Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.10)

by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 10, page(s) 431-461


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[References to definitions of terms are in italics.]


Aanru: Field of, 48 (55); corresponds to Devachan, 50 (58).

Aarzoo, Fields of, 211.

Abel, occult meaning of, 537.

Abhinna, 47.

Absolute: All, 325; and Absoluteness, 336, 399; and emanation, 359-60; cannot be understood by us now, 319; cannot change, 174; does not differentiate, 327; does not feel, 322; during Mahapralaya, 333; has no attributes, 151, 311; has no consciousness, desire or thought, 315; no use praying to the, 345; or Divine Thought, 360.

Absolute Existence, 42 fn., 43 fn., 44 fn.

Absoluteness: 347, 399; is Parabrahm, 336.

Acanthus, 90.

“Accursed,” story entitled, 295.

Acorn, evolution of, 361, 362-63.

Adalberg of Magdeburg: biogr., 410; clashes with Church, 15-16; supported, 17.

Adam, and creation of animals, 175.

Adam-Kadmon: and cube, 53(61); as Sephirothal Tree, 398; male-female, symbol of material universe, 45 fn.; Planetary Spirits constitute, 345; same as Brahmâ, 346.

Addison: biogr., 410-11; on society gossip, 204-05.

Adept (s): and vibrations, 266; brain of, and chela, 266; classed by principles under control, 253; do not dream, 255-56; mayavi-rupa and will of, 224; produce sound which alters color, 266; real names of, never revealed, 126; term misused by charlatans, 282.

Adeptship: can be reached despite outward circumstances, 127-28; forcing development of, impossible, 124; requires chastity and absence of intoxicants, 127; result of many lives of effort, 127.

Adi-Sanat, 401.

Aditi, as Sakti of fecundating Spirit, 402.

Adonis, 279.

Aea, Isle of, 280.

Aeneid. See Virgil.

Aeons: 308; of Simon Magus, 403-5.

Aether: higher aspect of Akasa, 384; relation to Manas, 384.

Aether-Akasa [Akasa], 5th and 6th principles of body of Kosmos, 384.

Agents, Masters employ, 139.

Agnishwatta [Agnishvatta], Manu is an, 363.

Agnostics, best practical workers for Theosophy from among, 160.

Agnus Castus, 90.

Ah-hi: 347; and higher planes, 320; and idea of Unity, 323; and Manasaputras, 324; and Universal Mind, 316 et seq.; are a flame, 323; are forces, not conscious intelligences, 322; conditioned by Universal Law, 318; have no free will, 322; primordial seven logoi, 317; relations of, to Universal Mind, 432325; various stages of evolution of, during manvantara, 321.

Ain, as No-thing, 151.

Ain-Soph: 108, 259, 308; as It, 303; or the One, 398.

Aja: “first-born,” 254; Logos, 45 fn.

Akasa: as first Idea of un-created Universe, 146; as noumenal Space, 360; as space, 174; def. 361; ether is lowest form of, 366, 370; identical with chaos, 314; memory of spiritual Ego, 251; sound is first production of, 314.

Akasa-Pradhana, primordial FireSubstance, 384.

Alaya: as Anima Mundi, 347; emanates Cosmic Buddhi, 324; Logos is male aspect of, 353.

Albigenses, survival of Manicheans, 68, 113.

Albizzi, Cardinal: biogr., 411; and the mystery names, 28.

Alchemy, occult, and the atom, 371.

Alexandrian School, believed in one impersonal Absolute Deity, 73.

All: absolute, as space, 176; the Boundless, 331; the immutable, 399.

Allen, Grant: biogr., 411; and Indian lizard, 389.

Aloka, 368.

Altruism, practice of, 69, 74.

Amadeus: 20 et seq.; biogr., 411-12.

Amber, and electricity, 382.

Ambrosius, St., De fide, on Uriel, 17; 412.

Amrita, 372.

Anagamin [Anagamin], 239.

Analogy, 372, 373.

Angel (s): Church of the Seven, 25; four Recording, or Lipika, 405; man, a fallen, 169.

Angelis, De. See Gastaldi.

Angelus, meaning of, 283-84.

Animal(s): and Rishis, 175; bodies of mammal, formed of man’s atoms, 175; dream, 256; evolution of, and man in Rounds, 186 fn.; higher triad of principles dormant in, 313; instinct of lower principles, 261; passions of life become at death potentialities of, soul, 176; slaughtering, 240.

Anima Mundi: Logos is male aspect of, 353; or Mahat, 304.

Animate, and inanimate, erroneous idea, 382-83.

Anosh, man, explained by Skinner, 52(60).

Ant: entity between two planes, 381; perceptions of, 382; shows high reasoning powers, 312.

Anu [Anu], Brahma as, 371, 385.

Anugita [Anugitd], on senses, 338; 412.

Anupadaka [Anupapadaka]: 346; def. 344 fn.; Dhyanis are, 344.

Apollonius of Tyana, apparitions of, 224.

Apparition (s): due to intensity of thought or feeling, 221; of adepts, and thoughts, 224.

Arago, on scientific research, 93.

Archangels: correspond to Dhyani-Buddhas, 362; correspondence between, and Planets, 50(57).

Archistrategus, 49(56).

Argua, lamp of exoteric creeds, 241.

Arhats, carried knowledge beyond the Himalayas, 71, 119.

Aristotle, and his “privation of matter,” 362.

Arnold, Sir E., Light of Asia, 63; 412.

Arupa [Arupa]: Ah-hi are, on highest plane, 321; three higher planes are, 357.

433 Arya Samaj [Arya-Samaja], only a national effort, 117,122.

Aryasangha [Aryasamgha], the School of, 326.

Asceticism, warning against, 133.

Astral: body exists before birth, 219; double and kama-rupa at death, 176; images brought to view by occultist, 132; life of earth, 277; matrix and precipitations, 269; plane, and color and sound, 266; plane very deceptive, 324; semi-substantial, creations of mysteries, 155; three kinds of, bodies, 218 et seq.

Astral Light: and dreams or visions, 257; and evolution of acorn, 362-63; and germ in acorn, 361; prototypes, 361; as Maya, 356-57; does not extend beyond fourth plane, 360; lower aspect of Akasa, 384; memory of animal man, 251; periodic and changeable, 361; polluted by man’s thoughts, 251; tempting demon impressing slumbering brain, 252; term used for realm of Akasa, 360.

Astrolatry, 31.

Asuras, and Nagas, 372.

Atheist, difference between, and a Christian, 104-05.

Atma [Atman], 406; and Buddhi-Manas, 216 fn.

Atmosphere, observation of matter of celestial bodies altered by, 374.

Atom: and molecule, 307; and molecule, occult def. 370-71; as 7th principle of a body, 370-71; Brahma called, 371, 385; has its own consciousness, 322; man is an, 386; nature of real, and its periodic manifestations, 370; not one, distinctly our own, 395; occult meaning of term, 353.

Atomic Theory, a misnomer, 307. Atonement, 254.

At-tee-kah, or Logos, 108.

Attis, 279.

Attraction: and repulsion and gravity, 377, 390-91; magnetic, and death, 221.

Aum, 265.

Aura: and clairvoyants, 225; of brain, and sexual union, 156; of man asleep and awake, 257.

Automatic, writing and Egyptian dirge, 208.

Avasthas [Avasthâs], 369.

Avatar [Avatâra], of Mahat, 364.

Avidya [Avidyâ], 311.


Babinet, on seven planets, 31; biogr., 412.

Bacchus, 279.

Bacon, F.: dishonesty of, 94; on charities, 95.

Badrinath, Yogis of, 401.

Balzac, unconscious occultist, 372.

Barlet, Chas., notes by, 49(57).

Barley: represents karma reaped by the dead, 50-51(58); seven cubits high, 48(55).

Baronius, on names of demons, 20.

Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, on Buddha, 201.

Being (s): every living, was, is, or will become a human, 321; from higher worlds confabulate with elect mortals, 168; higher, incarnated in our humanity, 166; overshadow rare sensitives 168; subjective high, 312.

Beliefs, danger of, formed on authority, 129.

Be-ness: 317, 320; and the German “das sein,” 315-16; or Sat, 315.

Bennett, D.M., 141 fn.

Besant, W., Herr Paulus, 21-22 fn.; 412.

434 Bhagavad-Gita: 177, 178; on states after death, 396; 413.

Bhdgavata-Purdna, and Maya, 328, 413.

Bháskara, 401.

Bhoot [Bhut], 219.

Bhu, 354.

Bianchini, J.: 25; biogr., 413.

Bible, phallicism in, 99-100.

Binah: 147, 352; and Mahat, 355.

Birmingham Post, 4-5, 430.

Bismarck, 85.

Black Magic: and practical occultism, 226; indulged in by hysteriacs and religious ecstatics, 156.

Blake, G. Garter, on Milan of Serbia, 189-90.

Blavatsky, H.P.: a Buddhist, allegedly Asiatic, 153; and Anglo-Indian police, 293; and politics, 293; and Zinovief, 290; direct agent of Masters, 139; dissolves Bureau of “Isis” Branch, 136-37; extent of her authority, 137, 139-40; has everything to do with occult matters, 139; joint declaration of, and Olcott, 142; known as H.P.B. to world, but otherwise to Masters, 139; loathes R.G. Church, 65; member of no Branch, 137; mission of, drives men to self-study, 138; never a spy, 290, 292, 293 et seq.; never meddled in politics, 294; no animus against true Christianity, 243 et seq.; no better agent for years to come, 139; on Light on the Path, 235; on Milan’s divorce, 191-92; on title and nature of Esot. Buddhism, 177 et seq.; precipitates in London forjudge, 273; present at meetings of Blavatsky Lodge, 300; sees Indians and elementáis in New York, 272; solely responsible to members for E.S., 154; taken to task by “Leo,” 243 et seq.; taught pledged disciples, 152.

–, “From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostán,” and text in Key to Theosophy, 217.

–, Isis Unveiled: 125 fn.; 281; and intention of H.P.B. to correct and abridge it, 216 fn.; more than one error in, 216 fn.; on Nirvana, 66 fn., 111 fn.; on reincarnation and corrections thereto, 215-16 fn.; on Universe as expression of single Spirit, 265.

–, Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 9.

–, The Key to Theosophy, 159, 217.

–, Theosophical Glossary, 159.

