Roy: 100, 183; on Sankara’s date, 187-88; Precepts of Jesus, etc., 353, 380.
Ramnes, 214.
Ravana [Ravana], 206.
Recollections, etc. See Carnarvon. Red, earth and Adam, 219.
Reichenbach, and odyle, 213.
Reincarnation (s) : adepts have choice in, 106; and Spiritists, 105; determined by karma- phala, 106; H. P. B.’s art. on, and Isis Unveiled, 54; immediate, for children and idiots, 45; long periods between, 45; obliteration of personal ties before, 93-94; on seven earths, 105.
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Religion (s): all, rest on one foundation, 355; cannot prove practically personal God, 100; defined by Buddha, 341; derived from relegere, 99; essentials of, 95-100; H.P.B. and shams in, 118; Raj Narain Bose on, 95-97; truths in every, 118.
Religions of India. See Barth.
Resurrection, absolute, at end of Kalpa, 93.
Rhys Davids, T. W.: 342, 345, 346; Jataka Book, 239 fn.; Buddhism, on Avalokiteswara, 346; 348, 349; 380.
Ribhu [Ribhu], and Orpheus, 304. Rig-Brahmanas [Rig-Brahmanas], 302.
Rig-Veda [Rig-Veda] : 63 fn., 202, 209, 302-03; quoted, 219, 273; 367.
Rig-Veda Sanhita, etc. See Wilson. Rishi(s): all, Brahmanas, 61; derivation, 60; secret writings of, 51; longevity of, 207; Theosophy of, 64.
Rohner, Dr. M. C. W., and influence of Brothers, 316-17.
Romaka-pura, 236.
Romans: and old Greeks, Atlan- teans, 198-99; Regal period of, 214; sub-races of, 200-01; were Hellenes, 215-216.
Romans, Epistle to the, 128. Romantic Legend. See Beale.
Rome, foundation of, 214. Romulus, 212, 214, 215.
Root-families, 213.
Rosen: Michel, 51-52; Sophie, 1, 47, 64.
Rosse, William Parsons, Earl of [1800-1867], 149.
Roth, Rudolph von [1821-1895], 241, 274.
Rouge, Olivier, vicomte de, on
Phoenician alphabet, 298-99.
Round (s): and Races develop parallel with principles and senses, 144; revealed science at every, 280.
Roustaing, J. B., Four Gospels, etc., 106, 381.
Rules, of T. S. (1883), and begging, 282, 320.
Rupa [Rupa] : and arupa, 74; and arupa-lokas, 90; devachanees for centuries in -Iokas, 92; -Iokas, intra-terrestrial “spiritworlds”, 91.
{{Style P-Subtitle|S}}
Sabda [Sabda], and Gymnosoph- ists, 196.
Sabine, element in Rome, 215.
Sagara [Sagara], 194, 308.
Sagee, Emelie, and double, 292-93.
St. Ennodius, 252, 373-74.
St. George, and Theseus, 240.
Saint-Germain, Count de, fifthrounder, 145.
St. James Gazette, and F.sot. Buddhism, 342-49; 386.
St. John: 116; and Irenaeus, 116 fn.
St. John Damascene, Life of Bar-laam and Josaphat, and Buddhism, 240 and fn.; 381.
St. Mark, on Mystery' of Kingdom, 333-34.
Saka [Saka].
Saketa [Saketa]. See Ayodhya.
Sakkayaditthi [Sakkayaditthi], defined, 78.
Sakuntala [Sakuntala], 183-84.
Sakyasinha [Sakyasinha], 250.
Salamanders, and foetus, 103.
Sali Suka, Bhikshu, 246.
Salivahana [Salivahana], 227.
Rupawachara [Rupavachara], defined, 91.
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Salzer, Dr. Leopold, 68.
Samadhi, 82, 338.
Sdma-Veda, impure, 63 and fn.; 367
Samhita [Samhita], 305.
