User contributions for Tima

A user with 3,455 edits. Account created on 14 May 2013.
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30 August 2023

  • 14:4014:40, 30 August 2023 diff hist +690 N NagarjunaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nagarjuna |person=No |term to show=Nâgârjuna |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=An Arhat, a hermit (a native of Western India) converted to Buddhism by Kapi..." current
  • 14:4014:40, 30 August 2023 diff hist +416 N NagarajasCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nagarajas |person=No |term to show=Nâgarâjas |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=The usual name given to all the supposed “guardian Spirits” of lakes and..." current
  • 14:4014:40, 30 August 2023 diff hist +296 N NagalCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nagal |person=No |description=The title of the chief Sorcerer or “medicine man” of some tribes of Mexican Indians. These keep always a ''daimon ''or go..." current
  • 14:3914:39, 30 August 2023 diff hist +1,001 N NagadwipaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nagadwipa |person=No |term to show=Nâgadwîpa |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Lit., “the island of the Dragons”; one of the ''Seven Divisions ''of Bh..." current
  • 14:3914:39, 30 August 2023 diff hist +2,218 N NâgaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Naga |person=No |term to show=Nâga |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Literally “Serpent”. The name in the Indian Pantheon of the Serpent or Dragon Spiri..." current
  • 14:3814:38, 30 August 2023 diff hist +41 NabuNo edit summary current
  • 14:3714:37, 30 August 2023 diff hist +381 N NabuCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nabu |person=No |origin={{tip|Chald}} |description=Nebu or Nebo, generally; the Chaldean god of Secret Wisdom, from which name the Biblical, Hebrew term ''..."
  • 14:3714:37, 30 August 2023 diff hist +171 N NabhiCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nabhi |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=The father of Bhârata, who gave his name to ''Bhârata Varsha ''(land) or India {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 14:3414:34, 30 August 2023 diff hist +749 N NabatheansCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nabatheans |person=No |description=A sect almost identical in their beliefs with the Nazarenes and Sabeans, who had more reverence for John the Baptist tha..." current
  • 14:3414:34, 30 August 2023 diff hist +230 N NaaseniCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Naaseni |person=No |description=The Christian Gnostic sect, called Naasenians, or serpent worshippers, who considered the constellation of the Dragon as th..." current
  • 14:3314:33, 30 August 2023 diff hist +439 N NCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=N |person=No |description=The 14th letter in both the English and the Hebrew alphabets. In the latter tongue the N is called Nun, and signifies a fish. It..." current
  • 14:3314:33, 30 August 2023 diff hist +1,163 N NabiaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Nabia |person=No |origin={{tip|Heb}} |description=Seership, soothsaying. This oldest and most respected of mystic phenomena is the name given to prophecy i..." current
  • 14:3214:32, 30 August 2023 diff hist +311 N Mystica Vannus IacchiCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mystica Vannus Iacchi |person=No |description=Commonly translated the mystic Fan: but in an ancient terra‐cotta in the British Museum the fan is a Basket..." current
  • 14:3114:31, 30 August 2023 diff hist +440 N MystesCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mystes |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=In antiquity, the name of the new Initiates; now that of Roman Cardinals, who having borrowed all their o..." current
  • 14:3114:31, 30 August 2023 diff hist +286 N Mystery LanguageCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mystery Language |person=No |description=The sacerdotal secret jargon employed by the initiated priests, and used only when discussing sacred things. Every..." current
  • 14:3114:31, 30 August 2023 diff hist +2,586 N MysteriesCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mysteries |person=No |description=Greek ''teletai'', or finishings, celebrations of initiation or the Mysteries. They were observances, generally kept secr..." current
  • 14:3014:30, 30 August 2023 diff hist +250 N Mysterium MagnumCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mysterium Magnum |person=No |origin={{tip|Lat}} |description=“The great Mystery”, a term used in Alchemy in connection with the fabrication of the “P..." current
  • 14:3014:30, 30 August 2023 diff hist +151 N MystagogyCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mystagogy |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=The doctrines or interpretations of the sacred mysteries {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 14:2914:29, 30 August 2023 diff hist +272 N MyalbaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Myalba |person=No |origin={{tip|Tib}} |description=In the Esoteric philosophy of Northern Buddhism, the name of our Earth, called '''Hell '''for those who..." current
  • 14:2914:29, 30 August 2023 diff hist +192 N MuthamCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mutham |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |variations=Mattam |description=Temples in India with cloisters and monasteries for regular ascetics and scholars {{ct..." current
  • 14:2814:28, 30 August 2023 diff hist +524 N MuspelCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Muspel |person=No |origin={{tip|Scand}} |description=A giant in the ''Edda'', the Fire‐god, and the father of the Flames. It was these evil sons of the g..." current
  • 14:2814:28, 30 August 2023 diff hist +286 N MurttimatCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Murttimat |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Something inherent or incarnate in something else and inseparable from it; like ''wetness ''in water,..." current
  • 14:2714:27, 30 August 2023 diff hist +202 N MurtiCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Murti |person=No |term to show=Mûrti |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=A form, or a sign, or again a face, e.g., “Trimûrti”, the “three Faces” or I..." current
  • 14:2714:27, 30 August 2023 diff hist +185 N MurariCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Murari |person=No |term to show=Murâri |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=An epithet of Krishna or Vishnu; lit., the enemy of ''Mura''—an Asura {{ctd-sourc..." current
  • 14:2614:26, 30 August 2023 diff hist +107 N MunisCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Munis |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Saints, or Sages {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 14:2614:26, 30 August 2023 diff hist +366 N Mundane EggCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mundane Egg |person=No |variations=Mundane Tree |description=Or any other such symbolical object in the world Mythologies. ''Meru ''is a “Mundane Mountai..." current
  • 14:2514:25, 30 August 2023 diff hist +216 N Mundakya UpanishadCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mundakya Upanishad |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Lit., the “Mundaka esoteric doctrine”, a work of high antiquity. It has been translated b..." current
  • 14:2414:24, 30 August 2023 diff hist +162 N MumukshatwaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mumukshatwa |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Desire for liberation (from reincarnation and thraldom of matter) {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 14:2414:24, 30 August 2023 diff hist +528 N MummyCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mummy |person=No |description=The name for human bodies embalmed and preserved according to the ancient Egyptian method. The process of mummification is a..." current
  • 14:2314:23, 30 August 2023 diff hist +675 N Muluk‐TaoosCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Muluk‐Taoos |person=No |origin={{tip|Arab}} |description=From ''Maluk'', “Ruler”, a later form of Moloch, Melek, Malayak and ''Malachim'', “messeng..." current
  • 14:2314:23, 30 August 2023 diff hist +117 N MulilCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mulil |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=A name of the Chaldean Bel {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 14:2214:22, 30 August 2023 diff hist +285 N MulaprakritiCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mulaprakriti |person=No |term to show=Mûlaprakriti |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=The Parabrahmic root, the abstract deific feminine principle—undiffer..." current
  • 14:1314:13, 30 August 2023 diff hist +248 N MuktaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mukta |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |variations=Mukti |description=Liberation from sentient life; one beatified or liberated; a candidate for ''Moksha'', f..." current
  • 14:1214:12, 30 August 2023 diff hist +384 N MudraCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mudra |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Called the mystic seal. A system of occult signs made with the fingers. These signs imitate ancient Sanskr..." current
  • 14:1114:11, 30 August 2023 diff hist +237 N MuCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mu |person=No |origin={{tip|Senzar}} |description=The mystic word (or rather a portion of it) in Northern Buddhism. It means the “destruction of temptati..." current