–, The Secret Doctrine: rf. 13, 62, 163 fn., 166, 177, 179 fn., 180,181,182,183, 184,185,186, 187, 238, 240, 255, 309, 313, 340, 343, 381, 398; a correspondent on, 235; Amer. ed. of, 158; and Christianity, 243 et seq.; and gravitation, 386; Commentaries of 1st Vol. deal with Solar System only, 354; epitome of occult truths, 140; figurative language of, 368; first Stanzas not concerned with Solar System, 354; gives out all that can be given during this century, 170; Glossary to, 159; King’s error about, 184 fn.; lays bare common foundation of all religions, etc., 170; many slokas of, omitted, 321, 340; on Ah-hi, 316-17; on body of mammals, 175; on Builders, 348; on Celestial Virgin, the Son, and square and cube, 356; on curds and cosmic matter, 373; on existence and being, 348; on first “Primordial,” 397; 435on Fohatic impress, 353; on Fohatic impulse, 391; on number and Deity, 372; on ray of “Ever-Darkness,” 350-51; on Space in the abstract, 301-2, 311; on time, 314, 358; publication and first bound volume of, 157-58; quotes Gita on death, 396; role of Masters in production of, 140; third volume of, 344.

–, The Voice of the Silence, 326 fn.

–, Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge, 246 fn., 298 et seq.

Blavatsky Lodge, discussions at the, 298-300.

Bliss, seven ways of, 326.

Blue, color of magnetism, 241.

Bodhisattvas, as Dhyani-Buddhas, 343, 344.

Bodies, of mammals and man’s atoms, 175.

Bonggren, J., article of, on mystery names, 32.

Book of Common Prayer, on angels, 14, 413.

Book of Esdras, Second, 16.

Book of Life, as Lipika, 405.

Book of the Dead: q. 48 (55); rf. 212, 213; bibliogr., 413-15.

Bosworth, Rev. T., and gunnery, 102-3.

Boundless, as a principle, 42 fn.

Brahma (neuter), 332.

Brahma: and circle, 385; and Vishnu, 332; as Logos, 313; called Anu, 371; def. 363; days and nights of, 44 fn.; night of, 242; same as Adam-Kadmon, 346; synthesis of 7 Logoi, 346.

Brahma-Vach, 54 (61).

Brahma-Vach-Viraj, 351.

Brahma-Vishnu, 45 fn.

Brain: and inner man, 250; attunement of chela’s, to the brain of Master, 266; distorts experiences in dreams, 248; partly registers dreams, 250; role of, in dreams, 258, 260; scientific ideas of, 259; simile of, and color-blindness, 266; vibration of molecules of, 264.

Braithwaite, W.M.: art. by, in Masonic Monthly; 30 & fn., 415.

Branches, active, unselfish, are needed, 128.

Bread, as symbol of Truth, 241.

Breathing, and Yoga, 398.

“Brides,” astral, and black magic, 155 et seq.

Brotherhood: K.H. on Universal, 78; of inner selves, 74; Mahâ-Chohan on, and T.S., 80; T.S. a Universal, of man, 75; Universal, 163.

Buddha (s): ethics preached by, most perfect ever known, 201; five, have come, 343; in sculpture, 240; life-story of, based on Initiatory Cycle, 67; not a god, 66.

Buddhi: and Atma, 216 fn.; and Mahat, 314; and Manas, and their cosmic equivalents, 324; corresponds to Aether-Akâsa, 384; corresponds to Svabhavat, 304; occult teachings derived from, 384-85; or spiritual soul, 222.

Buddhism: abuses in, and true doctrine of, 238-39; and T.S., 65; and Theosophy, 162; Burnouf on, in Asia Minor, 67-68; ecclesiastical, cold on post-mortem conditions, 71, 119; error about, and Budhism, 179 fn.; has an esoteric doctrine, 71, 119; nearer to truth than any other exoteric belief, 70, 116; not a dogmatic religion, 162; of today, dogmatic and sectarian, 70, 116-17, 122; Olcott devoted to regeneration of, 116, 121; teaches equality of men, 67 temple-, and esoteric Budhism, 238; view of Mahâ-436Chohan on, 80.

Buddhist, precept on condemnation, 196.

Budge, Sir E.A., The Book of the Dead, q. 55-56 fn.

Budha: and January 4th, 278; and Mercury, 265.

Budhism: error about, and Buddhism, 179 fn., 181; esoteric, and temple-Buddhism, 238; esoteric, taught by Buddha to elect Arhats, 175.

Builders: 387; and Fohat, 354; def. 341, 347-48- of the Earth and Sophia-Achamoth, 361.

Bull, Pope Pius V and, on Seven Rectors, 29.

Bunsen, C.C.J., 64; biogr., 41516.

Bunyan, 159.

Burnouf, Emile: on Buddhism, 112; on Essenes, 112-13; on T.S., 63 et seq., 110 et seq.

“By Master’s Direction,” publ. by Judge, 134 fn.


Cagliostro, Egyptian Ritual of, 126-27.

Cain, 357.

Cain-Abel, 54 (61).

Calendars, sun father of, 277.

Cant, 101.

Capital, unproductive use of, 75.

Cardinals, and bishops, social drones, 75, 121.

Carlyle: defines Protestant religion, 161; q. 206.

Causality, is Parabrahm, 336.

Cause (s): Causeless, and Man-vantaras, 335-36; of existence and Nidanas, 335.

Cell: endowed with intelligence, 322; male, and latent spirit of germ, 353.

Cerebellum: and dreams, 328-30; and instinctual mind, 324.

Cerebrum, and cerebellum, 323, 328.

Ceylon Observer, 240, 430.

Chain. See Earth.

Chandradhat Chudhathar, Prince of Siam, 174.

Chaos, identical with Akasa, 314.

Charity, synthesis of all virtues, 95.

Chela (s): brain of, attuned to that of Master, 266; precipitate for Masters, 269; role of, in precipitating letters, 130; taught in dreams, 241.

Chhayas [Chhayas], of Pitris, 365.

Chidakasam [Chidakasa], field of primordial consciousness, 360.

Child: becomes responsible when 7 years old, 218; plastic 3rd and 4th principles of, 176.

Children: first impressions of, 227-28; training, for murder, 226-28.

Chochmah: 352; and Mahat, 355. See also Hokhmah.

Chohans, Fire-, 395.

Chrestos: 91; -candidate and Solomon, 162 fn.

Christ-Kshetrajna, 255.

Christian: ethics in 19th century, 81 et seq.; true spiritual, primitive religion, 172.

Christianity: final break with Buddhism at Nicea, 113; future, 243 et seq.; FI.P.B. has no animus against, of Jesus, 243 et seq.; loses now, 171; rotten to the core, 41.

Christian Science: and hypnotism, 40-41; a misnomer, 37; arrogant, 286; beliefs of, discussed, 37 et seq.; erroneous assumption of, 157; not in union with Truth, 38; or Mental Science and their practitioners, 96; 437statement of beliefs, 34-36; unsupported by Jesus, 37.

Christos: a condition, 91; and suffering, 255.

Church (es): disappointment in blind belief of, 164; lost secret about the Seven Spirits, 18; miracles at, of Seven Angels need imprimatur of S.P.R., 27; no truth ever made complete by, 18; of Rome, lost Spirit of Truth, 31; of Santa Maria della Pieta, 28; of the Seven Angels, 25, 27; opposition of, to Manicheans, 68; Roman Catholic, loathed by H.P.B., 65.

Churchianity, 164, 243.

Churchill, C., 124.

Churning, of ocean and “war in heaven,” 371-72.

Circle: and Sephiroth, 398; and the pi value, 399; as Brahma, 385; meaning of, and point; 241-42, 385.

Civilization: and despotism, 86; keynotes of modern, 100; rotten, and its historians, 98; selfishness of, 81.

Clairvoyance, developed through “dreaming,” 263.

Clairvoyants: and sound, 338-39; early humanity made up of, 339; on aura of man asleep and awake, 257; reason for selfdeception of, 361; see in aura, 225.

Cleather, A.L., on the Transactions, 299.

Clement VII, Pope, 22.

Clement XI, Pope, 25.

Coleridge, on faith, 160.

Collins, Mabel, Light on the Path, emanates from same School as the S.D., 235, 416.

Colosseum, compared to modern Society, 204.

Color: and -blindness, 267; and Sound and Number, 406; sound and Adepts, 266.

Color-blindness, and vibrations, 267.

Comet(s): planets were, 402; sun will become a, 382.

Commentarius. See Origen.

Commination Service, 202-4.

Condemnation: 196 et seq.; inbred in all people, 202.

Conscience: def. 249; Voice of, 255.

Consciousness: absolute, and “Day-Be-With-Us,” 405; absolute, and relative, 318; and mere perception, 326; and sleep, 256-57; atom endowed with its own, 322; degrees of, at beginning of manifestation, 360; divine, and Time, 315; division of, in dreams, 259; in plants, 330, 362; in sleep and waking states, 330; many kinds of, 312; of cells and man, 364; of real Ego, 260; on higher planes is sui generis, 325; seven states of, symbolized by “skins,” 304; Universal, and ideation, 342.

Consumption, and dreams, 263.

Controversy, beneficial, 231.

Correspondence. See Saint-Martin.

Cosmocratores: 354, 387; def. 341; must be ailing, 105.

Crawford, F.M., Mr. Isaacs, 224, 416.

Crawford, J.M., The Kalevala, 143 et seq., 416.

Creations, seven, 313, 319.

Creeds: Argua as lamp of exoteric, 241; origin of, 167.

Crime, and children’s toys, 228.

Crookes, Wm.: and chemical elements, 307; and protyle, 306, 307.

Cross, ansated, or Tau, 52(59).

Crucified, man, in space, 52(59).

438 Crystals, nutrition of, 383.

Cube: and square, 356; symbolism of, 53-54(61); unfolded 52(59).

Curds, as first differentiation, 369, 373.

Cure, by mind, 287.

Cursing, 203.


Daiviprakriti [Daiviprakriti], def. 334.

Dalton, and Atomic Theory, 307.

Damodar, 185 fn.

Dangma, a Seer, 337-38.

Darkness: and Light, 337; and Spirit, 406; as Unknown Principle, 33; does not move, 378; contrasted with Light, 368; Ever-, def. 35; ray of Ever-, 350; universal Deity is, 376.

Darwinism: and Esot. Buddhism, 186-87; and natural selection, 388; and Theosophy, 187 fn., 187-88.

Dawn, manvantaric, 347.

“Day-Be-With-Us,” meaning of, 405.

Dead, “images” of the, and elementáis, 222.

Death: and the mayavi-rupa, 220; apparition of “phantom” at, 220; by evil-eye, 225; Krishna on states after, 396; man sees himself at, as he really is, 176; real freedom of Ego, after, 325.

December: descent of the gods in, 278; 25th of, and birth of Sun, 278-79.

Defence, of others is soul of practical Theosophy, 197.

Deity: absolute, 45 fn.; absolute, and Alexandrian School, 73; does not think, 91; has no finite attributes, 46-47; is pure cosmic Fire, 375.

Demiurge, def. 334.

Denunciation, discussed, 196 et seq.

Desire, and thought, 399.

Devachan: compensation for undeserved miseries of life, 47; corresponds to Aanru, 50(58); immortal Ego in, 54(62); length of, 216 fn., 269; no time in, 316; of W.Q.. Judge, 269; relation of, to Karma, 47.

