HPB - Application for USA passport

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Application for Passport
No. 8782
Author(s): Joseph H. Brown
Organization: Court of Common Pleas.
Place: New York
Date: 1878-07-09
Language(s): English
Receiver(s): Blavatsky H.P.
Summary and notes
USA Passport granted to H. P. Blavatsky
Location: Location unknown; archive number: USM1372_225-0331_1
Other languages

Application for Passport – Naturalized.

No.   8782.  

W. Reid Gould, Law Blank Publisher and Stationer, 168 Nassau St., N. Y.

Issued   July 9/78  

State of   New York   x3em ss.
County of   New York  

I,   Helen P. Blavatsky   do swear that I was born in   Russia   on or about the   31   day of   July 1836   that I am a NATURALIZED AND LOYAL CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, and about to travel abroad; and further, that I am the Identical Person described in the Certificate of Naturalization, afterwards presented.

Sworn to before me, this   Eighth   day x3em      Helen P. Blavatsky  
of   July, 1878  
  Joseph H. Brown  
Notary Public.
Description of   Helen P. Blavatsky  
Age:   41   years. Mouth:   Large  
Stature:   5   feet,   5   inches, Eng. Chin:   Round  
Forehead:   High   Hair:   Brown  
Eyes:   Blue   Complexion:   Fair  
Nose:   Broad   Face:   Round  

I,   Helen P. Blavatsky   do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution an Government of the United States against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any State, Convention or Legislature to the contrary notwithstanding; and further, that I do this with a full determination, pledge and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion whatsoever; and further, that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties which may be required of me by law.

So help me God.

Sworn to before me, this   Eighth   day x3em      Helen P. Blavatsky  
of   July, 1878  
  Joseph H. Brown  

Notary Public N.Y.

... to Helen P. Blavatsky


New York City

Five dollars tax, as imposed by law, will be required, in U..S. currency, with each application.
When husband, wife, minor, children and servants expect to travel together, a single passport for the whole will suffice.
Fore any other person in the party a separate passport will be required.
Address Department of State, Passport Bureau., Washington, D. C.

Editor's note

<Note handwritten at the top:> pd <indicating “paid”>

<Spelling of Blavatsky has been corrected in two places.>

<Written sideways across the application:>

Court of Common Pleas.

New York City

July 8/78