Besant A - Letter to Zhelikhovsky VP (1892-07-16)

Letter data
Author(s): Besant A.
Place: 17 and 19, Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London, N.W.
Date: 1892-07-16
Language(s): English
Receiver(s): Zhelikhovsky V.P.
Person(s): Johnston V.V.
Place(s): 14 rue Chaptal, Paris
Other: Nightmare Tales; Polar Lands; Why I became a Theosophist
Concerns: Blavatsky H.P.
Summary and notes
About damage of "Nightmare Tales" during delivery to V. P. Zhelikhovsky, authorship of "Polar Lands" wrongly assigned to HPB and bad translation of "Why I became a Theosophist" into French.
Location: GARF, items:
Ф. Р-5972. Оп. 1. Д. 79. Л. 10
Ф. Р-5972. Оп. 1. Д. 79. Л. 10об
Besant A - Zhelikhovsky VP, 1892-07-16, 1.jpg Besant A - Zhelikhovsky VP, 1892-07-16, 2.jpg
Other languages


from: Besant A.
to: Zhelikhovsky V.P.
date: 1892-07-16

17 and 19, Avenue Road
Regent's Park
London, N.W.
July 16, 1892

Dear Madame Jelihovsky,

I am very sorry you had an imperfect copy of Nightmare Tales; I send a perfect one. Some were badly bound.

The Polar Lands was in her writing, among her papers she gave me, so I had no idea it was not hers. I will mention the mistake in next Lucifer, & I would be very much obliged to you indeed if you will let me print the story under your name in Lucifer. I will tell Mrs. Johnston what you say.

The place to inquire about French Theosophical literature is the Siège français, 14 rue Chaptal. The French “translation” of "Why I became a Theosophist" is very badly done, is not really a translation, as so many alterations are made. But you will get all information at rue Chaptal.

With kind regards

Annie Besant