Devachanee: contacted in dream, 262; nature of the consciousness of the, 316.

Devamatri, 347.

Devas: and Dhyan-Chohans, 340; applied to Elementáis, 362; as occult potencies in nature, 14; Dhyani-Buddhas are higher, 343; finite and evolving, 13; no occultist ever worships, 13; or Rishis, as Atman of Planets, 31.

Devil: not to be reviled, 150; pillar of Kingdom of God, 240; relation to God acc. to Lactan- tius, 149-50, 231; Rev. Headley on, 148-49, 229 et seq.

Dharma, and Theosophy, 118(123).

Dhyána, abstract meditation, 42, 71, 119.

Dhyan-Chohans [Dhyani-Cho-hans]: 397; as Atman of a Planet, 31; as occult potencies of nature, 14; as the Word or Logos, 252; collectively Mahat, 360; def. 340; generic name, 341; have supersensuous intellect, 362; highest, do not cognize second Kosmic plane, 369; identical with Archangels, 17.

Dhyani(s) [Dhyánis]: Ah-hi are highest, 317; generic name, 345; higher, evolve lower hierarchies, 365.

439 Dhyani-Buddhas [Dhyáni-Bud-dhas]: and pralaya, 344; concerned with spirit, the higher triad in man, 341; correspond to Archangels, 362; exoteric and esoteric ideas about, 343; gods not to be worshipped, 345; represent divine free will, 387; spiritual aspect of the 7 Logoi, 345; three in one, 343; unconcerned about earthplane, 365; various classes for various Rounds, 344.

Dickens, on his time, 82.

Differentiation: and Light, 331; and time and Logoi, 358-59; and “war in heaven,” 371-72; curds as first, 373; first, feminine, 302-3; of deity, 151; of elements, 349; of forces, 386-87; of matter and elementáis, 366, 374; of original substance, 321; of seven rays, 347; of Universe, 327; primeval, and substance sui generis, 325.

Dirge, Egyptian, for the dead in life, 208 et seq.

Disease: natural effect of karma, 40; relation of mind to, 39-40.

Dispensaries, 132, 188.

Divinarum. See Lactantius.

Divorce, in Russia, 192.

Dondoukoff-Korsakoff, Prince, 293.

Double, cannot act contrary to wishes of man, 221.

“Doubles,” three kinds of, def., 218 et seq.

Dramard, Louis, 136.

Dreams: and cerebellum, 329-30; and conception of time, 316; and practical instruction of chelas, 241; classification of, 263; nature and causes of, discussed, 246 et seq.

Dream-body. See Mayavi-rupa.

Dremat’, to slumber, 246 fn.

Drunkenness, and sleep, 263.

Duality, of forces in nature, 270.

Duca, Antonio: and the Seven Spirits, 23 et seq.; biogr., 416.

Dufferin, Lord: 290, 293-94; biogr., 416-17.

Dugpa, karma of, delayed, 225.

Du Prel, Philosophic der Mystik, on consciousness of planets, 330; 426.

Duration: and Space, 310-11; and Time, def. 310, 358.

Dust, cosmic, and spectroscopy, 382.


Earth: as substitute for secret planet, 340; astral life of, 277; confusion on, 105-6; inferior to Jupiter, 342; none of the globes of, is a sacred planet, 340; planetary spirit of, not of high grade, 341; Spirit of the, 346.

Echod, the One, or Ain-Soph, 398.

Ego(s): conscious thinking, and mayavi-rupa, 220; higher and lower, 254-55; higher, and visions, 247; higher, and will, 253; higher, def. 249; in dreams, 260; influence of higher, on mortal man, 249; informing, 314; permanent, 246; real, acts independently in sleep, 251; real freedom of, after death, 325; reincarnating, is immortal, 175; remains the same, 176; true, 83; true, and causal body, 219.

Egypt: psychology of, 48(55) et seq.; symbolism of man’s seven principles in, 48 et seq.

Egyptian, dirge for the dead in life, 208 et seq.

Electric, shocks from nervecentres, 246.

440 Electricity: and Fohat and molecular disturbance, 380-81; and the One Life, 354; exists in everything, 382; Fohatic or intra-cosmic, and hypnotism, 394; one of the “principles” of matter, 379-80.

Element (s): in abscondito, 349; no such thing as chemical, 307; primordial, 381; root-, and their inter-relation, 349; sequence of manifestation of, 376; the one, 349; Universal, terrestrial and chemical, def. 366.

Elemental (s): as spirits of elements and as man’s creations, def. 366; attached to two lower kingdoms, 362; every plant outward clothing of an, 362; “images” seized by, in seancerooms, 222; nature and feats of, discussed, 271-72; sexual union between living man and, entities, 156.

Elohim: meaning of, 303; same as Sephiroth, 398.

Elysian Fields, deceased in, 48(55).

Emanation: and radiation, def. 359-60-, first, considered feminine, 302.

Entity, def. 380.

Ephesians, 92.

Episcopal Church, Lawn party of, 106-07.

Epoptai, and mystae, 213 fn.

Esoteric: Buddhism has an, doctrine, 71, 81; training and tests, 242.

Esoteric Buddhism. See Sinnett.

Esoteric Doctrine: absolute need of making, available, and state of world, 153; ceases to be that when published, 179 fn., 182-83 fn.; fruit of teachings given by living men, 170; origin of, 166.

Esoteric Section: and dangers of occult powers, 296-97; has no official connection with exoteric Society, 154; Judge appointed sole representative of, in America, 194-95 facs.; not a lodge of magic, 242; organized at the suggestion of W.Q. Judge, 134; organized on Original Lines, 154.

Esoteric Writings. See Subba Row.

Essence: all-containing One, 309; has 7 principles, 372; Radiant, or Golden Egg, 369.

Essenes, Burnoufon, 112-13.

E.S.T. Circular: 134 fn.; on Judge, 195.

Eternities: meaning of, 308-9, 358; seven, 301, 308.

Ether: Kosmic sediment of Aether-Akasa, 384; lowest form of Akasa, 366, 370; 7th principle of the Astral Light, 370.

Ethics: Christian, in 19th century, 81 et seq.; preached by Buddha, 201; social, 83.

Eulis. See Randolph.

Evil: conflict of Good and, 145, 151; denounce the root of, 200; God and, 150.

Evil-hearing, 198.

Evolution, and involution, 387.

Existence: Absolute, 42 fn.; def. 315; difference between, and being, 348.

Eye, visual ray of evil-, 225.


Fable, authorship of Theosophical, 1 fn., 9.

Fa-hien, 71, 119.

Faith: and reason, 160; blind, 160.

Family, principles of, 83.

Father: and Son, 359; Mother and Son, 332-33.

441 Father-Mother: and Son, def. 333, 334; and Third Logos, 397; and Time, 358; as centripetal and centrifugal forces, 334.

Faust. See Gothe.

Fee, in the T.S., 296.

Feminine: first differentiation considered, 302-3; on eternal, principle, 352.

Fergusson, 240.

Ferns, astral forms of, preserved in ice, 400-1.

Festivals, based on Sun, 277.

Fibre and Fabric, on Theosophy, 233-34; 430.

Fide, De. See Ambrosius.

Finland, Kalevala as national epic of, 143 et seq.

Finns, related to people of Central Asia, 143, 144.

Fire: and Light, def. 374-75; first element in visible universe, 376; in teachings of Simon Magus, 403; relation of, to water, 377; Sons of the, 394.

Fire-Chohans, 395.

Fire-mist, Sons of, 394.

Fire-Substance, or Akasa-Pradhana, 384.

First Section, of T.S., 77.

Flame, the One, or Fire, 335.

Foetus, and imagination of mother, 218.

Fohat: and electricity, 379, 380-81; and tntra-cosmic electricity, 394; and Manas, 392; def. 334, 354, 394; is an entity, 380; is representative of Manasaputras, 393; knots of, 376, 381; represents Dhyan-Chohans on objective plane, 360; Sons of, 380.

Fohatic Impress, and Fohat, 353-54, 391.

Force (s): acting in and on matter, 386; and Fohat, 392; differentiation of, 386; dual in nature, 270; forty-nine, 376; unknowable, 387.

Form(s): adaptability of, in nature, 388 et seq.; and Divine Mind, 387.

Fortnightly Review, on war, 102; 430.

Founders, of Theosophy and results of their work, 173.

Fox, the, girls treacherous to Spiritualism, 168.

Froment, Mr. 136.

Φυλακίτης, 49(57).

Fuller, on good advocate, 178 fn.

Fuller, Thos., Gnomologia, etc., 159 fn.; 417.


Gaboriau, F.K., 33, 34, 136.

Gabriel, as Egyptian Hapi, 49(56).

Gaea, feminine, 302.

Galton, experiments on psychics, color and sound, 267.

Gastaldi, De angelis: on the Seven Spirits, 17; 416.

Genesis: 331, 346, 357; on animals and Adam, 175; mentions 3 of the 7 Spirits, 19.

Geometry: and human consciousness, 401; in nature, 400.

Germ: noumenal, of oak, 362; of Mundane Egg, 351, 352; one with space, 367; symbol of unmanifested nature, 353.

Germany, plants seeds of future karma, 278.

Gestefeld, Ursula N., Statements of Christian Science, rev. 34 et seq.; 417.

Gichtel, and de Saint-Martin, 155-56.

Globes: none of the Earth, is a sacred planet, 340; obscuration of, 393.

Glycas, Michael: 16; 417.

Gnomologia. See Fuller, Thos.

442 Gnostics: on the Aeons, 403-05; secret records of, burned by Christians, 71.

Gnostics. See King.

God: as Divine Esse, 232; backbiting and cursing Jews, 202; each man’s own, within, 345; geometrizes, 372; idea of, 42 et seq.; idea of a personal, rejected, 345; man of war, 102; no personal, in Theosophy, 73; only, man comes in contact with, 255; personal 66; personal, and problem of evil, 150; personal, a superstition, 230; praying, for victories of armies, 104; Satan, one of the sons of, 108-9; unknown, 242.

Gods: descent of, in December, 278; Finnish, 145 et seq.; millions of exoteric, 346; pagan, of Russia, 144; worship of tribal, 345.

Good, conflict of, with Evil, 145.

Gothe, Faust, on culture, 236.

Grajdanine, 295, 430.

“Grand Architect,” of Masons, 341, 342.

Gravity: and the S.D., 386; as expansion and contraction, 387; nature of, 377; occultist’s objection to scientific, 390-91.

Great Bear, and the Seven Rishis, 346.

“Great Breath:” in pralaya, 308-09; is in eternity, 355.

Grundy, Mrs., 100-1.


Hallucinations, hysterical, and sexual union, 157.

Haltiat, 145.

Handwriting, of Masters, 269.

Hapi: corresponds to Gabriel, 49(56); funerary genius, 48(55).

