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Author(s): | Baissac J. |
Place: | Paris |
Date: | 1892-06-05 |
Language(s): | French, Russian |
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Receiver(s): | Zhelikhovsky V.P. |
Place: | |
Date: | |
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Person(s): | Blavatsky H.P.; Morsier, Emilie de |
Place(s): | |
Other: | |
Concerns: | |
Summary and notes
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Objection on claim on humiliation of H. P. Blavatsky | |
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Location: | GARF, items: Ф. Р-5972. Оп. 1. Д. 79. Л. 30 Ф. Р-5972. Оп. 1. Д. 79. Л. 31 |
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Other languages
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Russian | |
from: | Baissac J. |
to: | Zhelikhovsky V.P. |
date: | 1892-06-05 |
5 June 1892
I would have liked, before responding to your letter, to see the translation on the subject of which you had posed your questions. This translation is not in the hands of Mme. Morsier, and I cannot recommend it, refer to it. I cannot tell you that I have kept a very exact memory of it; I can only say that I have found it to conform to the text in the Russian language that you know. I will add also, Madam, that it does not seem to me, as far as I can remember, that nothing, in the translation of the original letter, seemed to me likely to tarnish the honorability of Mme. Blavatsky. The only slightly suspicious phrase of this letter could also be explained in a broad way conditional,* and it is this meaning, if I recall correctly, that I would have preferred as the true or the most probable.
Please accept, Madam, the homage of my respect.
J. Baifsac
* NB. The whole business is in the fact, that when translating to Fr.[ench] language, everything that is written as guessing and in conditional, turns to affirmative meaning. In [word] conditionnel skipped [letters] s and it turned to future affirmative.
[There is one unrecognized word on 4th page written upside-down probably in Russian.]
Original letter in French, note in old Russian
Paris le 5 Juin 1892.
J'aurais voulu, avant de répondre a votre lettre, de voir la traduction au sujet de laquelle vous n'aviez posé vos questions. Cette traduction n'est pas entre les mains de Mme. de Morsier, et je ne rein pas par consignent, m'y reporter. Je ne puis vous dire que j'en ai gardé un souvenir bien exact; je puis seulement affirmer que je l'avai trouvéee conforme au texte en langue russe que vous connaissez. J'ajouterai russi, Madame, qu'il ne me semblé pas, autant que je m'en souvienne, que rien, dans la traduction comme dans la lettre originale, m'rit paru de nature a entacher l'honorabilité de Mme. Blavatsky. La seule phrase un peu louche de cette lettre pouvait aussi s'expliquer d'une maniere large, conditionnelle,* at c'est bien ce sens, si je me le rappelle bien, que j'eusse préféré comme le vrai ou le plus probable.
Veillez agréer, Madame, l'hommage de mon respect.
J. Baifsac
* NB. Все то и дҍло въ томъ, что въ переводҍ на фр. языкъ, все писанное гадательно и условно, обращено въ утвердительный смыслъ. У conditionnel опущены s и вышло Futur affirmatif.
[upside-down word on 4th page]