Samkhya, and Kapila, 59.
Samma-Sambuddha, 254.
Samnites, 212.
Samvat [Samvat], Samvatsara [Samvatsara], era of, 205, 227, 230-31, 232, 257, 273.
Sanchoniathon, 299.
Sandracottos. See Chandragupta. Sanggyas [Safi-gyas or Sang-gyas]. 232, 249, 255.
Sankaracharya [Samkaracharya] : 60, 61, 346; and Barth, 18182; and Buddhism, 181-82, 344; and Hatha Yoga, 193; and Malabar customs, 188; date ot, acc. to Initiates, 197; date of, discussed, 176-97; disciple of Patanjali, 196-97; hierarchy of spiritual succession, 62-63; letter from, to Subba Row, 62; name of adhipatis, 179; philosophy of, 337-38; Pope of India, 62; secret writings of, 51; theosophy of, 100; Atma-bodha, 74; Comm, on the BrahmaSutras, 182, 363 ; Comm, on the Bhag. Gita, 338, 363; Upanishad Bhashya, 191, 368.
Sankara Kavi [Samkara Kavi], and Bhoja Prabandha, 187.
Sankaradigvijaya [Samkaradig- vijaya], of Madhava Vidyaran- ya, 189, 192, 193; 367.
Sankara Vijay a [Samkaravijaya] of Anandagiri, unreliable, 19192; 367.
Sankara Vijayavilasa [Samkara- vijayavilasa], of Chitsukhacha- rya, 189; 367.
Safikha, Code of, 61.
Sanskrit: alphabet not derived
from Phoenician, 298 ff.; and Indian chronology, 178-79; and Orientalists, 198-199; antiquity of, 202, 208, 302; Aryan-, 216; esoteric meaning of, texts, 207; most perfect language, 295; passages quoted in, 219, 307-08, 308 fn., 339, 340; restored by Panini, 303; texts unknown to libraries, 295; root of European languages, 199, 209; Vedic and classical, 208; Vedic, from sacerdotal languages, 298; will rebecome universal language, 303.
Sanskrita Bhashya, 303. Sanskritists, 60, 259.
Saptaparna Cave [Saptaparna; Pali, Sattapanni] ; Buddha on. 246-47 fn.
Sardinia, and Atlantis, 218. Sargent, Bishop, 128.
Sastras, 59 fn., 68, 100.
Sastris, 59, 59 fn.
Satapatha Brahmana [Satapatha Brahmana], and Arjuna, 305;
Satva, 339.
Satya Ioka, and Vasishtha, 156-57 fn.
Satya (or Krita) Yuga. See Yuga. Sauramanam [Sauramana] : 261;
and Buddha’s absolute nirvana, 256.
Savam asaucham [sava asaucha], and Samaveda, 63.
Sayanacharya [Sayanacharya], 192, 381.
Schopenhauer, 294.
Science (s) : and nepotism, 343; conjectural, 224, 225, 226; exact, originated from temples, 163; of the adepts, 51; “revealed” at every Round, 280.
Science of Rei. See Raj N. Bose. Scientific American, 101-02, 386. Scrapbook XI (17), 1, 6, 64, 65.
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Secchi, Padre Angelo [1818-1878], 156.
Secrecy, reason for, 333-34.
Secret Doctrine. See Blavatsky.
Secrets, of Past, to be soon uncovered, 259.
Seleucidae, 236.
Seleucus Nicator [365-280 B.C., King of Syria], 242.
Semites, cradle of, 224.
Senses, in relation to races and rounds, 144-45.
Senzar Brahma-bhâshya, 62. Serpents, and Dragons, 223.
Shakespeare, 329, 332, 333.
Shamo Desert : 222 ; and first civilization of 5th race, 165.
Shells: 43, 82; and post-mortem offerings, 312-13; as vampires, 46.
Shem, 205, 213 fn., 215.