Harbottle, T.B., 301. 316, 330, 340.

Hardy, R.S., biogr., 417-18.

Hare, H.E. and W.L. Who Wrote the Mahatma Letters?, on Latin, 183 fn.; 418.

Hari, 332 fn.

Harmonial Society: Fable about, 1 et seq.; H.P.B.’s views on, 9-11.

Harper's Magazine, on a South Sea tribe and clairvoyance, 339; 430.

Hartmann, Dr. F., 1 fn.

–, Paracelsus, 281.

Hasselquist, F., 90; biogr., 418.

Hatha-Yoga, dangerous, 7 fn.

Headley, Rev. T.G., on atonement, 91.

Healer, mental, neophyte of the sorcerer, 96.

Heat, nature of, 393.

Hebrews, Gospel of the, 54(61) fn.

Heladiw Ruwana, on Buddhism, Theosophy and the Teachers, 236-38; 430.

Help, extraneous, leads to collapse, 96.

Herschel, John, Treatise on Astronomy, on Kepler’s laws, 390; 418.

Hesiod, Theogony, on Gaea, 302; 418.

Hestia, 108, 430.

Hidden Way, etc. See Street.

Hierarchy (ies): of Dhyani-Buddhas, 343; of Planetary Builders, 341-42; seven, corresp. to Races, 395; vast distinction between, 396.

Higher Self: and victims of consumption, 263; protection from, in sleep, 262.

Hildreth. See Stevens.

Hindoo. See Moor.

Hippolytus, on Buddhists in Rome, 67, 113.

–, Philosophumena: on the Syzygies, 403-04 & fn.; 418.

Hiranyagarbha: 147, 332 fn., 369.

443 Hist, of Creeds. See SchafF.

Hodgson, R.: parodied, 1 et seq.; implied, 130.

Hokhmah, or Wisdom, 108. See also Chochmah.

Holy Ghost; as female Sophia, 333; female, 54(61) fn.

Homogeneity, 327, 333.

Homogeneous: matter, 306; substance of Ah-hi, 321.

Hope, forlorn, 1 et seq.

Horace, Odes, 190; 418.

–, Satires, on Slander, 208; 418.

Humanity, first, and the Chhayas of Pitris, 365.

Huxley, 330.

Hydrogen, 381; and oxygen, 377; and Water, 349; can be split, 349.

Hyle, 306.

Hypnotic: hallucinations and occult manifestations, 132; powers and miracles, 21-22 fn.

Hypnotism: and Christian Science, 40-41; and infra cosmic electricity, 394.

Hypostases, 369.


Ice, occult properties of, and relation to astral light, 400-1.

Iddhi, 6, 47.

Ideation: and Divine Mind, 304; and work of Planetary Builders, 342; Cosmic, or Mind, 319; Divine, as Mahat, 314; Divine, limited by manvantaras, 360; Divine, Mahat and Lipika, 406; primordial, 241; Universal, 320.

Ignorance, stupefying psychic anaesthetic, 130.

Ila, daughter of Manu, 364.

Ildabaoth [Yaldabaoth], 361.

Image. See Apparition.

Imagination: and effect on foetus, 218; and memory in sleep, 250-51; and plastic power of formation, 223, 225; stronger in some, 222; unclean, of sensitives, 225.

Imitation: of form and color by animal species and occult reason thereof, 387-90.

Immaculate conception, occult meaning of, 355, 356.

Indolence, scourge of humanity, 117(122).

Infallibility, Masters claim no, 132.

Infinite, has no bounds, 45 fn.

Ingham, Chas. B., on Esot. Buddhism, 151-52.

Inherbalization, 362.

Initiates, two, of European race, 153.

Inmetalization, 362.

Innovators, full of vanity, 169.

Instructors, primeval, 166.

Intellect(s): many varied, in Universe, 312; often impediment to spiritual conceptions, 223; or Mahat, 319.

Intelligences: communicating, not all “spirits,” 168; Dhyani-Buddhas are Divine, 362; exterraneous, but not disembodied, 262; Kumaras are incarnating, 343; of the Builders, and Fohat, 354; Supernal, communicate with mortals, 214 fn.; the Ah-hi are not conscious, 322.

Interpretation, and dreams, 263.

Intuition: as source of knowledge, 350; occult truth to be perceived by, 128; vanity blinds, 129.

Ireland, and elementáis, 272.

Isaacs, Mr. See Crawford, F.M.

Isis, worshipped Jan. 3rd, 278.

“I’Isis,” French Branch of T.S., 33; H.P.B. dissolves Bureau of, 136.

Isis, 114, 430.

Isis Unveiled, See Blavatsky.

444 Israel, and its Biblical morals, 100.

Iswara [tsvara], as Logos, 313. It, meaning of, 302 et seq.


“Jack the Ripper,” 226 et seq.

Jagannath, car of, 173.

Jagrata [Jagrat], 257.

Janitor, as door-keeper of the Heavens, 279.

January: 4th of, day of Mercury, 278; 3rd of, consecrated to Isis, 278.

Janus, symbolism of, and Peter, 279.

Jehovah: 242, 244; and Ormuzd, 315; Jesus and, 245; not named in New Test., 244; not the “Father,” 91; symbolism of, 53(61), 356.

Jesuitism, of Protestants, 32.

Jesus: an Initiate, 91; demolishes the 10 Commandments, 245; life-story of, based on Initiatory Cycle, 67; speaks with contempt of Jehovah, 245.

Jettatore, visual ray of, 225.

Jinarajadasa, C., Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 79 fn., 134, 135; 418.

Jivanmukta [Jivanmukta], 253.

Jivatma [Jivatman], and Paramatma, def. 369.

Job, 1, 3, 150.

Jod-he-vau-he, 356, 357.

John, 360.

Judge, Wm. Q,.: chela of 13 years’ standing, 194-95; in Paris on way to India, 268 fn.; in touch with Adepts before, 268; letter from, to B. Keightley on S.D., 158; short Devachan of, 269; sole representative of E.S. in America, 194-95; suggests formation of E.S., 134; talks with H.P.B. on occultism, 268-73.

–, E.S.T. Circular: “By Master’s Direction,” 134 fn.

–, Letters, in The Word, 268 fn.

–, Practical Occultism, 134 fn.

Julius III, Pope, 24.

Jupiter, finer in substance than Earth, 342.

Juvenal, Satires, on slander, 133, 197, 419.


Kabala [Kabbala, Kabbalah]: methods of permutation in, 398; three higher Sephiroth in, a blind, 345.

Kadeshuth, 107.

Kala, infinite time, 358.

Kalahamsa [Kalahamsa]: 146; as Parabrahm, def. 379.

Kalevala. See Crawford.

Kama [Kama]; and electricity, 380; principle of, 176, 222.

Kamaloka: astral Ninon de 1’Enclos from, 156; entities in, and dreamer, 262; Spiritualism as muddy current from, 153.

Kama-Manas, 384, 399.

Kama-rupa: 51(59), 54(62), and death, 261; and mayavi-rupa, 219; passions of life become at death future potentialities of the, 176.

Kant, and maya, 328.

Kapila, glance of, and King Sagara, 403.

Karana-sarira [Karana-sarira], def. 249.

Karma [Karman]: and Devachan and undeserved miseries of life, 47; and dreams, 253; and incarnation of higher Beings, 166; and Masters, 270-71; and Truths, 288; as action, 219; delayed, 287; each plant has 445its, 363; guides the moral traits of personality, 176; making bad, 226; of thought and act, 399; petty cash accounts of, 174; stream of, ever flowing, 141 fn.; voice of, 201.

Keightley, Bertram, 158.

Kepler, Laws of, 390-91.

Keshko, Nathalie, 83 et seq.

Kether, or Sephira, 352, 355.

Kether-Chochmah-Binah, 351.

Key to Theosophy. See Blavatsky.

K.H.: Master, on selfishness, 77-78; name of, a pseudonym, 126; on Universal Brotherhood, 78. See also Masters.

Khandakâla [Khandakâla], conditioned time, 358.

King, C.W., The Gnostics, etc., on the S.D., 184 fn.; 419.

Kingdoms, of life and Rounds, 186 fn.

King-Instructors, as Sons of Fire, 394.

1 Kings; on evil, 103; on Solomon’s Temple, 163.

2 Kings, 107.

Kingsland, Wm.: 350, 358, 367, 373, 383, 394; elected Pres. of Blavatsky Lodge, xxviii; on the Transactions; biogr., 419-24.

Knowledge: conditions for acquiring Supreme, 95; divine, and higher Beings, 166; reasoned, the only exact science, 165.

Koldoon, enchanter, 143.

Kriya-sakti [Kriyâsakti], and speech, 248.

Kshetra, 254.

Kshetrajna: 254, 255; as “SpiritSubstance,” 314.

Kumâras: 252; incarnating Intelligences, 343.

Kusûli, plant, 196.

Kwan-Shai-Yin, 377.

Kwan-Yin, 378.


Lactantius, Divinarum, etc., on Satan, 149-50; 424.

Lady’s Pictorial, on Lucifer, 236, 430.

Lamb, as Aja, 254.

Lambert, Franz, articles by, 48(55), 55 fn., 62; 424.

Lambeth Palace, 93, 107.

Lapps, in Finnish myths, 145.

Law: and children’s toys, 227; Universal, and Ah-hi, 318-19.

Laya: 306, 309, 385; and Light, 337; and Father-Mother, 333-34; as “Zero-state,” 333; def. 301; state of, and “upper space,” 378.

Leaders, have shallow drums for heads, 2.

Legends, based on cycle of initiation, 113.

Leibnitz, on the atom, 386.

Lemaître, Mme. G., 296.

Leo X, Pope, 28.

Leo XII, Pope, 28.

Leonard, G.L. See Open Court.

Letters: genuineness of precipitated, 129-30; Masters rarely write, by own hand, 129-30.

Letters. See Blavatsky.

Letters from the Masters, etc., 79 fn., 134, 135.

Lévi, Éliphas, 243, 244, 252.

Lewins, Dr., 306.

Library, founding of Oriental, 132.

Librations, and gravity, 391.

Life: a burden and illusion, 80; as the One-, 369; the One, and electricity; 354; waters of, 367.

Life-force: and forces, 387; when too strong, induces sleep, 257.

Life-winds, and polarity of body and consciousness, 398.

Light: absolute and manifested, 331-32; and Darkness, 337; and Differentiation, 331; and 446Fire, 374-75; no one has seen primordial, 375; reflected, alters our observations of celestial objects, 374; Spirit is abstract, 332.

Light of Asia. See Arnold.

Light, 243, 430.

Lightning, exhibits intelligence in story, 295.

Linga-sarira: 176; cannot speak, 262; condition of, in sleep, 261; evocation of, in sleep, 261; or Plastic Body, 218.

Lipika: nature of, and relation to the Primordial and the second Seven, 403-5; on highest plane of our globe-chain, 406; relation of, to Mahat, 405-6.