18 August 2023

  • 05:5905:59, 18 August 2023 diff hist +232 N MoutCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mout |person=No |origin={{tip|Eg}} |variations=Mooth |description=The mother goddess; the primordial goddess, for “all the gods are born from Mooth”, i..." current
  • 05:5405:54, 18 August 2023 diff hist +218 N MotCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mot |person=No |term to show=Môt |origin={{tip|Phœn}} |description=The same as ''ilus, ''mud, primordial chaos; a word used in the Tyrrhenian Cosmogony (..." current
  • 05:5305:53, 18 August 2023 diff hist +223 N MoryaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Morya |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=One of the royal Buddhist houses of Magadha; to which belonged Chandragupta and Asoka his grandson; also t..." current
  • 05:5305:53, 18 August 2023 diff hist +256 N Moriah, MountCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Moriah, Mount |person=No |term to show=Mount Moriah |description=The site of King Solomon’s first temple at Jerusalem according to tradition. It is to th..." current
  • 05:5205:52, 18 August 2023 diff hist +1,352 N MoonCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Moon |person=No |description=The earth’s satellite has figured very largely as an emblem in the religions of antiquity; and most commonly has been repres..." current
  • 05:1505:15, 18 August 2023 diff hist +177 N MonogenesCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Monogenes |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=Lit., “the only‐begotten”; a name of Proserpine and other gods and goddesses {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 05:1405:14, 18 August 2023 diff hist +260 N MonasCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Monas |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=The same as the term ''Monad ''; “Alone”, a unit. In the Pythagorean system the duad emanates from the..." current
  • 05:1405:14, 18 August 2023 diff hist +369 N MonadCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Monad |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=The Unity, the ''one ''; but in Occultism it often means the unified triad, Atma‐Buddhi‐Manas, or the..." current
  • 05:1305:13, 18 August 2023 diff hist +197 N MokshaCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Moksha |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=“Liberation.” The same as Nirvâna; a post mortem state of rest and bliss of the “Soul‐Pilgrim”..." current
  • 05:1305:13, 18 August 2023 diff hist +286 N MoiraCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Moira |person=No |origin={{tip|Gr}} |description=The same as the Latin ''Fatum''—fate, destiny, the power which rules over the actions, sufferings, the l..." current
  • 05:1305:13, 18 August 2023 diff hist +123 N MobedsCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mobeds |person=No |origin={{tip|Zend}} |description=Parsi, or Zoroastrian priests {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 05:1205:12, 18 August 2023 diff hist +337 N MnevisCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mnevis |person=No |origin={{tip|Eg}} |description=The bull Mnevis, the Son of Ptah, and the symbol of the Sun‐god Ra, as Apis was supposed to be Osiris i..." current
  • 05:0705:07, 18 August 2023 diff hist +169 N MlechchhasCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mlechchhas |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Outcasts. The name given to all foreigners, and those who are non‐Aryas {{ctd-source|TG}}. }}" current
  • 05:0705:07, 18 August 2023 diff hist +250 N MizraimCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mizraim |person=No |origin={{tip|Eg}} |description=The name of Egypt in very ancient times, This name is now connected with Freemasonry. See the rite of Mi..." current
  • 05:0305:03, 18 August 2023 diff hist +638 N MitreCreated page with "{{CTD article |term=Mitre |person=No |description=The head‐dress of a religious dignitary, as of a Roman Catholic Bishop: a capending upwards in two lips, like a fish’s he..." current
(newest | oldest) View ( | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)