Sicily, and Atlantis, 218.
Sidon, 299.
Sinhabahu [Sinhabâhu], 247.
Sinnett, A. P. : Letter from K. H. to, 135; letter of, in Light, re Wyld, 332 fn. ; London Lodge and Freethought, 123; most congenial of Western minds, 142.
–, Esoteric Buddhism, 140, 141, 144, 163, 170, 171, 179, 221, 280, 263; and Replies to Myers, 129-275; attacked by Wyld, 329-34; criticized, 13435, 342-49 ; date of Buddha’s death in, 254; error in, about Gaudapada, 193 ; on Greeks and Romans, 198, 215; 381.
–, Ltrs, of H. P. B. to, see Blavatsky.
–, Mahatma Ltrs to: 70 fn.; 135, 136-37, 330 fn.; 381.
Sirius, a mere atom, 149. Sisunâga [Pâli, Susunâga], 258.
Sivuli, in Tuluva, 184.
Sleep, and manas, 78.
Smârta Brahmans, 184.
Smith, Prof. John, 11 fn.
Smriti [Smriti] : and Malabar, 189; and Parasurama, 188 ; contain historical records, 229-30.
Société Scientifique des Occultistes de France, 126.
Société Scientifique d’Études Psychologiques, 7, 37, 38 fn., 48.
Société Théosophique d’Orient et d’Occident, 125-26.
Society for Psychic Research, 358 ; Proceedings, 264, 386.
Solar: analogy of man and, system, 154; nature of, stuff, 152.
Somnambulist, fifth principle ot, and magnetizer, 50.
Sorcerers, and magicians, 218.
Soul: animal, perishes in gross personalities, 44 ; essence of personal, follows monad in Devachan, 82; highest state of personal, is Samadhi, 82; in foetus and lower kingdoms, 108 ; material, annihilated in wicked, 43 ; of marked animal tendencies, 45 ; personal, cannot be in Devachan, 81 ; shell of personal, 82.
Space: septenary, 151-52; ultimate nature of, 74.
Spectaculis, De. See Tertullian. Spectrum, and spiritual research, 146.
Spirit : affinity with cosmic energy, 337 ; and apparitions at death, 283 ; and matter are one, 52 ; and samadhi, 338 ; descent of, into matter, 174 (diagram) ; human liberated, 52; never descends from Devachan, 47 ; of medium can ascend to Devachan, 47 ; ultimate nature of, 74.
Spiritism, and Occultism, 48.
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Spiritual: nature and Yoga, 100; sense never sleeps, 78.
Sraddha, efficacy of, 312.
Sraman achäryas [Sramanächä- ryas], 245.
Sringeri Matham [Sringeri Ma- tha]: 179; and date of Sankara, 184, 186, 189; inscriptions at, 197; Kudali Matham and, 185; teachers of, 186.
Sruti [Sruti], and Müller, 179.
Stars: and chemical elements, 156; clusters of, and nebulae, 15051; distances of, may be false, 149; novae, 151.
Statues, seven golden, of Buddha, 245-46.
Stenzler, and Yajnavalkva, 61, 382.
Stewart, Balfour, 76; The Unseen Universe, 111, 115; 382.
Stewart, Dugald, 205, 382.
S. T. K.***Chary, on monad, 172. Sthula sarira [Sthüla-sarira], inactivity of, and higher planes, 338.
Stone-showers, and fire, 103. Strabo, 220, 244, 304.
Subba Row, T.: 294; and Cunningham’s inscriptions, 137, 259-62; and Fragments, 41, 53 ; and H.P.B., had same Teacher, 138, 269; and Indian calendar, 260-61 ; and Sankara, 62; and Secret Doctrine, 269; articles by, 41, 318 fn.; at odds with H.P.B., 269-70; authorship of “Replies” by, 136-37, 226; biography, 267-72; Brahmana, 53 ; disciple of Hierophants, 40; discusses Sankara’s date, 17697; H.P.B.’s note on reply by, to Maitland, 136; replies to Kingsford, etc., 135.