Lodges, of magic, impractical, 125.

Logos (Logoi): and Darkness and Light, 368; and It, 302; and Kalahamsa, 379; and manifestation of time, 358-59; and Sarasvati, 399; as male aspect of Anima Mundi, 353; Dhyanis are spiritual aspect of the seven, 345; double-sexed, 241; first, disappears into silence, 320; first, is Tetraktys, 357; firstborn brother of Satan, 149; manifested and unmanifested, 313-14; manifested, as Triangle, 351; or At-tee-kah, 108; or Word, 252; seven, 303; seven, correspond to Atma, Buddhi, Manas, 320; synthesis of manifested universe, 91; third, and Father-Mother, 397; third, and space, 406; third, or Mahat, 313; three, 351, 352; three, def. 334; three, are one during pralaya, 332; unmanifested, 242.

Lotus, Le, 48(55), 65, 67 fn., 108, 170, 206.

Loudon, J.G.: 90; biogr., 424.

Lourdes, 288.

Lubbock, Sir John, 312.

Lucifer, mistaken for Satan, 236.

Lucifer: 134, 154 fn., 170, 177, 181, 199, 230, 251, 298, 299, 300; denounces evil, not persons, 198; essentially controversial, 230; H.P.B. assumes sole editorship of, 131; New Year’s wishes of, 280, 284; not a detective for patriarchal delinquents, 99; on “The Meaning of a Pledge,” 196; one year old, 98; over two-thirds of subscribers non-Theosophists, 206; policy and two-year record of, 92 et seq.; policy of, 100-1, 232-33; utters a warning, 95.

Lunacy, and vibrations, 267.

Luxor, Brotherhood of, genuine and fraudulent, 124-25.

Lytton, Lord, 293.


MacKenzie, K., Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia, and Brotherhood of Luxor, 125 fn., 424.

Madhyamika School [Madhya-mika], 347.

Magic: black, 225-26; black, and evocation of sleeper, 262; black, and sexual unions, 156; lodges of, impractical, 125; various degrees of, 132.

Magician(s): black, and money; occult power of White, and Black, 270.

Magnetism: animal, and intracosmic electricity, 394; blue is color of, 241; escaping through skin may be felt, 272.

Maha-Buddhi [Maha-Buddhi], and Mahat, 324.

Maha-Ghohan, views of, on T.S., 79-81.

Mahakalpa [Mahakalpa] 396.

447 Maha-manvantara [Maha-man-vantara], 347, 361, 364, 405.

Maha-pralaya [Maha-pralaya]: 327; and Absolute, 333; and Brahma, 44 fn., 371.

Maharajas [Maharajas], Four, or Lipika, 405.

Mahat: and Logos, 399; and Maha-Buddhi, 324; and Time, 358; as collectivity of Dhyan-Ghohans, 360; as Cosmic Mind, 319; as Manvantaric Principle of Intelligence, 325; as Third Logos, 313; def. 313-14; or Anima Mundi, 304; or Universal Ideation, 251, 252; synonymous with Binah and Chochmah, 355; Vaiva-svata, an avatar of, 364.

Mahatma Letters. See Sinnett.

Mahavamsa, 71, 425.

Mahayuga [Mahayuga], def. 363.

Malkuth, is Tetragrammaton, 357.

Mammals, bodies of, formed of man’s atoms, 175.

Man: a fallen angel, a god within, 169; a perfected animal, 313; and Ah-hi, 321; and Chhayas of Pitris, 364, 365; as an atom, 386; as anosh, discussed by Skinner, 52(60); every creature was, is, or will be a, 321; evolution of, and animals in Rounds, 186 fn.; follows deliberately line of progress, 313; geometrical symbol of, 51(59); has animal brain, 169; inner and animal, 164; inner, and death, 221; inner, and dreams, 247-48; new, progeny of old, 177; relation of, to earth, 366; throws off molecules for benefit of lower kingdoms, 186 fn.; vehicle of a fully developed monad, 313.

Manas: and Fohat, 392; aroma of, 51(58), 54(62); dregs of lower, form “spook,” 220; higher, and Devachan, 220; higher and lower, are one, 254; lower, and illusions of space and time, 324; lower, and its alter ego, 252; lower, and mayavi-rupa, 219; lower, def. 246; lower, suffers with the Ego, 249, 253-54; no relation to Planetary Spirits, 341; proceeds from Mahat, 363.

Manasa [Manasa], 364.

Manasa-putras [Manasaputras]: Ah-hi become, on third plane, 321; and Ah-hi and human principles, 324; and Fohat, 360; bear burden of sins of personality, 255; become Thinkers, 322; Fohat as representative of the, 393; or Kumaras, 252.

Manicheans, Buddhist origin of, 67, 113.

Manifestation: periodical, and the Ah-hi, 318; primordial, 242; stages of, 352.

Mankind, worse now than in days of Paganism, 171.

Manliness, 201.

Manu(s): and Rishis, 346; as synthesis of Manasa, 364; contains potentiality of all thinking forms, 363; def. 363-64; generic name for Pitris, 364; has no bearing on host of Dhyani-Buddhas, 365; Root-and Seed-, and “war in heaven,” 371.

Manvan tara: and causes of existence, 335; and waking state, 309; dawn of, 318, 320; def. 363, 365; various types of, 321-22.

Mara, evil principle, 67, 113.

Marcellus, and Thrason, Sts., 23; biogr. 425.

Marguerite of Austria, 24.

Marttanda [Martanda], rejection of, or Sun, 401-02.

448 Masonic Monthly. See Braithwaite.

Massey, Gerald, and Mrs. J. North, 240.

Master (s): accuse no man, 296; brain of, and that of chelas, 266; can come anywhere where thought can pass, 127; claim no infallibility, 132; do not punish, 270-71; employ agents, 139; extent of role of, in production of S.D., 140; figure in Report, 10; genuineness of precipitated letters of, 130; handwriting of, 269; have no favorites nor affection for persons, 139; H.P.B. is direct agent of, 139; immense forces around, 270; ingratitude not among vices of, 139; Jesus, one of the, 91; K.H. has not written to or communicated with anyone since 1885, except through H.P.B., 139; K.H. on H.P.B.’s authority and role, 138-40; living men, not “spirits,” 142; names of, prostituted publicly, 10; on altruism and being a Theosophist, 69; on Olcott’s field of authority, 139-40; on Universal Brotherhood, 78; real Founders of T. S., 154; relations with Olcott on psychical plane, 139; superior of, a half-Slavonian, 153. See also Initiates.

Materialism, and giving out of esoteric doctrine, 153.

Matri-Padma [Mâtri-padma]: 350; and germ, 353.

Matritensis, Nuns of, 29.

Matter: and Spirit, 384; both sexes in primordial, 355; crystallized ether, 370; has no sex, 353; homogeneous, 306; infinite divisibility of, 371; mind, and illness, 287; observation of, on celestial bodies altered by atmosphere, 374; of solar system different from that of other systems, 374; planetary spirits concerned with, 341; primeval, and “war in heaven,” 372; productive mother, 355; pure, is pure Spirit, 383; seven states of, 366; true, and fourth Round, 186 fn.; undifferentiated primordial, 352-53.

Matthew, 26, 245.

Maya [Mâyâ]: 34, 42 fn., 311; and astral light, 356-57; as the great illusion, 379; def. 326-28-, of separateness, 395.

Mayavi-rupa [Mayâvi-rûpa]: after death, 261; and will of adepts, 224; dual and gives rise to kama-rupa, 219; evocation of, in sleep, 262; thoughtpower of, after death, 220.

Mead, G.R.S., on the Transactions, 299, 300.

Medicines, and Theosophy, 287-88.

Medium (s): and périsprit, 54(62); and will, 262; astral or protean body of, and phenomena, 218-19; “brides” of, astral realities, 155; can precipitate, 270; no, can be relied upon, 168.

Mediumship, dangers of, 262.

Melikoff, Count, 291.

Memory: and dreams, 247, 258; and imagination in sleep, 250-51.

Mental Science, 96.

Mercury: as Hapi, 48(56); governs intellectual faculties, 265; January 4th as day of, 278.

Mercy, Charity and Hope, 197.

Mesmerism, and Christian Science, 157.

Messiah, idea of, derived from Buddhism, 67, 112.

449 Metaphysical, thought and Christian Science, 286 et seq.

Michael, as Egyptian Amset, 49(56).

Michael Obrenovitch, 85, 86.

Michelangelo, builds Church of the Seven Angels, 27.

Milan, King: 84, 85, 87-88; and Queen Nathalie discussed, 189-92.

Milky Way: 369; nature of matter in, 373-74, 381-82, 402.

Miller, Joaquin: on religion, 162; on giving, 95; biogr. 425.

Milton, has done much harm, 236.

Mind: an Entity in its manvantaric functions, 325; Cosmic and Universal, 319, 320; Divine, and Ideation, 304; dual, and its connection with Buddhi and Kama, 222; infirmities removed from plane of matter to plane of, 287; instinctual, and cerebellum, 324; only lower, perceives space and time, 324; principles of, and thinking, 223; Universal, and the Ah-hi, 316 et seq., 325; Universal, or Mahat, 342.

Mind-cure, 287, 288.

Miracles: and hypnotic powers, 21-22 fn.; Church built on timely, 21; no true theosophist believes in, 131.

Mirville, E. de, Des Esprits, etc.: 13; on the Seven Spirits, 18, 28-29, 30-31, 425.

Missale Romanum, 1563, and the seven Mystery-Names, 26 & fn.

Missing Links, once numerous, 390.

Mithra, 279.

Moksha, 326, 396.

Molecule(s): and atom, and their occult meaning, 370-71; as imprisoned force, 387; thrown off by man for benefit of lower kingdoms, 186 fn.

Molecular, and atomic, 370.

Monad: Ego and Manas, 219; man is vehicle of fully developed, 313; Pythagorean, 351, 368.

Monas, 320.

Money, and true occult knowledge, 285.

Monier-Williams, Sir Μ.: misconceptions of, on Buddhism, 5-6; on Mystical Buddhism and Theosophy, 4-5; on Yoga, 7-8. Month, lunar, 241.

Moon: as giver of life, 244; four septenaries of, 241; nocturnal eye of Osiris, 50(58); numerical values connected with, 53(60); relation of, to invisible planet, 341.

Moor, E., Hindoo Pantheon, 52(60); 425.

Morals, paradoxes of human, 102-03.

Moses, Magical Books of, 16.

Mother: and Third Logos, 397; importance of, 83; matter as productive, 355; Virgin-, 359.

Mother. See Nathalie.

Mother-Father, meaning of seven-skinned, 304.

Motion, eternal per se, 375.

Mulaprakriti [Mülaprakriti]: Aditi of the Vedas, 305; and Parabrahm, 336; aspect or veil of Parabrahm, 303.

