
vol. 1, p. 10
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 1 (1874-1876)


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Grandmother and granddaughter by G. Novoskoltsev

Grandmother and granddaughter

Москва. — Выставка картинъ учениковъ школы живописи и ваянiя. "Бабушка и внучка". Картина Г. Новоскольцова.
(rus.: Moscow. — The exhibition of paintings of Painting and Sculpture School students. Grandmother and granddaughter[2] by G. Novoskoltsov[3]).


  1. Grandmother and granddaughter by Novoskoltsov, G.. Text in Russian: Г. Новоскольцев, "Бабушка и внучка"
  2. <This could be a hint for passing religion and growing up since.>
  3. <There is a mistype. Alexandr Nickanorovich Novoskoltsev (1853—1919) — Russian artist.>