–, Esoteric Writings of, 135.
–, Observations, etc., 135-36,
Subjective: entities in arupa-lokas, 92; reality and manas in sleep, 78; state(s), 89-90, 92, 93.
Subjectivity: and Devachan, 90; and objectivity, 111 fn.; and Parabrahm, 76; ascending scale of, 76; intercourse of monads in world of, 88; of the Absolute, 175.
Sudras [Sudras], and Brahmans’ falsehoods, 257, 258.
Sugata, title of Buddha, 249.
Sui, annals of, 244-45.
Suklapaksham [Suklapaksha], 262. Sun: and spheroidal oblateness, 153; and Tyndall, 161-62; and Universal Heart, 158; as reflexion, 154-55; central, unveiled at pralaya, 163; chromosphere of, and elements, 156; evolutes life-principle of planets, 154; heart of its system, 155; not cooling, 155; not in combustion, 155, 158, 160-62; “prisoner” behind visible, 15455; self-luminous, 155; -spots and William and John Herschel, 159-60; -spots, and vital electricity, 160; state of elements in, 155-56. See Surya.
Sureswaracharya [Suresvaracha- rya], see Mandanamisra.
Surya [Surya]: 302; and Yogi robes, 156-157.
Suryasiddhanta [Suryasiddhanta], and Buddha’s date, 262.
Suryavansa, 57 and fn.
Sushupti, state of, 74 fn.
Sutra [Sutra]: 142, 178. 196, 296, 304.
Sutras. See Panini.
Suttee [Sati], 65.
Symmachus, first “Pope”, 252. Sy st erne, etc. See Holbach.
Swedenborg, his fancies, 88-89.
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{{Style P-Subtitle|T}}
Tages, son of Thevetat, 222. Talkotins, and widows, 65-67.
Talleyrand, and gratitude, 282. Tamas, 339.
Tanha [Tanhâ], and disembodied entities, 92.
Tanmatras [Tanmâtras], and selfconsciousness, 80 and fn.
Taranatha [Târanâtha], 257. Tattwabodhini Pâtrika, 95, 386.
Tavlor, Dr., on Sankara’s date, ¡85, 187, 190.
Tennent, Sir J. E., and Maha- vansa, 242; 383.
Terry, Wm. H., 40; Master M.’s note to, 11 fn.
Tertullian, De Spectaculis, on hell, 85 fn.; 383.
Tetraktis, relation to Trinity and Septenary, 280.
Thaumaturgists, 96 fn.
Theology, world’s curse, 29.
Theosophical Society: admits no infallibility, 5 ; aims at selfdependent Mankind, 282 ; and debts, 281 ; and private instruction, 333 ; and universal brotherhood, 5, 121,127; Brahmo, 124; British, 126; entrance fee, 325-27 ; fulcrum for Progress, 121 ; has no creed, 121, 318 fn. ; in Asia, 120; in France, 37, 125-26; in India in 1883, 279: Ionian, and psychic research, 358; motto of, 121, 127; Parent, and Branches, 127 ; policy of, 127; So. Indian Visishtha, 124; spirit of work, 127.
Theosophist, The: ref., 95, 121, 98 fn., 109 fn., 271, 287, 293 fn., 124, 221, 223, 226; and new branches, 69 ; fifth year of, 66-69; Fragment VI in, 44, 53 ; H.P.B.’s art. in, 6, 54, 54 fn. ;
most subscribers in Asia, 120; no special organ for occult sciences, 39; not published for profit, 69; quoted, 104, 268-69, 272; S. Row’s art. in, 41, 386.
Theosophists: and Bulletin, 36; and Christianity, 119; believe in Logos, 355; defined, 355-56; described as sect, 277-79; moral standard of, 320; not infallible, 96 fn.; refuse to accept eccles. Jesus, 356; their concept of God, 355-57; to be defended when unjustly attacked, 333.
