from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
< Occultism and Spiritualism (continued from page 1-123) >
Boston Sunday Herald March, 6 1876
<Untitled> (D. D. Home on Some Recent Developments)
D. D. Home on Some Recent Developments and Isms of American Spiritualism–Col. Olcott and Mme. Blavatsky
Home’s Doubts of the Mediumship of Mme. Blavatsky[2]
...with their decorations[3]. These are only...
<Untitled> (Mr. Home is identified)
- ↑ D. D. Home on Some Recent Developments by Bloede, G., Boston Sunday Herald
- ↑ Home doubting my mediumship proved that he is a genuine and even a reliable medium. H. P. Blavatsky was never a medium except, perhaps, in her earliest youth.
- ↑ And who ever thought or said they were! It is not a decoration but a buckle, you Spiritualistic fool. It ought to be remembered also, that Mr. D. D. Home who was twice tried for swindling (Mrs. Lyon once) never knew or even saw me in his whole life, but, has certainly gathered most carefully the dirtiest gossip possible about Nathalie Blavatsky. Home is a liar and poor Dr. Bloede was turned into a cat by this mediumistic monkey to draw the chestnuts for him out of the fire, as the Sp. Scientist says.
- ↑ Mr. Home is identified by J.R.B.. From Banner of Light