Müller, F. Max, 338.

Mummies, 208, 213 fn.

Mystae, entranced, 213 fn.

Mysteries: acanthus used in, 90; debased, 107; dirge chanted in, 213 fn.


Nagas, and Asuras, 372.

Names: art. of J. Bongren on the Mystery, 32; art. of Sepharial 450on the Mystery, 32; Mystery, and Card. Albizzi, 28; Mystery, and their substitutes, 20 et seq.; Mystery, and the Missale Romanum, 26 & fn.; Mystery, are magical potencies, 19, 26; real, of Adepts never revealed, 126; Sabian, of the seven gods, 26.

Narayana, as Logos, 313.

Nathalie: and Milan, 189 et seq.; mistreatment of Queen, 83 et seq.

Natural Selection, inadequate doctrine of, 388.

Nature: secretive, 231; 3 positive and 3 negative states of, 375; unity of, 166-67.

Nebulae, and Milky Way, 374.

Neith, meaning of, 302.

Neophyte, and dirge sung over him, 208 et seq.

Nephesh, 246, 354.

Neroses, 308.

Newton, correct on the whole, 386.

Nicea, Council of, 67, 113.

Nidanas: and causes of existence, 335; def. 326; eternal, 398; karma, and undeserved misery of life, 47.

Nightmares, 262, 263.

Nirvana [Nirvana]: 326, 396; and the Ego, 219; an. illusion also, 311, 327; a state which is but does not exist, 175; Burnouf on, 66, 111; not annihilation, 66 & fn.; the only way to attain, 239.

Nitrogen, 381.

Nitya Pralaya, 393.

Non-being, 335.

North, Josepha, a Theosophist and her sculptures, 240-41.

Notes. See Subba Row.

Nothing, as No-Thing, 43 fn., 44 fn.

Novikoff, Mme., 291.

Numbers: and color and sound, 406; are entities, 372; importance of, 277; usage of, in Kabala, 398.

Nutrition, in crystals, 383.


Object, chief, of T.S., 77.

Obrenovitch, Michael, 191.

Obscuration, of Globe, 393.

Obsession, sexual union under, 156.

Occult: danger of, realms, 270; phenomena and hypnotic hallucinations, 132; power and equivalents used by Black Magicians, 270; secrets may be revealed too soon, 267; teaching barred by rules of mystical training, 95; training and tests, 242; true, knowledge cannot be bought, 285.

Occultism: essential basis of, 349-50; first and most important step in, 226; practical, 395-96; practical training in, 226.

Occultist: Motto of true, 285; must feel at one with all, 395.

Occult Science: origin of, 153, 166; personified as Sophia, 155.

Occult World. See Sinnett.

Odes. See Horace.

Oeaohoo, 373, 377, 378. See Oi-Ha-Hou.

Offices, new, of T.S. in London, 11-12.

Oi-Ha-Hou, 398.

Olcott, H.S.: a Buddhist, 65, 116, 121; doubts of, about E.S., 135; errors of judgment of, pointed out by H.P.B., 10; joint declaration of, and H.P.B., 142; K.H. on extent of authority of, 139-40; on 451H.P.B.’s action in regard to “Isis” Branch, 136-37; only white man in Brotherhood of Luxor, 125; over-cautious about mentioning Masters, 134-35; pours oil upon troubled waters, 108; relations with Masters on psychical plane, 139.

–, Old Diary Leaves, 135, 141 fn., 426.

Old, W.R. (Sepharial), art. on Mystery-Names, 32.

Oliphant, L., Scientific Religion, on “Sympneumata,” 156, 426.

Ollas, Buddhist, burnt, 71, 119.

One, the, as Sun, 278, 279.

Omar Khavyam, Quatrains, 381, 426.

Oneness, and separateness, 395.

Open Court, art. by G.L. Leonard, 62, 430.

Optimism, and pessimism, 223.

Organic, erroneous idea of, and inorganic, 383.

Origen, Comm, in Evang. Joannis, on female Holy Ghost, 54(61) fn.

Ormuzd, and Jehovah, 315.

Osiris-Sun, 48(56), 50(58).

Ovid(?), on slander, 197.

Oxygen: 381; and hydrogen, 377; and water, 349; can be split, 349.

Ozone, 381.


Pallas-Athene, 278.

Pall Mall Gazette, 106, 290, 430.

Parabrahm [Parabrahman]: 242, 308; as Kalahamsa, 378; as Rootless Root, 303; as space and “waters of space,” 367; is Absoluteness, 336; is causality, 336.

Paracelsus. See Hartmann.

Paraclete, advent of, possible, 11.

Paradoxes, of human morals, 102-03.

Paramartha: 347; def. 346.

Paramartha-Satya, 356.

Paramatma [Paramatman], and Jivatma, def. 369.

Paranirvana [Paranirvana], 335.

Paranishpanna, 335, 347.

Parent: Eternal, 303-04; -Space, 331.

Parinibbana, 6.

Passions: as weapons of karmic law, 176; at death and at rebirth, 176.

Passivity, dangers of, 262.

Pater Aether, Zeus, 384.

Path, The: 158, 159, 170, 206; on plagiarized writings, 281-82; suave and gracious, 108.

Patriotism, often a disguise for selfishness and greed, 200.

Patrizi, Card., 29; biogr., 426.

Paul III, Pope, 24.

Paul IV, Pope, 27.

Perisprit, 54(62).

Perjury, and Pledge, 201.

Permutations, in Kabala, 398.

Personality, and rebirth, 176.

Peter, and James, 279.

Phallic, mysteries and Lucifer, 99.

Phantom (s): appearance of, at death, 220; seen in clothes worn by dying man, 221.

Pharisaism, of fellow-Theosophists, 94.

Phenomena: and astral body of medium, 218-19; certain occult, are intensified hypnotism, 132; differences between occult, and hypnotic hallucinations, 132; for simple folk, 131; no physical, in T.S., 242; objective physical, are glamour, 131.

Philosophie. See Du Prel.

Philosophumena. See Hippolytus.

Philosophy, archaic, has many rays, 154.

452 Phineus, as symbol of entranced seer, 209 fn.

Pho, or Fo, 354.

Phosphoros, as Lucifer, 231.

Physicists, incapable of acquiring knowledge by spiritual faculty, 128.

Pi, and circle, 399.

Pioneer, The, and Anglo-Indian surveillance, 293.

Pistis-Sophia, 300, 403.

Pitris [Pitris]: 397; first humanity are astral chhayas of, 365; lunar progenitors and their descendants, 364.

Pius IV, Pope, 24.

Pius V, Pope, 29.

Plane (s): contact between, 166; every, has its own attributes and creatures, 381; higher, and the Ah-hi, 320, 321; many higher and lower than ours, 313; of non-being, 369; three higher, are arupa beyond our comprehension, 357; unmanifested, also septenary, 373.

Planet (s): and ideations acted upon by Planetary Builders, 342; corresp. between, and Archangels, 50(57); error for “cycle” in Isis Unveiled, 215 fn., 216 fn.; every, a Septenary, 31; fragments of former suns, 402; mystery, of initiates, 31 fn.; none of the Earth Globes is a Sacred, 340; not thrown out of sun, 402; origin of, 402; physical, body of a sidereal being, 31; Rulers of Sacred, and of Earth, 340; sacred, and planetary spirits, 341; sacred, are on our plane, 340; “Skins” as symbols of, 304.

Planetary Spirit(s): and pralaya, 344; are sidereal, 344; constitute Adam-Kadmon, 345; def. 340-, Egyptian, 48(56); not an entity but forces, 342.

Plants: and elementáis, 362; consciousness in, 330, 362; karma of, 363.

Plato: and man crucified in space, 52(59); on “God geometrizing,” 400.

Pledge: 77; characteristics required to carry out the, 196; Clause 3 of, a fundamental principle, 207; on condemning others, 197 et seq.

Plenum, and vacuum, 318.

Pleroma, and vacuum, 311.

Pneumatologie. See Mirville, Des Esprits.

Point: and circle, meaning of, 241-42; in Mundane Egg, 351; within the circle, 314, 351.

Polarity, of body and consciousness and life-winds, 398.

Politics: 82, 86; H.P.B. never meddled in, 294.

Poole, R.E., biogr., 426.

Pope, on acknowledgment of being in the wrong, 234.

Potencies, magical, and mysterynames, 19.

Potency: 337, 351, 352; and Logos, 303; of being, 354; plastic, and thoughts, 226.

Potentiality: 337, 352; and Logos 302; of being, 354.

Power(s): dangers of occult, and E.S., 296-97; no magic, taught in E.S, 242; severe tests before, is entrusted to student, 242.

Practical Occultism, 134 fn., 158 fn., 159.

Pradhána: 314; Ákása-, 384.

Prakriti [Prakriti]: and Cosmic Buddhi, 324; seven types, 305.

Pralaya: analogy with sleep, 309; and Dhyanis and Planetary Spirits, 344; can be divided, 308-09; def. 309-, “Great Breath” in, 308-09; Nitya-, 393-, no Ah-hi during, 318; poem on, by a Rishi, 309; Solar, 453and planets, 402; three Logoi in, 332.

Prayer: a mode of will, 39; for victory of armies, 104.

Precipitations: chela’s role in, 130; genuineness of, 129; most, done by chelas, 269.

Priests, an ungodly crowd, 91.

Primordial: the first, seven, 397; the second, seven and Lipika, 403-5.

Principle: Absolute, has no attribute; ever-unknowable, 242; Unknown, 331.

Principles: active in dreams, 246, 258; are aspects of One Principle, 335; four lower, as stalk four cubits high, 51 (59); higher triad of, dormant in animals, 313; lower, after death, 261; loyalty to general, 93-94; man’s, after death, 54(62); seven, and the One Flame, 335; seven, in ancient Egypt, 49(57) et seq.; uniting all, into one, 253.

Privation: and Divine Thought, 304, 363; of matter, 362.

Probation, and esoteric training, 242.

Programme, Original, of T.S., 77 et seq.

Prophecy: and dreams, 255; discovered about worship of angels, 22.

Protestants, Jesuitism of, 32.

Prototypes, and astral light, 361, 363.

Protyle, and Crookes, 306, 307.

Providence, on the side of heaviest battalions, 104.

Psychic: atmosphere confused by suspicion, 139; law of, differentiation, 133; pre-requisites of, development, 127.

Psychics, and color and sound, 267.

Publishers, thrive on murdered reputations, 290.

Puranas: 175, 314, 319, 327, 364; not ridiculed by H.P.B., 89; on the Manus and Rishis, 19 fn.

Pushkin, A., “Ruslan and Ludmila,” 143, 426.

Pymander, and Manu, 363.

Pythagorean: numbers, 355-56; solids, 398.


Quaternary, lower, 54(62).

Quatrains. See Omar Khayyam.