Theosophy: and anthropomorphism, 355; and inner man, 355; and religions, 96 fn.; and Rishis, etc., 64; and Tremeschini, 56; defined, 96 fn., 353; Ishmaels of, 325.
Thessaly, 218, 219.
Thevetatas, Etruscan gods, 222.
Thlinkithians, 223.
Thurman, Dr., 38.
Tiravellum [Tiruvallam], Mahatma of, 134, 137.
Tiru Vicrama, 184.
Titles, 214.
Tod, Col. James [1782-1835], and Rajputs’ descent, 207.
Transmigration: of life-atoms, meaning of, 109-17.
Tremeschini, M: and Yugas, 55, 59; answers H. P. B., 64, 65; errors of, about Theosophy, 3839, 52, 53, 54; his grand evidence, 55; H.P.B. answers, 665.
Treta Yuga. See Yuga.
Trishna [Trishna], 92.
True Northerner, ¡02, 386. Tuisto, and red earth, 219.
Tuluva, 184.
Turamaya, and Weber, 236. Turanians, cradle of, 217, 224.
Tumour, George [1799-1843], {{Page aside|415}}and Buddha, 247 fn., 255.
Tursenoi [also Turshas, Tyrsenh], pre-Roman, 167.
Turvasa [Turvasa], and Yava- nas, 308.
Tyndall, John [1820-93], 5; on sun’s heat, 161-62.
Tyrus, Tyre, 164, 167, 299.
Tzina (China), 245.
{{Style P-Subtitle|U}}
Uber Buddha’s, etc. See Wester-gaard.
Ujjaini, meridian of, and Kali Yuga, 58.
Umbro-Sabellians, 201, 215.
Unseen Universe. See Stewart.
Upanishad Bhdshya (Samkaracha- rya), 191, 368.
Upanishads, 59, 208, 297 fn.
Uraba, gulf of, 221.
Usher, Archbishop, 164.
Utpala Varna [Utpala-Varna], power of Buddha, 255.
{{Style P-Subtitle|V}}
Vach [Vach] : mystery language, 298; voice of deity, 100.
Vachaspati, and Olcott, 324.
Vacuum, absolute, impossible, 152.
Vaidya, Kings, 309.
Vaisakha, full moon of, 287.
Vaisali: 246 fn., 258.
Vaiseshika School, 60.
Vaiseshika-Sutra. See Kanada.
Vaivasvata, 223.
Valentinus, 211 fn.
Vansavali, genealogies, 57 fn.
Varaha-Mihira, 273.
Vararuchi, 178.
Varttiha (Katyayana): 196; on yavanani, 237; 368.
Varuna [Varuna], 302.
Väsana [Väsanä], and vritti, 338.
Vasishtha [Vasishtha] : 308 ; Purd- nas on, and Sun, 156-57; Code of, 61.
Vastu, the one reality, 86.
Vayu [Vayu], 302.
Vayu Purana [Väyu-Purana], lists Nanda and i iorya dynasties, 258; 368.
Vedanta: 60; and monad, 74 fn.; identical with Buddhism, 344; on Jiva and Jivatman, 41.
Vedas: antiquity of, 177; Gautama Rishi’s views of,-61; on Dasyus, 219; written a¿Äthens, 240.
Venkatagiri, raja of, 132.
Vidyaranya [Vidyaranya]: and Sringeri Matham, 192.
–, Adhikdrar 'iratnamala, 191, 362.
–, Samkaradigvijaya: 189, 193; reliable, 192; Wilson on, 192; 367.
Vighadia [Vighatika?], and Sau- ramanam, 261.
Vijaya: journey of, to Lanka, 24749; Müller on, 252-53.
Vikara [Vikära], defined, 80.
