
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 11, p. 117
vol. 11
page 117


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The Occult World*

Are the Phenomena of Occultism and of Physical Mediumship Identical?

Ever since the Theosophical Society was born into the world, we have watched with interest to see if its members had any phenomena in their midst differing in kind from those of mediumship; also, whether any evidence beyond that of the assertions of mediums more or less under control, has been produced that the said individuals can govern the phenomena. As yet we have seen no evidence but that of unverified individual assertions, of anything but ordinary mediumship being, in all cases, at the root of the matter, the mysterious powers in the one instance calling themselves “the Brothers,” and in the other “John King,” “Peter,” and so on. Mr. Sinnett’s book tends strongly to confirm us in the speculation that the Brothers are but members of the John King fraternity, under another name. Nothing is recorded in Mr. Sinnett’s book which the intelligences about a strong medium could not do after a little practice, and some of the spirits about strong physical mediums are eminently jocular, or sometimes intentionally untruthful, as those who are intimately acquainted with mediums who have been living in their own families, can testify from long experience. It seems to be a general law that the lower the spirit, the greater is its direct control over common matter, and its power of producing marvellous physical manifestations.

If Madame Blavatsky controls the phenomena, how is it that Mr. Sinnett is obliged to tell us that “it was out of Madame Blavatsky’s power to give an exact explanation how these raps were produced.” He adds, “Every effort of occult power is connected with some secret or other,” which is unfortunate.

Mr. Sinnett states that the Brothers had “an unconquerable objection to showing off,” and that during Madame Blavatsky’s first visit to his house, only the slightest of imaginable <... continues on page 11-118 >

* The Occult World, by A. P. Sinnett. London; Trubner & Co., 1881.

Editor's notes

  1. The Occult World* by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 460, June 17, 1881, pp. 277-80
