Jehovah was the ancient name By which God, as King and Lord,
Ruled o’er the earth ; with fire and flame Came once his spoken word.
But Jesus taught a gentler name— He who has brought you words of peace
Galled his name Father, soul of love, Through whom all spirits find release.
Let ancient kingdoms have their lords, Let kings and potentates appear
In all the ancient, sacred words ; We choose the name by Christ made dear
Father—the God of light and love, To whom as children we may turn,
For every gracious gift above, Who will not any offerings spurn.
He breathes out o’er the entire world
His words of beauteous thought, unfurled
E’en like a banner o’er the sky ;
Be this thy token ever nigh,
That like the snowy white-winged dove, Thy presence ever broodeth o’er ;
Thou givest us thy care and love, We cannot ask thee, God, for more.
Yes, God is love ; the light that gleams Within the aspiring eye of heaven,
Down through all darkness ever streams. God’s love to every heart is given ;
No way so dark but it illumes By its rich splendor all the way ;
No soul so low but it consumes The dross and melts the frost away.
O blessed love, be thine the flame That lights us where angels adore
O blessed Father, be thy name The name we love for evermore.
The following poem was delivered by Mrs. Cora L. V. Tappan, at Brighton, Eng., while under control.–the subject being selected by the majority of the audience. The poem may therefore be considered as impromptu:–and on! So sweet with the …iph Jehovah as the hero!