Race(s): and Hierarchies of Dhyani-Buddhas, 343; early, communicated by thought, 339; evolution of First, Second and Third, 365; Hierarchies corresponding to, 395; Third, and kriyasakti, 248.

Radiation and emanation def. 359-60.

Rajagriha [Rajagriha] 71, 119.

Raj-Yoga [Raja-Yoga], powers of, 285.

Randolph, P.B. Eulis, 124.

Ray(s): and sparks and mystical solids, 398-99; differentiation of seven, 347, 252; from Ever-Darkness, 351; innumerable rays from one, 361-62, 368; of the Third Logos, 394-95; prismatic, and unity, 323; seven, 17.

Re-birth: according to Krishna, 396; and kama-rupa of old personality, 176; caused by Karma, Tanha and Skandhas, 176; reminiscences from past, not rare, 208. See Reincarnation.

Reincarnation: and ideas of Spiritualists, 213-14 & fn.; text 454on, in Isis Unveiled and correction thereto, 215-16 fn.

Religion: and science are one, 171-72; def. 161; def. by Carlyle, 161; def. by Miller, 162; def. by Mrs. Stowe, 162; One Universal, 162; Theosophy is, 161; Theosophy not a, 161; Wisdom-, 166-67.

Religions: most, started by Beings on higher plane, 169; sprung from Wisdom-Religion, 167; true at first, polluted later by man, 167, 169.

Resonance, Divine, 265.

Retribution, Law of, 85-86.

Revelation: and Lipika, 405; on Jesus and Morning Star, 231.

Reverence, and worship, 13-14.

Revue des Deux Mondes, 31, 63, 110, 430.

Ripon, Marquis of, 294.

Rishis: 180 & fn.; and creation of animals, 175; and the Great Bear, 30, 346; seven, 346.

Robes, ever-invisible, 304 et seq.

Roman Church: and worship of Star-Angels, 13 et seq.; contemptuous in its attacks, 13; renders divine homage to Angels, 14.

Root: in the ocean of life, def. 369; rootless, 242.

Root-races. See Races.

Round (s): and Hierarchies of Dhyanis, 344; first and second, and man’s evolution, 186 fn.; fourth, and true matter, 186 fn.; man in fourth, before animals, 186 fn.

Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia. See MacKenzie.

Rubinstein, simile of, and a broken down piano, 169.

Rules; of Theos. Soc., 65; on appointments pro tem., 33.

Russian, women as political agents, 291-92.

Russian Church, creed of, 189.

Russkiy Vestnik, 217.

Russkiya Vyedomosti, 88.


Sabians, and their gods, 17,19,26.

Sacred, Planets and their Rulers, 340.

Sagara, King, and Kapila’s glance, 403.

Sainte-Geneviève, as Isis, 278.

St. George of Cappadocia, 14, 30; biogr., 417.

St. James' Gazette, 179, 430.

Saint-Martin, C.de, Correspondence, 155, 426.

“St. Mary of the Angels,” Roman Church and its history, 20 et seq.

St. Paul, an Initiate, 242.

Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, 33-34.

Sakridagamin [Sakridâgâmin], 239.

Sakti, Fohat is, of divine mind, 254.

Salamander, 366.

Samadhi [Samâdhi], 6.

Sangha, cannot be re-established in our civilization, 117(123).

Sânkhya, 305.

Saptaparna Cave, Arhats taught in, 71, 119.

Saptarishis, Jewish, 16.

Sarasvati [Sarasvati], as female Logos, 399.

Sat: 336; or Beness, 315; Maya aspect of, 327.

Satan: and God, 149-51; and Logos, 149; Lucifer mistaken for, 236; one of the Sons of God, 108-09.

Satires. See Juvenal and Horace.

Saturday Review, 295.

Satya, 347.

Sayce, A.H., biogr., 426-27.

Schaff, P., A History of the Creeds, etc., 189, 427.

455 Schools, six Hindu, of philosophy and their terminologies, 305.

Schopenhauer: and maya, 328; intuitive realization of, 350.

Science: many discoveries in, originate in intuition, 350; reasoned knowledge the only exact, 165; religion and, are one, 171-72.

Scientific. See Oliphant.

Sculpture, 241.

Secret Doctrine, echoed in Kalevala, 143 et seq.

Secret Doctrine. See Blavatsky.

Secret Wisdom, carried by Arhats beyond Himalayas, 71.

Seer(s): and dreams, 259; entranced, symbolized by Phineus, 209 fn.; only men, hence imperfect, 169; reason for self-deception of, 361.

Self: Higher, and sleep, 262; inner, and devachanee, 262.

Self-development, no safety outside of, 96.

Selfishness: age of, 86; and conceit of Theosophists, 94; and patriotism, 200; ferocious, cause of starvation, 75, 120; K.H. on, 77-78; Maha-Chohan on, 80; of civilization, 81.

Self-preservation, a retrograde policy, 74.

Selves, or Egos, not eternal, 328.

Seneca, 63.

Sense(s): are interchangeable, 338-39; several sets of, in permanent Ego, 259; sixth, or psychic spiritual intelligence and death, 221.

Separateness: feeling of, must be weakened through inner enlightenment, 74, 120; illusion of, 395; root of all evil, 327-28.

Sephira, feminine, 302, 303, 352, 355.

Sephiroth: 45 fn., 346, 357; same as Elohim, 398; seven lower, 395; three higher, are a blind, 345.

Septenary, of moon, 241.

Sermon on the Mount: code of practical life, 37; universal ethics of, 164.

Seth, and Enos, 357.

Seven: keys to all symbolism, 263; Hierarchies of Dhyanis, 343; number, in Kalevala, 146-47; Primordial, 397; Primordial, and Lipika, 403-5; spirits, 18, 19; worlds or planes tabulated, 50(57).

Sevenfold: man’s, division corresponds to unfolded cube, 53-54(61); physical and psychic men are, 53(60).

Sexed, double-deities, 53-54(61).

Sexes: both inherent in primordial matter, 355; united potentiality of both, in manifestation, 352.

Sexual: union between man and elemental and how broken, 156.

Seyffarth, q. by Skinner, 52(60).

Shakespeare: on faith, 160; on mercy and justice, 200.

SS. Shannon, 135, 137.

Silence, 348.

Simon Magus, the Aeons of, 403-05.

Sinnett, A.P.: declines to participate in work of E.S., xxvi; not the sole exponent of esoteric truth, 152-53.

–, Esoteric Buddhism: 31, 427; allegedly materialistic, 185, 185-86 fn., 188; claims of, discussed, 151 et seq.; not free from minor errors, 153; title and nature of, discussed, 177-88.

–, The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett; 78, 79, 141, 427; 456allegedly wrong Latin in, 183 & fn.

–, The Occult World·, q. letter from K.H., 77-78, 427.

Siva, Vishnu and Brahma, 346.

Sixtus IV, Pope, 20, 21.

Skandhas, 176.

Skinner, J.R., Source of Measures: 356, 427; on anosh, 52(60).

——, Unpublished MS. of, quoted, 53(60).

Slander: 133; often more than murder, 205.

Slavonian, Teacher’s superior is half-, in present incarnation, 153.

Sleep: induced by over-dose of life-force, 257; process of going to, 256-57; space and time in, 324.

Snow-flakes, geometry of, 400.

Society, modern, arena for moral murders, 203-04.

Society for Psychical Research: conspires against T.S., 282; needs a Duca, 27.

Socrates, on slanderers, 198.

Solomon: concubines of, symbolize man’s passions, 162 fn.; emblem of Sol, not a living man, 162-63 fn.; life of, symbol of initiatory trials, 162-63 fn.; Temple of, in man’s heart, 163.

Solstice, Winter, and Sun, 278-79.

Son: and Father, 359; as Universe, def. 333.

“Sons of Light,” dual existence of, 17.

“Sons of Manvantaric Dawn,” def. 347-48.

Sophia: 54(61); -Achamoth, 361; divine, 361; female Holy Ghost, 333; of Gichtel and other Kabalists, symbol of Wisdom, 155-56.

Soul, not immortal, 175.

Soul-solidarity, 74.

Sound: and color and numbers, 406; color and adepts, 266; first sense to manifest, 338; first production of Akasa, 314; taste of, for clairvoyants, 339.

Source. See Skinner.

Sowanna, 239 fn.

Space: abstract, 336; abstract, is absolute All, 175-76; always is, 311; and Duration, 311; as abstract universe or Akasa, 174; as Eternal Parent, discussed, 301 et seq. conceptions of, vary, 312; Cosmic, and Parent, 331; formless, and “waters,” 367; non-differen-tiated, 44 fn.; potential, within abstract, 242; the One Deity, 310; Waters of, and Voice, 406.

Spark (s): divine, and its three aspects, 255; mystical solids, and Rays, 398-99.

Spectroscopic analysis, unreliable, 382.

Speech, and thought taking objective form, 339.

Spheroidal, form of drops, 400.

Sphinx, art. by Franz Lambert, 48(55); 430.

Spirit: and matter, 384; and Voice and Word, 406; as abstract Light, 332; latent, of germ in male cell, 353; manifestations of -Matter, 386.

Spirits: Bull on the Seven, 29; Egyptian Planetary, 48(56); ex-terraneous, but not disembodied, 262; identical with the seven Manus, 19; low, 168; nature —, 387; picture of Seven, exhumed, 21; Planetary, def. 340; Seven, and the Church, 18; Seven, press their claims, 23 et seq.; Seven, send a plague, 26; theory of returning, militates against occult science, 214 fn.; usual names of the 457Seven, 19; worship of the Seven, endorsed, 29-30.

Spiritualism: as muddy torrent from Kamaloka, 153; carnalized, reaps its karma, 167; Christian dogmas led to, 167; “controls” of, and idea of adepts, 282; Fox girls of, turned against it, 168; Theosophy has not said last word yet about, 168.

“Spook.” See Kama-rupa.

Spy(ies): H.P.B. never acted as a, 290, 292; Russian women as, 291-92.

Square, and cube, 356.

Sraddha [Sraddha], in India and Finland, 145.

Sramanas, at Rome ,113.

Sreenivasrow, P., K.H. on, 140 fn.

Srotapatti, 239 fn.

Star, on the S.D. and Lipht on the Path, 234, 235; 430.

Star-Angels, Roman Church worships, 13 et seq.

Starvation, caused by selfishness, 75, 120.

Statements. See Gestefeld.

Steel, Occult properties of, 401.

Sterne: on slander, 205; biogr., 427.

Stevens, A. de Grasse, Miss Hildreth, 289, 290, 294, 427.

Stowe, Mrs., def. religion, 162.

Street, J.C., The Hidden Way Across the Threshold, 281-82, 428.

Struggle for life: a wrong idea, 73-74; does not apply to moral plane, 74; Maha-Chohan’s view on, 80.

Subba Row, T., Esoteric Writings, 180 fn., 428.

–, Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita, 305, 313, 336, 428.

Substance, expansion and contraction of primordial, 386.

Succubi, and incubi, 156.

Sun: as giver of life, 244; as Spiritual Fire and its rays, 17; as the One, 278, 279, 280; becomes a comet in future manvantaras, 382; birth of the Unconquered, 278-79; bundle of electro-magnetic forces, 376; father of calendars, 277; heart of its system, 376-77; meaning of, being “rejected,” 401-2; planets as fragments of former, 462; vampirises its subjects, 376; veil of, removed at pralaya, 402-3; younger than the moon, 401.

Sun-gods, and Zodiac, 277.

Superstition, and idolatry, 118(123).

Supreme, nature of, 150.

Sushupti, 257.

Svabhavat: and Devamatri, 347; and formation of Universe, 383; as Voice of the Word, 401; corresponds to Buddhi, 304; in Gnosticism, 403.

Svapna, 256.

Svayambhu, def. 354.

Swan, as Brahma, 379.

Swift, on slander, 133.

Sylph, 366.

Symbolism, Phallic, of Bible, 99 et seq.

Symbols, potency of, and numbers, 277.

“Sympneumata,” 155.

Syzygies, 403.


Tanha [Tanha]. 176.

Tantrikas [Tantrikas], Bengal, and necromancy, 7 fn.

Taste, of sounds, 339.

Tan, ansated cross, represents man, 52(59).

Taylor, Col., and burial of Yogi, 7.

Telang, Trimbak, 338.

458 Telepathic, impact at death, 221-22.

Temura, 398.

Ten, as number of deity, 278. Tests, occult traning and, 242. Tetrad, 355.

Tetragrammaton: 45 fn., 355, 356; and unfolded cube, 53(61); is Malkuth, 357; not Tetraktys, 357.

Tetraktys: first, 352, 355; not Tetragrammaton, 357.

Thakur, 217.

That(Tad), as absolute thought, 90.

Theodosius, 191.

Theogony. See Hesiod.

Theosophia, distorted, 280-81.

Theosophical, ideas and morality of, Leaders, 94.

Theosophical Forum, 195.

Theosophical Movement: and need for esoteric doctrine, 153; periodicals, and members of T.S., 206-7.

Theosophical Siftings, 297.

Theosophical Society: a Brotherhood of Humanity, 65; a Universal Brotherhood of man, 75, 163; admission fee in, 296; aims loud protest against dogma, 160; an instrument that can yet be mended, 11; and conspiracy of Madras and Cambridge, 282; asserts truth common to all religions, 72, 117, 122; calumniated by Churches, 69 fn.; chief object of, 77; errors committed in conduct of, 134; evils in, 199; first object of, 75; has to be protected against evil, 200; motto of, 76, 115, 121; no real harmony in, 11; not a propaganda for exoteric Buddhism, 65, 70, 116; not an academy of magic, 80; not to be confounded with Theosophy, 165; original lines of, distorted, 198-99; original programme of, 77; Paraclete and end of cycle in 1897, 11; peaceful revolution by, 75; real founders of, 154; Rules of, 33, 65; shattered by the unlearned, 11; strengthened through difficulties, 283; those who left, have not been regretted, 164; views of the Maha-Chohan on, 79-81; volunteer scavenger, 171; will eradicate the “struggle for life” idea, 73-74, 119-20; working Fellows of, and drones, 205-06.

Theosophist(s): and expulsion of, 207; def. by a Master of Wisdom, 69, 115; do not accept mediation by proxy, 162; duty of, when a public official, 200; false, 77; faults of so-called, 76; must be cosmopolitan, 199-200; must protect Theosophy, 180 fn.; not perfect, 165; should not pose as infallible, 181 fn.; two-thirds of, are bad wine in good bottles, 96; working Fellows and drones, 205-06.

Theosophist, The: 63-64 fn., 134, 135, 158, 170, 174, 177, 179, 180, 185, 206, 281; criticism of, 94.

Theosophy: absurdly misunderstood, 159; and defence of others, 197; and Spiritualism, 168; awakens the inner in the animal man, 164; def. 287; distorted by charlatans, 282-83; divine science, 173; divine wisdom, 73, 117; embraces everything, 163; fits men for lives to come, 165; Founders of, and results of their work, 173-74; gains some of those Christianity lost, 171; ideal, divine wisdom, 165; implies no 459personal god, 73, 117; is both religion and science, 171-72; is Religion itself, 161, 162, 163; Miller’s def. of religion and, 162; not a religion, 161; not to be confounded with Theos. Society, 165-66; persecuted, 114; possessed in fullness by higher Beings, 166; practical, embraces every science, 165; practical work in, 163; practised, becomes universal panacea, 164; rebuttal of, 3-4; regarded as a religious sect, 170; rejects methods of science, 171; Saviour of mankind, 173; scientific, reveals origin of faiths, 165; target for slander, 2; the soul of its Society, 166; turns blind belief into reasoned knowledge, 165.

Thermae, 23, 24.

Thessaly, magicians, of, 143.

Thinkers, Manasaputras become, 322.

Thinking, processes of, in various principles of mind, 223.

Thorah, or Dharma, 108-09.

Thought: Absolute or Divine, 360; and desire, 399; and plastic potency, 226; creative power of, in the astral atmosphere, 224; death by, 225; Divine, and space, 304; more responsible than act, 399; plastic power of, 224-25; projected at death, 220-22; silent, 225-26; taking objective form, 339.

“Thought-Divine,” 363.

Thought-image, of adepts and ordinary men, 224.

Thrason, and Marcellus, Sts.: 23; biogr. 428.

Thrones, 19.

Tiamat, 147.

Time: and Duration, def. 310; and Space, 310-11; and the Logoi, 358-59; as succession of states of consciousness, 314-15; conceptions of, vary, 312; conceptions of, for the Devachanee, 316; infinite and conditioned, 358.

Times, on Protestants, 31-32; 430.

Timothy, I, on Theos, 241.

Tolstoy, Count L.N., practical Christian, 163-64.

Tookaram Tatya, high worth of, 188.

Toys, wrong, for children, 226-28.

Training, occult, and tests, 242.

Transmigration. See Reincarnation.

Treatise. See Herschel, J.

Tremain, 291.

Triad: higher, of principles dormant in animals, 313; upper, as ear three cubits high, 51(58), 54(62).

Triangle: and circle, 385; and Rays, 368; as manifested Logos, 351, 352; becomes the Four, 356; evolution of, 355-56.

Tricks: alleged, and occult phenomena, 131-32; psychological, meaning of, 269.

Tridasa [Tridasa], 377.

Trimurti [Trimurti], 346.

Trinity, Christian, 333.

Truth(s): and karma, 287-88; common root of all religions, 169; cutting paths for, 231; is one, 172; must not be mingled with error, 170; not to be found in religions, 81; occult, cannot be absorbed by preconceived minds, 128; the Four, of Buddhism, 326; the One, symbolized by bread, 241.

Truthseeker, The, and D.M.

Bennett, 141 fn., 430.

Turya [Turiya], 257.

Tyndall: on shape of particles and ice-crystals, 400; shows fern-forms in ice, 400.

460 Typhon-Seth, 49(56).

Tziruph, 398.


Undine, 366.

Universal: Brotherhood, 163; great cause of, Brotherhood, 198; Mind and the Ah-hi, 316 et seq.; panacea, 164; Soul, 314.

Universe: abstract, as space, 174; as formless space, 367.

Upadhi [Upâdhi], or plane, 256.

Upanishads, 177, 339.

Uriel: and Adalbert of Magdeburg, 15-16; dual, 16, 17.


Vacuum, and plenum, 318.

Vaivasvata Manu: def. 363; maybe an avatara of Mahat, 364.

Vajradhara, 343.

Vajrasattva, as “Supreme Buddha,” 343.

Vallabhachâryas, 107.

Vanity, blinds intuition, 129.

Vâsudeva, 332 fn.

Vatican, Archives of, 15.

Vedanta [Vedânta], meaning of, 305.

Vedas: 177, 339; do not mention Brahmâ, 332.

Vedder, Elihu: illustration of, 381; biogr., 428.

Venus-Astarte, rites of, 107.

Vibrations, individual rates of, and universal variations, 265 et seq.

Vikartana, and Solomon, 162 fn.

Viraj [Virâj], 351.

Virgil, Aeneid, on Planetary Angels, 14; 428.

Virgin-Egg, 366-67, 368.

Virgin Mary, a regular goddess, 15.

Virgin-Mother, 359.

Vishnu [Vishnu], and Brahma, 332, 346.

Vishnu-Purdna, 44 fn., 305, 313, 332 fn., 428.

Vision, before death, 261.

Visvakarman: 67 & fn., 113; and Solomon, 162 fn.; sacrifice of, 254.

Voice: and Word, 406; Army of the, 398.

Vulcan, planet, 340.


Wade, J.M., 233, 234.

Wainamoinen, 145.

War: and human morals, 102 et seq.; keys to meaning of, in heaven, 371-72.

Warning, Lucifer utters a, 95.

Water: and its elements, 349; as creative elements, 378; as first cosmic element, def. 366; as symbol of space, 367; relation of, to fire, 377.

Web, cosmic, cooling, 385, 386-87.

Weber, A., 5, 428.

Weight, and gravity, 377.

Were-wolves, 218.

Whitaker, C.H., 159.

Who Wrote, etc. See Hare.

Will: action of, in sleep, 252-53; active, of the Creative God, 327; Ah-hi have no free, 322; and mediumship, 262; and prayer, 39; and thought-images of adepts and ordinary men, 224; currents of, 41; divine free, and Dhyani-Buddhas, 387; free, in plants, 362; of occultist and hypnotic hallucinations, 132.

Wilson, Dr., 314.

Wisdom-Religion, date of, 166-67.

Wittoba, 52(59).

Womanhood: and Queen Nathalie, 85; outraged, 85-86.

461 Word, and Voice and Spirit, 406.

Word, The, 268 fn.

Worlds, Seven, or planes tabulated, 50(57).

World-stuff, nature of, 370, 373.

Worship: def. 14; why unphilosophical, 345.

Wraith, when seen, 261.


5iavanacharya [Yavanacharya], is Pythagoras, 368.

Year: calamities of 1888, 277-78; New, and astral life of earth, 277; solar, and man’s principles, 52-53(60).

Yoga, exoteric, dangerous, 398.

Yogacharya, School, 347.

Yong-Griib, or Paranirvana, 335.

Zacharias, Pope: 15; biogr. 429.

Zeruana-Akerne, 308.

Zeus, as Aether, 384.

Zhelihovsky, V.V. de, marries Chas. Johnston, xxv.

Zinovief, and Blavatsky, 290, 293.

Zodiac: and sun-gods, 277; twelve signs of, and Janus, 279.

Zohar, 108, 259, 351, 352.

Zola, 227.