
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 1, p. 185
vol. 1 (1874-1876)
page 185


  • HPB note
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  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
  • Lost or unclear
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< Captured (continued from page 1-184) >

Donn Piatt says that Senator Jones offered “Dr.” Slade $560 to let him raise the slate while the psuedo spirits were writing, and that he, Donn Piatt himself, was puzzled so much that he does not believe it possible for Dr. Lankester to have solved the problem of Spiritualism.

Interesting Information


The following parties, several of them well-known Spiritualists, were present at the show at Mrs. Bennett’s <*> and witnessed the…

<*> This is the same Mrs Bennett whose mediumship was so strongly believed in by Epes Sargent. He wrote me a letter and sent a picture made in the dark by this cheat of the departed daughter of one of his friends. The picture was unanimously recognized. “The best test that was ever given” wrote poor Epes Sargent to his correspondents.

The Moral of the Bennett Expose–Letter from Mrs. Denton


Behind the Scenes


Editor's notes

  1. Interesting Information by unknown author, Boston Herald
  2. The Moral of the Bennett Expose–Letter from Mrs. Denton by Denton, Elizabeth M. F., Herald, The
  3. Behind the Scenes by Denton, E. M. F. (?)