Common tasks for Heritage of H.P.B. project.
The project is international, currently bilingual. There is a special page for tasks in Russian section.
To publish online
1. Works
- Text online: Teopedia, KatinkaHesselink.net
- PDF files: Teopedia website, Teopedia file storage, Theosophy World.
Various tasks
- Restore italics ← compare with original PDF files
- Apply template {{Style P-Quote}} to quotes
- Rearrange comments by B. Zirkoff. Now, in some cases text splited wrongly.
Make static table of contents
Now, TOC is dynamic and it takes too long (up to 10 seconds) to create it. It is because there is a lot of data, which needs to be processed to get the final page. The solution (seems to be) is to have 3 pages:
- BCW – static TOC, one table
- BCW/Latest – dynamic TOC, created from most recent data; that is what we have now
- BCW/Update – update form, which creates html or wiki code, that we periodicaly use to replace content of “BCW” page
There was an attempt to implement the above. That is failed.
- 1) User:Pavel_Malakhov/test/bcw-static-toc – final wiki code to copy to BCW
- 2) User:Pavel_Malakhov/test/generate-bcw-toc – creating wiki code
- 3) Template:HPB-CW-create-static-toc-item – parameter request
- 4) Template:HPB-CW-create-static-toc-item_design – output design
The problem: (4) returns to (2) resolved hyperlinks, but not their wiki code; as a result, when we paste this code there are no links. Follow links above to see examples.
It could help if we could find how to switch off parsing parameters. Semantic property contains the link in a format we want, so it would be good to pass the value of that property as simple text, without converting it to hyperlink. There could be an option for semantic request, but #-raw does not help.
May be we can do it with Lua somehow? But how to perform semantic request from Lua?
Some resources, which did not help: Help:Substitution, Help:Magic_words, Help:Templates Help:Parser_functions_in_templates
2. Letters
3. Scrapbooks
- Fix: take co-author into account, make him/her author as well, add to the list of authors
| author = Olcott, H. S.; Newton, H. J. | title = Cremation of the Body of a Spiritualists
Improve authors page
- Show name in one style. Apply {{CTD show name||mode=}} to lists. See {{CTD show name}}.
- Create request form, which create a list for one author, merging different spellings of his name.
Find original sources for texts
- HPB-SB/Sources – list of all used sources
- CTD/Periodicals – list of periodicals
- http://iapsop.com/ – a lot of periodicals in PDF on Theosophy, Spiritualism, and so on.
- Make request form, which creates a list like HPB-SB/Sources, but for one magazine.
Find orginal sources for images
Find aternative sources for used images. See category «HPB Scrapbooks images».
It seems like HPB ofter has used Harper's New Monthly Magazine (archive.org)
Fable illustrations by Frederick Stuart Church, 1842-1924:
- https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/m026jy7k
- https://collection.cooperhewitt.org/people/18060565/objects/
Improve template {{HPB-SB-item}} with Lua
- Write Lua function item_title in [[SB]] and move there all current template code. This should improve the speed.
– consider hide parameter to hide title for images. Check on 4:165, 4:215
– use temporary template {{HPB-SB-item2}} and use it on real page clone. Get author's full name from CTD
4. Co-working
Work on table of contents for Theosophist and Lucifer, fill tamplates for every item:
- recover author's full name and copy signature to another field
- add links to text online and Russian translation in Teopedia Russian section