Vikramaditya [Vikramaditya], era of, uncertain, 230-31, 257.
Vindusara, 257.
Vishnu Purana [Vishnu-puräna], and seven continents, 220; 368.
Visishtadwaitees [Visishtädvaitis], resign, 124.
Vizianagram, raja of, 132.
Volition: as kama, 80 fn.; in adepts, 81; rendered passive, 78.
Vril, not fiction, 143 fn.
Vrishalas [Vrishalas], degraded Kshatriyas, 307-08.
Vyasa [Vyäsa] : 193; date of, 178.
–, Harivansa, 194, 364.
–, Brahma-Sutras, 178, 363.
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{{Style P-Subtitle|W}}
Waroquier, Μ. de, 37, 47, 50.
Weber, A. F.: on Oriental writings, 163; on Panini’s date, 304; on Vyasa’s date, 178; 384.
–, Indien Studien, 179, 384.
–, The History of Indian Literature: 210-11 in., 233-34, 237, 267; on date of Rama- yana, 239; on Buddhists, etc., borrowing from Christians, 239 fn.; on Greek influence in India, 240; on Indian astronomy, 23435; on Patanjali’s date and works, 194-96; on uncertainty of eras, 232, 273; on Vikram- aditya, 231; on Yavanas, 235, 236; 384.
Westergaard, N. L., Über Buddha’s Todesjahr, 242 fn., 384.
Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner [1797-1875], on tenets of Egyptian initiates, 110-11.
Will: and inner man, 77; as kama, 78; confused with volition, 77.
Wilson, H. H., A Dictionary, Sanskrit and English: on Sankara and Buddhism, 182-85, 189-90; 384.
–, Essays and Lectures, etc., on Sankara’s date, 180, 384.
–,Rig-V eda Sanhitd, 2T3, 384.
Worlds, in our atmosphere, 151.
Wren, Sir C. [1632-1723], 241.
Writing: antiquity of, 297 ff.; cursive, preceded by ideography, 307; known centuries before Panini, 304; silence on, 306.
Wyld, Dr. G. W., 133-4; attacks Esot. Buddhism, 329-34.
{{Style P-Subtitle|XYZ}}
Xanthochroi, 213 fn., 217. Xisuthros, Babylonian, 223.
Xoanon, and Orpheus, 301.
Yájñavalkya: and worship of planets, 235; Dharma-Sastra of, mentions Gautama Rishi’s Code, 61; 385.
Yajur-Veda, 63 fn., 368.
Yakshas, of Lanka, 248.
Yasodhara, power of Buddha, 255.
Yavana(s) : 300; defined, 195, 235; degraded Kshatriyas, 30708; expedition of, 194; Hari- vamsa on excommunication of, 308; Mahabharata on, 307-08, 309; relation to Pandavas, 305 fn.; white and black, 239 and fn.; Yuga Purana on, 236. See Kala Yavana.
Yavanachárya [Yavanáchárya] : pupil of Aryan Masters, 168, 195; title of Pythagoras, 235.
Yavanani: explained by Panini, 195; -lipi, defined, 237.
Yoga-Vidyá, 61.
Yogi [Yogin], Raja, and initiatory training, 339.
Yuga(s): and Codes of Laws, 61; Christian era and, 261; entire, separates the two Gautamas, 62; exoteric and esoteric counts, 5758; Kali, and Buddha’s absolute Nirvana, 256; Kali, when started, 58; Satya, a perfect square, 59; Trata [Yougo], and Tremeschini, 55-56, 59.
Yuga Purana [Yuga-Purána], and Yavanas, 236, 369.
Zagreus, and Orpheus, 306.
Zodiac; Hindu, 234; in Asia, 204. Zöllner, J. K. F.: and Slade, 266;
biography and works, 265-67; his fourth dimension, prophecy about, 147; his two-dimensional man, 88; his untimely death, real cause of, 147.
Zoroaster, secret writings of, 51.